Revision > flight : Which of the following situations will most likely lead to a stable air mass ?
Question 137-1 : Subsidence and/or cooling from below cold air at higher levels and advection of warm air at lower levels widespread convection decreasing wind and developing showers

Which cloud species is described by the following definition 'clouds which ?
Question 137-2 : Castellanus calvus fractus congestus
Which of the following processes contributes to the formation of frontal fog ?
Question 137-3 : Rain falls from the warm air into the cold air very cold air flows over much warmer sea moist air flows over land during a clear night maritime polar air flows over a warm ground

Which cloud species is described by the following definition .'cumulonimbus ?
Question 137-4 : Capillatus calvus fractus congestus
Which of the following statements is true concerning orographic fog ?
Question 137-5 : It may be formed by day as well as by night it forms suddenly by day but not by night it is formed when the air is unstable it develops slowly and dissipates rapidly

Which cloud type genus is described by the following definition .'detached ?
Question 137-6 : Cirrus cirrostratus stratus altostratus

The main components of a cirrostratus are ?
Question 137-7 : Ice crystals ice crystals and water droplets water droplets water droplets and water vapour

Which of the following circumstances most favours the development of orographic ?
Question 137-8 : High relative humidity absolutely unstable air katabatic winds clear nights

The main components of an altostratus are ?
Question 137-9 : Ice crystals and water droplets water droplets and snow grains water droplets and water vapour ice crystals and ice pellets

Which of the following cloud types is found at high level ?
Question 137-10 : Cc st ac sc

In wintertime stratus is often formed when warm maritime air moves over cold ?
Question 137-11 : Turbulence clouds orographic clouds frontal clouds convective clouds

Which cloud type 'genus' is described by the following definition .'grey cloud ?
Question 137-12 : Nimbostratus altostratus stratus stratocumulus

Which cloud type 'genus' is described by the following definition .'cumulus ?
Question 137-13 : Towering cumulus cumulonimbus capillatus cumulus fractus cumulus humilis

Which of the following statements is true concerning frontal fog ?
Question 137-14 : It may be formed by day as well as by night it usually forms by night it develops rapidly and dissipates slowly it usually forms by day

Which of the following statements is true concerning orographic fog ?
Question 137-15 : It is formed when air is forced to rise up a slope it usually forms by night it develops when air is descending down a slope it usually forms by day

Which of the following cloud types will most probably form when cold moist air ?
Question 137-16 : Cumulus stratocumulus nimbostratus stratus

Which of the following clouds may extend into more than one étage ?
Question 137-17 : Cumulus congestus cirrocumulus altocumulus stratus

Which of the following circumstances most favours the development of frontal fog ?
Question 137-18 : Increase of the relative humidity by evaporation of rain drops advection of very cold air over much warmer sea nocturnal radiation absolutely unstable air

Where does one normally find the highest cloud tops ?
Question 137-19 : In a tropical cyclone in a cold front in a polar low near an occlusion point

The frontal or mixing fog results from the meeting of ?
Question 137-20 : A warm and very humid air mass with a cold and very humid air mass a warm and very dry air mass with a cold and very dry air mass a warm and very humid air mass with a cold and dry air mass a cold and very humid air mass with a cold and dry air mass

What wind conditions occurring just before dawn favour the formation of fog at ?
Question 137-21 : Calm easterly 10 kt northerly 10 kt westerly 10 kt variable

If you are flying from zurich to stockholm at fl 240 what conditions can you ?
Question 137-22 : Out of cloud throughout the flight largely free of cloud moderate icing half way along the route scattered thunderstorms cloud most of the way little chance of cat

In which cloud type does moderate to severe airframe icing most probably occur ?
Question 137-23 : In nimbostratus clouds in stratus clouds in clouds containing ice crystals in altostratus clouds

Which of the following clouds represents the most stable air mass ?
Question 137-24 : Altocumulus lenticularis altocumulus castellanus cumulus congestus cumulonimbus

A frontal depression passes through the airport what form of precipitation do ?
Question 137-25 : Continuous rain or snow during 6 hours until the warm front arrives the precipitation stops for several hours within the warm sector on the arrival of the cold front showers within a couple of hours continuous rain or snow while the frontal wave passes for a period of some 24 hours showers during some 2 hours until the warm front arrives drizzle in the warm sector within 12 hours rain or snow on the passage of the cold front rain or snow during about 12 hours until the warm front arrives within the warm sector the rain increases improvement on the passage of the cold front

Which of the following are favourable conditions for the formation of freezing ?
Question 137-26 : Warm air aloft from which rain is falling into air with a temperature below 0°c water droplets falling from cold air aloft with a temperature below 0°c into air with a temperature above 0°c cold air aloft from which hail is falling into air that is warm an isothermal layer aloft with a temperature just above 0°c through which rain is falling

Which form of precipitation from clouds containing only water is most likely to ?
Question 137-27 : Drizzle moderate rain with large drops heavy rain with large drops hail

Which of the following zones is most likely to encounter little or no ?
Question 137-28 : The north side of the alps with a prevailing foehn from the south the north side of the alps with a prevailing foehn from the north frontal zones occlusions

What is encountered during the summer over land in the centre of a cold air pool ?
Question 137-29 : Showers and thunderstorms strong westerly winds fine weather cu sky clear skc

What type of cloud can produce hail showers ?
Question 137-30 : Cb ac ns cs

Which airport at 1200 utc has the lowest probability of precipitation . 268 ?
Question 137-31 : Lszh essa enfb efhk

Flight lisbon to bordeaux eta 1800 utc what type of precipitation is forecast ?
Question 137-32 : Heavy rain showers continuous moderate rain light drizzle and fog moderate snow showers

An airborne weather radar installation makes it possible to detect the location ?
Question 137-33 : Zones of precipitation particularly liquid state precipitation and also their intensity all clouds cumulonimbus but provided that cloud of this type is accompanied by falls of hail stratocumulus and its vertical development

At which altitude at temperate latitudes may hail be expected in connection ?
Question 137-34 : From the ground up to a maximum of fl 450 from the ground up to about fl 200 from the ground up to about fl 100 from the base of the clouds up to about fl 200

With which of the following types of cloud is '+ra' precipitation most commonly ?
Question 137-35 : Ns ac sc st

With what type of cloud is 'gr' precipitation most commonly associated ?
Question 137-36 : Cb st cc as

With what type of cloud is 'dz' precipitation most commonly associated ?
Question 137-37 : St cb cc cu

Which of the following cloud types is least likely to produce precipitation ?
Question 137-38 : Ci cb as ns

With what type of cloud is heavy precipitation unlikely during the summer months ?
Question 137-39 : Sc as cb st ns cc as ns

With what type of cloud is '+tsra' precipitation most commonly associated ?
Question 137-40 : Cb as sc ns

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