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Revision > flight : Where are the westerlies to be expected ?

Question 131-1 : In the mid latitudes in the subtropical high pressure belt between 10° and 30° north or south between 65° and 80° north or south

. 596.westerlies average latitude are 50°n and 50°s exemple 231 in the mid-latitudes.in the mid-latitudes.

Katabatic wind is ?

Question 131-2 : A flow of cold air down the slope of a mountain a flow of cold air blowing from sea to land a flow of warm air up the slope of a hill caused by surface heating a flow of warm air blowing from land to sea

Cqb15 september 2011 exemple 235 a flow of cold air down the slope of a mountain.a flow of cold air down the slope of a mountain.

What is the average wind forecast for fl 300 between moscow and kiev . 378 ?

Question 131-3 : 260/65 230/55 090/60 050/60

. 636.close to moscow wind is from 270°/65 kt .close to kiev wind is from 250°/80 kt exemple 239 260/65.260/65.

Which of the following is correct regarding geostrophic wind ?

Question 131-4 : It blows parallel to straight equidistant isobars it blows parallel to curved isobars it blows across the isobars from high to low pressure it is the wind resulting from the vector sum of gradient wind and surface wind such that the geostrophic wind normally blows at an angle of 20 45 degrees relative to the isobars

The speed of a geostrophic wind calculated from the pressure gradient air density rotational velocity of the earth and latitude the calculation ignores the curvature of the wind's path a geostrophic wind is proportional to the pressure gradient or inversely proportional to the distance between the isobars. 568..winds exist because of horizontal and vertical pressure gradient so atmospheric motion can be deduced from isobaric surface charts etc if the horizontal pressure gradient force is exactly balanced in magnitude by coriolis effect accelerations of the air will be relatively small and a geostrophic wind will flow horizontally at a constant speed proportional to the isobaric spacing gradient perpendicular to the two opposing forces and parallel to straight isobars thus geostrophic wind speed is proportional to the pressure gradient the closer the isobars the higher will be geostrophic wind speed

In this question the wind speed with straight isobars vst the wind speed ?

Question 131-5 : Vst < vhigh and vst > vlow vst > vhigh and vst < vlow vst < vhigh and vst < vlow vst > vhigh and vst > vlow

.for same pressure gradient and same latitude the gradient wind is 'high round a high' vhigh and 'low round a low' vlow when compared to the geostrophic wind vst exemple 247 vst < vhigh and vst > vlow.vst < vhigh and vst > vlow.

Which of the following is correct regarding the wind speed in a jet stream in ?

Question 131-6 : With colder air to the left when looking downwind the wind speed increases with height while with the colder air to the right the wind speed decreases with height with colder air behind when looking downwind the windspeed increases with height while with the colder air ahead the windspeed decreases with height with colder air to the left when looking upwind the wind speed increases with height while with the colder air to the right the wind speed decreases with height with colder air ahead when looking downwind the wind speed increases with height while with the colder air behind the wind speed decreases with height

The jet lies in the warm air above the frontal surface looking downwind the warm air tropopause lies to the right and above the core the cold air tropopause to the left and a litle lower than the core . 637.looking downwind the air in a jet core slowly rotates in a counterclockwise fashion .if you stand with your back to the wind and have cold air on your left you are below the core of the jet and wind speed will increase as you climb if you stand with your back to the wind and colder air the colder air from the warm tropopause which is colder than the air of the cold tropopause is on your right you are above the core of the jet and wind speed will decrease as you climb exemple 251 with colder air to the left when looking downwind, the wind speed increases with height, while with the colder air to the right the wind speed decreases with height.with colder air to the left when looking downwind, the wind speed increases with height, while with the colder air to the right the wind speed decreases with height.

Strongest clear air turbulence is to be expected ?

Question 131-7 : On the cold air side of the jet stream core on the warm air side of the jet stream core in the jet stream core about 10000 ft above the jet stream core

This question is similar to question 266 . in which zone of a polar front jet stream is the strongest cat to be expected on the polar air side of the core. 534.the strongest cat is in the warm tropical air but on the cold polar air side of the core exemple 255 on the cold air side of the jet stream core.on the cold air side of the jet stream core.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the variation of wind ?

Question 131-8 : The wind normally veers during climb out through the first 2000 3000 feet in the northern hemisphere the wind normally backs during climb out through the first 2000 3000 feet in the northern hemisphere the wind strength normally increases by a factor of 2 per 1000 feet up to the 850 hpa level the wind strength normally increases by a factor of 2 per 500 feet up to the 700 hpa level

exemple 259 the wind normally veers during climb out through the first 2000-3000 feet in the northern hemisphere.the wind normally veers during climb out through the first 2000-3000 feet in the northern hemisphere.

