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Revision > flight : Which of the following weather conditions favour the formation of radiation fog ?

Question 135-1 : Light wind little or no cloud moist air light wind extensive cloud dry air light wind extensive cloud moist air strong wind little or no cloud moist air

exemple 235 light wind, little or no cloud, moist air.light wind, little or no cloud, moist air.

Over central europe what type of cloud cover is typical of the warm sector of a ?

Question 135-2 : St ci cs fair weather cu cu cb

. 505.over europe in the warm sector behind a warm front you always find stratus regardless of the season exemple 239 st.st.

Of the four radio soundings select the one that indicates ground fog . 255 ?

Question 135-3 : N°2 n°1 n°3 n°4

.when temperature and dew point are equals the air is satured and condensed water droplets will form cloud or for radio sounding n°2 indicates ground fog at the surface .radio sounding n°3 indicates that a layer of cloud is present above the surface

Which of the following cloud types can project up into the stratosphere ?

Question 135-4 : Cumulonimbus cirrostratus altocumulus altostratus

. 503.cumulonimbus clouds are the tallest clouds and can reach to the stratosphere the updraft in some strong cbs will bulge into the stratosphere exemple 247 cumulonimbus.cumulonimbus.

What process in an air mass leads to the creation of wide spread ns and as ?

Question 135-5 : Lifting sinking convection process radiation

.lifting is a process leading to the creation of thin nimbostratus and altostratus cloud layer sinking will lead to the dissipation of clouds radiation will also dissipate clouds or generate a convective activity and will create cumulus clouds not ns or as exemple 251 lifting.lifting.

Which of the following cloud is classified as low level cloud ?

Question 135-6 : St cs as cc

. 503 exemple 255 stst

Which of the following is most likely to lead to the dissipation of radiation ?

Question 135-7 : A marked increase in wind velocity near the ground a marked decrease in wind velocity close to the ground ground cooling caused by radiation during the night a build up of a high pressure area resulting in adiabatic warming associated with a sinking air mass

exemple 259 a marked increase in wind velocity near the grounda marked increase in wind velocity near the ground

Which of the following conditions is most likely to lead to the formation of ?

Question 135-8 : Cold air moving over warm water warm air moving over cold water the sea is warmed by strong radiation from the sun the coastal region of the sea cools at night

.steam fog also known as steaming fog evaporation fog frost smoke or arctic sea smoke occurs when evaporation takes place into cold air lying over warmer water . 569.it is named by analogy with the condensed vapor or steam which appears above water which is heated invisible vapor is given off from the water but is almost immediately recondensed as it comes into contact with the colder air the air has to be much colder than the water so that convection currents develop formation also requires that there is . a marked surface temperature inversion in the air before it moves over the sea or inland water bodies so as to preclude the lapse rate becoming unstable through a deep layer. a low air temperature typically 0°c or below so that a comparatively small amount of moisture can produce supersaturation otherwise the heating process will outweigh the tendency towards saturation.because of these requirements this type of fog is usually only formed over water surfaces near to a source of cold air such as frozen ground or ice sheets in polar regions one classic occurrence is following the sudden break up of sea ice to expose relatively warm water in the steep sided fjords along parts of the icelandic and norwegian coasts and similar environments elsewhere steam fog may reach a depth of 500 feet or more and drift over adjacent land areas whilst relatively rare in temperate latitudes cold air which collects in and then drifts down large river valleys and out over a relatively warm sea surface in very light wind conditions can occasionally lead to the formation of smaller and much shallower areas of this type of fog in winter exemple 263 cold air moving over warm watercold air moving over warm water

The lowest cloud base forecast at eta zurich 1200 utc is .lszh 061019 ?

Question 135-9 : 1500 ft 1000 ft 2500 ft 5000 ft

.lszh 061019 20018g30kt 9999 ra sct050 bkn080 tempo 23012kt 6000 dz bkn015 bkn030 becmg 1518 23020g35kt 4000 ra ovc010=..the tempo group is used for any conditions in wind visibility weather or sky condition which are expected to last for generally less than an hour at a time occasional and are expected to occur during less than half the time period .at 1200 utc the lowest cloud base forecast is 1500 ft.the most likely cloud base forecast will be 8000 ft bkn080 between 1000 utc to 1500 utc.note a cloud base is few or sct a cloud ceiling is bkn or ovc exemple 267 1500 ft.1500 ft.

Extensive cloud and precipitation is often associated with a non frontal ?

Question 135-10 : Surface convergence and upper level divergence causing widespread ascent of air in the depression surface convergence and upper level divergence causing widespread descent of air in the depression surface divergence and upper level convergence causing widespread descent of air in the depression surface divergence and upper level convergence causing widespread ascent of air in the depression

. 532.the cloud is caused by ascending air with divergence at height and convergence at the surface exemple 271 surface convergence and upper level divergence causing widespread ascent of air in the depression.surface convergence and upper level divergence causing widespread ascent of air in the depression.

Which of the following meteorological phenomenon indicates upper level ?

