Revision > flight : Freezing fog exists if fog droplets ?
Question 136-1 : Are supercooled are frozen are freezing very rapidly freeze when temperature falls below zero

Which of the following circumstances most favour the development of radiation ?
Question 136-2 : Moist air over land during clear night with little wind warm moist air at the windward side of a mountain maritime tropical air flowing over cold sea advection of very cold air over much warmer sea

Fallstreaks or virga are ?
Question 136-3 : Water or ice particles falling out of a cloud that evaporate before reaching the ground strong downdraughts in the polar jet stream associated with jet streaks gusts associated with a well developed bora strong katabatic winds in mountainous areas and accompanied by heavy precipitation

The range of wind speed in which radiation fog is most likely to form is ?
Question 136-4 : Below 5 kt between 10 and 15 kt between 5 and 10 kt above 15 kt

At the top of orographic waves in mountainous regions the cloud most likely to ?
Question 136-5 : Altocumulus lenticularis cirrostratus cirrus cumulus mediocris

A cumulus congestus is ?
Question 136-6 : A cumulus that is of great vertical extent a remnant of a cb a cumulus with little vertical development a cumulus that only occurs in association with the itcz

Clouds in patches sheets or grey or whitish layers made up of elements ?
Question 136-7 : Stratocumulus stratus altostratus nimbostratus

In mid latitudes the tops of cumulus are often limited by ?
Question 136-8 : A temperature inversion a layer of unstable air a radiation inversion the tropopause

Of what does lenticular cloud provide evidence ?
Question 136-9 : Mountain waves jet streams stratospheric inversions areas of high level clear air turbulence

The formation of morning fog before sunrise is possible if ?
Question 136-10 : Air temperature and dew point are equal or close to one another the wind is strong the sky is overcast the turbulence in the lower layers is moderate

What is the difference between radiation fog and advection fog ?
Question 136-11 : Radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface radiation fog forms only on the ground advection fog only on the sea radiation fog forms due to night cooling and advection fog due to daytime cooling radiation fog is formed by surface cooling in a calm wind advection fog is formed by evaporation over the sea

When fog is reported the visibility is below ?
Question 136-12 : 1 km 0 8 km 1 5 km 3 km

When visibility is reduced by water droplets to less than 1000 metres it is ?
Question 136-13 : Fog dust fog drizzle mist

Which cloud type may indicate the presence of severe turbulence ?
Question 136-14 : Altocumulus lenticularis stratocumulus nimbostratus cirrocumulus

Which is true of advection fog ?
Question 136-15 : It can appear suddenly by day or by night it develops slowly and clears fast it forms when unstable air is adiabatically cooled it usually forms by night and clears by day

Which of the following sets of conditions are most likely to lead to the ?
Question 136-16 : A mild moist airstream flowing over colder surfaces with the wind speed less than 15 kt clear skies at night over an inland marshy area a mild moist airstream flowing over colder surfaces with a wind in excess of 30 kt cold maritime air flowing over a warmer land surface at a speed greater than 15 kt

Which of the following types of cloud can extend over the low medium and high ?
Question 136-17 : Cb ac st ci

Which of the following types of clouds are evidence of unstable air conditions ?
Question 136-18 : Cu cb st cs sc ns ci sc

Which type of fog can not be formed over water ?
Question 136-19 : Radiation fog advection fog arctic smoke frontal fog

Stratus formed by turbulence will occur when ?
Question 136-20 : In the friction layer mixing occurs by turbulence and the condensation level is situated below the top of the turbulent layer the wind speed is less than 10 kt and the air is heated by the earth's surface the wind speed is greater than 10 kt and the condensation level is situated just above the turbulent layer absolute instability exists at low level

Radiation fog most frequently occurs in ?
Question 136-21 : High pressure systems over land low pressure systems over sea high pressure systems over sea low pressure systems over land

What kind of fog is often observed in the coastal region of newfoundland in ?
Question 136-22 : Advection fog frontal fog radiation fog steaming fog

Which statement is correct ?
Question 136-23 : Fog can be supercooled and can also contain ice crystals mist and haze consist of water droplets fog and haze do not occur in the tropics mist and haze only differ by different values of visibility

The cloud type most applicable to square 3c is . 355 ?
Question 136-24 : Ns cb ac as

The cloud type most applicable to square 2d is . 356 ?
Question 136-25 : As cu cb cs

The cloud most likely to be experienced in square 1e is . 357 ?
Question 136-26 : Ci ac as cb

If radiation fog forms on a clear night with light winds the increase in wind ?
Question 136-27 : Cause the fog to lift and become low stratus change the radiation fog to advection fog have no effect disperse the fog immediately

Clouds will mainly consist of supercooled water droplets when the temperature is ?
Question 136-28 : Between 0°c and 15°c between 5°c and 30°c between 30°c and 40°c below 40°c

Frontal fog can be formed by ?
Question 136-29 : Condensation of air saturated by evaporation of precipitation condensation of air saturated by adiabatic cooling cooling at night evaporation of moisture at the surface

Advection of very cold air over a warm sea current can cause ?
Question 136-30 : Steaming fog advection fog no fog at all frontal fog

As a result of diurnal variation radiation fog is lifted and a cloud cover is ?
Question 136-31 : Low stratus will develop caused by increasing wind speed low stratus will develop caused by radiation in combination with low geostrophic wind speed layers of altocumulus will develop caused by increasing wind speed stratocumulus will develop caused by insolation

In which situation is advection fog most likely to form ?
Question 136-32 : An air mass moving inland from the coast in winter a warm moist air mass on the windward side of the mountains a light breeze blowing colder air out to sea warm moist air settling over a warmer surface under no wind conditions

About ten identical clouds are in the sky well isolated from one another dense ?
Question 136-33 : Towering cumulus broken cumulus altocumulus castellanus stratocumulus

Which of the following cloud types is classified as low level cloud ?
Question 136-34 : Sc as ac cs

Which of the following cloud types is found at high level ?
Question 136-35 : Cs sc ac st

Which one of the displayed cloud forms is representative of a cumulus. 375 ?
Question 136-36 : 1 2 3 4

Which one of the following cloud types can be characterised by the optical ?
Question 136-37 : Cirrostratus altocumulus cumulonimbus nimbostratus

Which cloud type genus is described by the following definition .'greyish or ?
Question 136-38 : Altostratus cirrostratus stratus stratocumulus

What cloud type can produce freezing rain ?
Question 136-39 : Nimbostratus stratus cumulonimbus stratocumulus

Frontal fog is most likely to dissipate ?
Question 136-40 : After the passage of a warm front in advance of a warm front when the wind decreases when the wind veers

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