On which latitudes can the coriolis force in practice be neglected for ?

Question 131-9 : From 0 to about 10 degrees north and south from about 10 to about 30 degrees north and south from about 30 to about 75 degrees north and south from about 75 to 90 degrees north and south

exemple 263 from 0 to about 10 degrees north and south.from 0 to about 10 degrees north and south.

Where is the wind speed of a polar front jet stream normally at its strongest ?

Question 131-10 : In the area between a trough and a ridge in the area of a trough in the area where the jet stream is curving around a depression in the area where the jet stream is curving around an anticyclone

Generally a trough of low pressure refers to region of low pressure within v shaped isobars it usually projects from a large and distant depression there is a sudden wind shift across the axis the axis is shown as broken lines on a weather chart of the trough which is associated with cloud and rain .a ridge of high pressure refers to a wedge shaped extension of a high pressure area and occurs between two depressions or lows wind shift is gradual across a ridge shown as zig zag line the ridge has a central area of light winds and clear skies.the ridge and trough are usually associated with different air masses warm and cold .this is where you get maximum temperature contrast and strongest thermal wind speed exemple 267 in the area between a trough and a ridge.in the area between a trough and a ridge.

What is the icao qualifying term for the described intensity of turbulence ?

Question 131-11 : Severe moderate light noticeable

Ecqb01 2013...procedures for air navigation services air traffic management pans atm doc 4444 .instructions for air reporting by voice communications.moderate conditions in which moderate changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude may occur but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times usually small variations in airspeed changes in accelerometer readings of 0 5 g to 1 0 g at the aircraft's centre of gravity difficulty in walking occupants feel strain against seat belts loose objects move about.severe conditions in which abrupt changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude occur aircraft may be out of control for short periods usually large variations in airspeed changes in accelerometer readings greater than 1 0 g at the aircraft's centre of gravity occupants are forced violently against seat belts loose objects are tossed about exemple 271 severe.severe.

What wind direction will occur over the land at point e . 388 ?

Question 131-12 : West northeast southeast southwest

.at low elevations friction will slow the air and hence the coriolis force will be less effective in its deflection of the wind . 561.as the elevation decreases the direction backs changes direction in an counter clockwise motion in northern hemisphere .at mid latitude over land wind speed in friction layer decrease by 50% angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 30° value to be used in examinations we are in northern hemisphere from the way the fronts are positioned therefore at point e the wind is from the west exemple 275 west.west.

What wind direction will occur over the land at point b . 389 ?

Question 131-13 : Southwest east southeast northwest

.at low elevations friction will slow the air and hence the coriolis force will be less effective in its deflection of the wind . 561.as the elevation decreases the direction backs changes direction in an counter clockwise motion in northern hemisphere .at mid latitude over land wind speed in friction layer decrease by 50% angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 30° value to be used in examinations we are in northern hemisphere from the way the fronts are positioned therefore at point b the wind is from the southwest exemple 279 southwest.southwest.

What kind of turbulence is caused by the friction of air flowing over the ?

Question 131-14 : Mechanical turbulence convective turbulence turbulence in downdrafts clear air turbulence

Ecqb01 june 2013 exemple 283 mechanical turbulence.mechanical turbulence.

Which of the following values corresponds to a ne wind ?

Question 131-15 : 045° 225° 315° 275°

exemple 287 045°.045°.

Which of the following values corresponds to a se wind ?

Question 131-16 : 135° 045° 225° 315°

exemple 291 135°.135°.

Which of the following values corresponds to a nw wind ?

Question 131-17 : 315° 045° 225° 135°

exemple 295 315°.315°.

Which of the following values corresponds to a sw wind ?

Question 131-18 : 225° 135° 045° 315°

exemple 299 225°.225°.

What is the average wind at fl 160 between zurich and rome . 397 ?

Question 131-19 : 020°/50 kt 200°/45 kt 350°/40 kt 050°/40 kt

exemple 303 020°/50 kt.020°/50 kt.

Judging by the chart what windspeeds can you expect at fl 340 above rome . 398 ?

Question 131-20 : 145 kt 95 kt 340 kt 140 km/h

exemple 307 145 kt.145 kt.

Select from the map the average wind for the route frankfurt rome at fl 170 . ?

Question 131-21 : 230/40 200/50 050/40 030/35

. 465.at fl180 you will find an average wind from 235° and a speed of 15 + 15 + 35 + 50 + 70 / 5 = 37 kt .closest answer is 230°/40 kt exemple 311 230/40.230/40.

At 40°n 70°w the forecast wind is . 416 ?

Question 131-22 : 270°/95 kt 280°/70 kt 320°/40 kt 240°/90 kt

exemple 315 270°/95 kt.270°/95 kt.