Question 135-11 : Ac castellanus ac lenticularis halo red cirrus

exemple 275 ac castellanus.ac castellanus.

Which type of fog is likely to form when air having temperature of 15°c and ?

Question 135-12 : Advection fog radiation fog steam fog frontal fog

.advection fog warm moist air mass moving over a cold surface without too much wind..radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 279 advection fog.advection fog.

What type of fog is most likely to form over flat land during a clear night ?

Question 135-13 : Radiation orographic advection steam

.radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 283 radiation.radiation.

Which types of clouds are typical evidence of stable air conditions ?

Question 135-14 : St as cu cb ns cu cb cc

.strat = stability exemple 287 st, asst, as

Which one of the displayed cloud forms is representative of altocumulus ?

Question 135-15 : N°2 n°4 n°1 n°3

exemple 291 n°2.n°2.

Which one of the displayed cloud forms is representative of a cumulonimbus ?

Question 135-16 : N°4 n°3 n°2 n°1

.as the cumulonimbus cloud grows in size it may turn into a cumulonimbus capillatus which means that it gains a fibrous edged top . 640.a clearly developed cumulonimbus capillatus displaying the classic anvil shape exemple 295 n°4.n°4.

A plain in western europe with an average height of 500 m 1600 ft above sea ?

Question 135-17 : 1500 7000 ft above ground 100 1500 ft above ground 7000 15000 ft above ground 15000 25000 ft above ground

. 503.stratocumulus are low level clouds .during the summer months the land warms up and the cloud base goes up this is the reason why sc will not be found below 1500 ft exemple 299 1500 - 7000 ft above ground.1500 - 7000 ft above ground.

A plain in western europe with an average height of 500 m 1600 ft above sea ?

Question 135-18 : 15000 35000 ft above the terrain 7000 15000 ft above the terrain 1500 7000 ft above the terrain 100 1500 ft above the terrain

.cirrocumulus cc are high level clouds . 503.the base of the layer can be expected between 15000 ft up to 35000 ft exemple 303 15000 - 35000 ft above the terrain.15000 - 35000 ft above the terrain.

Which of the following cloud types is found at high levels ?

Question 135-19 : Ci sc as cu

. 503 exemple 307 ci.ci.

Which of the following cloud types is a medium level cloud ?

Question 135-20 : As cs st sc

. 503 exemple 311 as.as.

Under which of these conditions is radiation fog most likely to form ?

Question 135-21 : Little or no cloud very dry air strong surface winds very low temperatures

.radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 315 little or no cloud.little or no cloud.

Which of the following is most likely to lead to the formation of radiation fog ?

Question 135-22 : Heat loss from the ground on clear nights dry warm air passing over warm ground the passage of fronts cold air passing over warm ground

.radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 319 heat loss from the ground on clear nightsheat loss from the ground on clear nights

Of the four radio soundings select the one that indicates low stratus . 298 ?

Question 135-23 : N°3 n°1 n°2 n°4

.when temperature and dew point are equals the air is satured and condensed water droplets will form cloud or fog radio sounding n°2 indicates ground fog at the surface .radio sounding n°3 indicates that a layer of cloud is present above the surface exemple 323 n°3.n°3.

In which of the following metar reports is the probability of fog formation in ?

Question 135-24 : 201850z 15003kt 6000 sct120 05/04 q1032 becmg 1600 br= 201850z 21003kt 8000 sct250 12/m08 q1028 nosig= 201850z 06018g30kt 5000 ra ovc010 04/01 q1024 nosig= 201850z 25010kt 4000 ra bkn012 ovc030 12/10 q1006 tempo 1500=

.light wind below 5 kt little or no cloud clear night only one degree between temperature and dew point .visibilty will fall from 6000 m to 1600 m and br mist indicates moist air .this conditions will lead to the formation of radiation fog moist air over land with heat loss from the ground on clear nights exemple 327 201850z 15003kt 6000 sct120 05/04 q1032 becmg 1600 br=201850z 15003kt 6000 sct120 05/04 q1032 becmg 1600 br=

Which airport is most likely to have fog in the coming night . 302 ?

Question 135-25 : Lszh enfb ekch essa

.radiation fogs occur at night and usually do not last long after sunrise radiation fog is common in autumn and early winter north hemisphere .radiation fog is formed by the cooling of land after sunset by thermal radiation in calm conditions with clear sky .the cool ground produces condensation in the nearby air by heat conduction in the next 8 hours ekch engm and essa will be covered by the second perturbation arriving from the west with winds rains and clouds .only zurich airport lszh will remains clear from the bad weather area allowing radiation fog development exemple 331 lszh.lszh.

Which of the following cloud types are most likely to produce light to moderate ?

Question 135-26 : Altocumulus and altostratus stratocumulus and cirrostratus stratus and cumulonimbus altostratus and cirrocumulus

.cirrocumulus and cirrostratus are high altitude clouds no supercooled cloud droplets.cumulonimbus it produces light moderate and severe icing.it remains only the 'altos' altocumulus and altostratus exemple 335 altocumulus and altostratus.altocumulus and altostratus.