A layer is conditionally unstable if the air ?

Question 131-23 : Is unstable for saturated air and stable for dry air is stable for saturated air and unstable for dry air becomes stable by lifting it is unstable for saturated air as well as for dry air

.if the environmental lapse rate elr is more than 3°c/1000 ft dry adiabatic lapse rate the environment is unstable.if the environmental lapse rate elr is less than 1 8°c/1000 ft saturated adiabatic lapse rate the environment is stable.but.if the environmental lapse rate elr is more than 1 8°c/1000 ft but less than 3°c/1000 ft we have conditional stability . stable if air is dry unsaturated .or. unstable if air is saturated exemple 319 is unstable for saturated air and stable for dry air.is unstable for saturated air and stable for dry air.

A parcel of unsaturated air is lifted to just below the condensation level and ?

Question 131-24 : The same as the starting temperature higher than the starting temperature lower than the starting temperature it depends upon the qfe

.air can hold a certain amount of water depending on it's temperature warmer air can hold more water vapour than colder air .will climbing the parcel cools and hold less water vapour when the parcel comes back at its original level it will warm and come back in his original state exemple 323 the same as the starting temperature.the same as the starting temperature.

What characteristic is associated with a temperature inversion ?

Question 131-25 : Stability instability clear ice area of active storms

exemple 327 stability.stability.

Absolute instability is said to exist whenever the environmental lapse rate ?

Question 131-26 : Exceeds the dry adiabatic lapse rate is less than the dry adiabatic lapse rate is less than the saturated adiabatic lapse rate is between the dry and saturated adiabatic lapse rate

.if the environmental lapse rate elr is more than 3°c/1000 ft dry adiabatic lapse rate the environment is unstable.if the environmental lapse rate elr is less than 1 8°c/1000 ft saturated adiabatic lapse rate the environment is stable.but.if the environmental lapse rate elr is more than 1 8°c/1000 ft but less than 3°c/1000 ft we have conditional stability . stable if air is dry unsaturated .or. unstable if air is saturated exemple 331 exceeds the dry adiabatic lapse rateexceeds the dry adiabatic lapse rate

Which of the following is a possible consequence of subsidence ?

Question 131-27 : An inversion over a large area with haze mist cb clouds and thunderstorms over a large area wide spread ns and as clouds and intense precipitation clear air turbulence at higher altitudes

. 500.sinking air will dissipate cloud especially at lower levels and trap any pollution giving poor visibility exemple 335 an inversion over a large area with haze, mist.an inversion over a large area with haze, mist.

What does 'dew point' mean ?

Question 131-28 : The temperature to which a mass of air must be cooled in order to reach saturation the temperature at which ice melts the freezing level danger of icing the temperature at which the relative humidity and saturation vapour pressure are the same

exemple 339 the temperature to which a mass of air must be cooled in order to reach saturation.the temperature to which a mass of air must be cooled in order to reach saturation.

Which of the following is the definition of relative humidity ?

Question 131-29 : Ratio between the actual mixing ratio and the saturation mixing ratio x 100 ratio between air temperature and dewpoint temperature x 100 ratio between water vapour pressure and atmospheric pressure x 100 ratio between water vapour g and air kg x 100

.the most commonly used measure of humidity is relative humidity relative humidity can be simply defined as the amount of water in the air relative to the saturation amount the air can hold at a given temperature multiplied by 100 air with a relative humidity of 50% contains a half of the water vapor it could hold at a particular temperature . 501. concept of relative humidity exemple 343 ratio between the actual mixing ratio and the saturation mixing ratio x 100ratio between the actual mixing ratio and the saturation mixing ratio x 100

The relative humidity of a sample air mass is 50% .how is the relative humidity ?

Question 131-30 : It increases with increasing water vapour it is not influenced by changing water vapour it decreases with increasing water vapour it is only influenced by temperature

.the most commonly used measure of humidity is relative humidity relative humidity can be simply defined as the amount of water in the air relative to the saturation amount the air can hold at a given temperature multiplied by 100 air with a relative humidity of 50% contains a half of the water vapor it could hold at a particular temperature . 501. concept of relative humidity exemple 347 it increases with increasing water vapour.it increases with increasing water vapour.

Relative humidity ?

Question 131-31 : Changes when water vapour is added even though the temperature remains constant is not affected when air is ascending or descending is not affected by temperature changes of the air does not change when water vapour is added provided the temperature of the air remains constant

.the most commonly used measure of humidity is relative humidity relative humidity can be simply defined as the amount of water in the air relative to the saturation amount the air can hold at a given temperature multiplied by 100 air with a relative humidity of 50% contains a half of the water vapor it could hold at a particular temperature . 501. concept of relative humidity exemple 351 changes when water vapour is added, even though the temperature remains constant.changes when water vapour is added, even though the temperature remains constant.

How if at all is the relative humidity of an unsaturated air mass influenced by ?

Question 131-32 : It decreases with increasing temperature it is not influenced by temperature changes it increases with increasing temperature it is only influenced by the amount of water vapour

.the most commonly used measure of humidity is relative humidity relative humidity can be simply defined as the amount of water in the air relative to the saturation amount the air can hold at a given temperature multiplied by 100 air with a relative humidity of 50% contains a half of the water vapor it could hold at a particular temperature . 501. concept of relative humidity exemple 355 it decreases with increasing temperature.it decreases with increasing temperature.

How does relative humidity and the dewpoint in an unsaturated air mass change ?

Question 131-33 : When temperature increases the relative humidity decreases and the dewpoint remains constant when temperature increases the relative humidity increases and the dewpoint decreases when temperature decreases the relative humidity decreases and the dewpoint increases when temperature decreases the relative humidity and the dewpoint remain constant

.relative humidity is a percentage based on how much moisture is in the air versus how much moisture the air can hold .relative humidity will change if moisture is added to or taken from the air mass or if the temperature changes .if temperature increases relative humidity decreases and if temperature decreases relative humidity increases .the dewpoint is the temperature that the atmosphere must reach for a parcel of air to become fully saturated in an unsaturated air mass the dewpoint will remains constant if the temperature changes exemple 359 when temperature increases, the relative humidity decreases, and the dewpoint remains constant.when temperature increases, the relative humidity decreases, and the dewpoint remains constant.

When a given mass of air descends what effect will it have on relative humidity ?

Question 131-34 : It decreases it increases it remains constant it increases up to 100% then remains stable

.when air descends its temperature increases if temperature increases relative humidity will decrease . 501 exemple 363 it decreases.it decreases.

During the late afternoon an air temperature of +12°c and a dew point of +5°c ?

Question 131-35 : It must decrease to +5°c it must decrease to +6°c it must decrease to +7°c it must decrease by 5°c

.if air temperature decreases by 5°c air temperature will not be saturated 12°c 5°c = 7°c .so air temperature must decrease to +5°c to become saturated air temperature and dew point must be equal exemple 367 it must decrease to +5°c.it must decrease to +5°c.

Which of the following changes of state is known as sublimation in meteorology ?

Question 131-36 : Solid direct to vapour solid direct to liquid liquid direct to solid liquid direct to vapour

.sublimation is the process in which a material changes from a frozen solid to a gas without passing through the intermediate liquid state exemple 371 solid direct to vapour.solid direct to vapour.

A parcel of moist but not saturated air rises due to adiabatic effects which of ?

Question 131-37 : Relative humidity absolute humidity mixing ratio specific humidity

.the absolute humidity is a measure of mass of water vapour per unit volume of air grams per cubic metre and mixing ration is a measure of mass of water vapour per unit mass of air grams per kilogram these will not change as temperature changes .the relative humidity is a measure of the percentage degree of saturation and this will change as temperature changes . 501 exemple 375 relative humidity.relative humidity.

In which of the following changes of state is latent heat released ?

Question 131-38 : Gas to liquid solid to liquid solid to gas liquid to gas

.latent heat is absorbed when going from liquid to gas solid to liquid solid to gas .latent heat is released when going from gas to liquid liquid to solid gas to solid exemple 379 gas to liquid.gas to liquid.

How are high level condensation trails formed that are to be found occasionally ?

Question 131-39 : Through water vapour released during fuel combustion through a decrease in pressure and the associated adiabatic drop in temperature at the wing tips while flying through relatively warm but humid air only through unburnt fuel in the exhaust gases in conditions of low humidity through the particles of soot contained in the exhaust gases

.it is the water vapour produced when hydrocarbon fuels are burnt exemple 383 through water vapour released during fuel combustion.through water vapour released during fuel combustion.

In an air mass with no clouds the surface temperature is 15°c and the ?

Question 131-40 : Stable unstable a layer of heavy turbulence conditionally unstable

.lapse rate is 2°c for 1000 m 3000 ft so 0 6°c for 1000 ft we have four possibilities.if the environmental lapse rate elr is more than 3°c/1000 ft dry adiabatic lapse rate the environment is unstable.if the environmental lapse rate elr is less than 1 8°c/1000 ft saturated adiabatic lapse rate the environment is stable.if the environmental lapse rate elr is more than 1 8°c/1000 ft but less than 3°c/1000 ft we have conditional . stability if air is dry .or. unstability if air is saturated exemple 387 stable.stable.


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