Altostratus clouds are classified as ?

Question 135-27 : Medium level clouds low level clouds high level clouds convective clouds

. 503 exemple 339 medium level cloudsmedium level clouds

A cumulonimbus cloud at mid latitudes in summer contains ?

Question 135-28 : Ice crystals water droplets and supercooled water droplets only water droplets only ice crystals ice crystals and water droplets but never supercooled water droplets

exemple 343 ice crystals, water droplets and supercooled water dropletsice crystals, water droplets and supercooled water droplets

Strongly developed cumulus clouds are an indication of ?

Question 135-29 : Instability in the atmosphere the presence of a low level inversion poor surface visibility the presence of warm air aloft

exemple 347 instability in the atmosphere.instability in the atmosphere.

Clouds classified as being low level are considered to have bases from ?

Question 135-30 : The surface to 6500 ft 1000 to 2000 ft 500 to 1000 ft 100 to 200 ft

. 503 exemple 351 the surface to 6500 ft.the surface to 6500 ft.

Which of the following are medium level clouds ?

Question 135-31 : Altostratus and altocumulus cirrocumulus and cirrostratus cumulonimbus all convective clouds

. 503 exemple 355 altostratus and altocumulus.altostratus and altocumulus.

Cumulus clouds are an indication for ?

Question 135-32 : Up and downdrafts stability the approach of a cold front the approach of a warm front

.it means instability exemple 359 up and downdrafts.up and downdrafts.

A generally grey cloud layer with fairly uniform base and uniform appearance ?

Question 135-33 : Stratus altostratus nimbostratus cirrostratus

exemple 363 stratus.stratus.

The presence of altocumulus castellanus indicates ?

Question 135-34 : Instability in the middle troposphere strong convection at low height stability in the higher troposphere subsidence in a large part of the troposphere

exemple 367 instability in the middle troposphere.instability in the middle troposphere.

In an area of converging air in low level ?

Question 135-35 : Clouds can be formed convective clouds can be dissolved stratified clouds can be dissolved clouds can not be formed

. 563.divergence in the upper air means convergence on the ground this a low pressure area and clouds may appears above it exemple 371 clouds can be formed.clouds can be formed.

When the temperature and dew point are less than one degree apart the weather ?

Question 135-36 : Fog or low cloud clear and cool high scattered clouds unlimited visibility

exemple 375 fog or low cloud.fog or low cloud.

The morning following a clear calm night when the temperature has dropped to ?

Question 135-37 : Radiation fog a cold front advection fog good clear weather

.radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 379 radiation fog.radiation fog.

Advection fog can be formed when ?

Question 135-38 : Warm moist air flows over a colder surface cold moist air flows over a warmer surface warm moist air flows over a warmer surface cold moist air flows over warmer water

.advection fog warm moist air mass moving over a cold surface without too much wind..radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 383 warm moist air flows over a colder surface.warm moist air flows over a colder surface.

Steaming fog arctic sea smoke occurs in air ?

Question 135-39 : With cold mass properties with warm mass properties that is absolutely stable that is stable

.steam fog also known as steaming fog evaporation fog frost smoke or arctic sea smoke occurs when evaporation takes place into cold air lying over warmer water . 569.it is named by analogy with the condensed vapor or steam which appears above water which is heated invisible vapor is given off from the water but is almost immediately recondensed as it comes into contact with the colder air the air has to be much colder than the water so that convection currents develop formation also requires that there is . a marked surface temperature inversion in the air before it moves over the sea or inland water bodies so as to preclude the lapse rate becoming unstable through a deep layer. a low air temperature typically 0°c or below so that a comparatively small amount of moisture can produce supersaturation otherwise the heating process will outweigh the tendency towards saturation.because of these requirements this type of fog is usually only formed over water surfaces near to a source of cold air such as frozen ground or ice sheets in polar regions one classic occurrence is following the sudden break up of sea ice to expose relatively warm water in the steep sided fjords along parts of the icelandic and norwegian coasts and similar environments elsewhere steam fog may reach a depth of 500 feet or more and drift over adjacent land areas whilst relatively rare in temperate latitudes cold air which collects in and then drifts down large river valleys and out over a relatively warm sea surface in very light wind conditions can occasionally lead to the formation of smaller and much shallower areas of this type of fog in winter exemple 387 with cold mass properties.with cold mass properties.

Frontal fog is most likely to occur ?

Question 135-40 : In advance of a warm front in rear of a warm front in summer in the early morning in winter in the early morning

.the passage of a warm front can be associated with areas of fog the types of fog just in advance of a warm front is frontal fog and just after the passage is advection fog .frontal fog is caused by the additional moisture in the air due to the evaporation of rain or drizzle.the different types of fog .radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind.steaming fog is the same as arctic smoke or sea smoke and is caused by cold air moving over a warm surface.advection fog forms when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.frontal fog is most likely to occur in advance of a warm front it is due to the rain falls from the warm air into the cold air exemple 391 in advance of a warm front.in advance of a warm front.


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