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Evaluation > landing : Icao annex 14 visual aids for navigation lights.runway edge lights shall ?

Question 13-1 : Fixed lights showing variable white fixed lights showing steady green flashing lights showing variable yellow flashing lights showing variable green

774..runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white red for displaced threshold and yellow for the final third of the runway lenght exemple 113 fixed lights showing variable white.fixed lights showing variable white.

The goal of a transverse strip a white line across the width of the runway is ?

Question 13-2 : A displaced runway threshold a threshold the beginning of the landing zone the last 1000 ft of the runway

Where a runway threshold is displaced from the extremity of a runway permanently or temporarily a transverse strip should be added to the threshold marking. 759

In a precision approach category i lighting system the centre line and crossbar ?

Question 13-3 : Fixed lights showing variable white flashing lights showing variable white fixed lights showing variable green flashing lights showing variable green

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1.precision approach category i lighting system.5 3 4 14 characteristics the centre line and crossbar lights of a precision approach category i lighting system shall be fixed lights showing variable white each centre line light position shall consist of either.a a single light source in the innermost 300 m of the centre line two light sources in the central 300 m of the centre lineand three light sources in the outer 300 m of the centre line to provide distance information or..b a barrette. 777 exemple 121 fixed lights showing variable white.fixed lights showing variable white.

In a precision approach category i lighting system the single two and three ?

Question 13-4 : 300 m 150 m 200 m 250 m

778.the single two and three light sources on the centre line have a length of 300 m exemple 125 300 m.300 m.

In the 'aerodrome reference code' the code element 2 shall identify ?

Question 13-5 : The aircraft wing span the aircraft wing span and the length of the aircraft fuselage the width of the aircraft wing the length of the aircraft fuselage

Icao annex 14 .1 6 1 an aerodrome reference code code number and letter which is selected for aerodrome planning purposes shall be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the aeroplane for which an aerodrome facility is intended . .1 6 2 the aerodrome reference code numbers and letters shall have the meanings assigned to them in table 1 1 . .1 6 3 the code number for element 1 shall be determined from table 1 1 selecting the code number corresponding to the highest value of the aeroplane reference field lengths of the aeroplanes for which the runway is intended.1 6 4 the code letter for element 2 shall be determined from table 1 1 by selecting the code letter which corresponds to the greatest wingspan of the aeroplanes for which the facility is intended. 764 exemple 129 the aircraft wing span.the aircraft wing span.

In the 'papi' system the pilot during an approach will see the two units ?

Question 13-6 : On or close to the approach slope only on the approach slope above the approach slope below the approach slope

Precision approach path indicator papi consists of four sets of lights in a line perpendicular to the runway usually mounted to the left side of the runway these have a similar purpose to basic visual approach slope indicators but the additional lights serve to show the pilot how far off the glide slope the aircraft is .when the lights show white white red red the aircraft is on the correct glide slope for landing usually 3 0° three red lights white red red red indicate that the aircraft is slightly below glide slope 2 8° while four red lights red red red red indicate that the aircraft is significantly below glide slope 3 5° .most large airports utilize this system although most airports use a papi based on a 3 0° glide slope some airports may use a glide slope as great as 5 0° in order to have proper obstruction clearance. 772 exemple 133 on or close to the approach slope.on or close to the approach slope.

Light signals for aerodrome traffic.a series of red flashes from aerodrome ?

Question 13-7 : Aerodrome unsafe do not land aerodrome temporarily closed continue circling give way to other aircraft in emergency continue circling and wait for further instruction

Icao annex 2.light signals towards an aircraft in flight . 779..light signals towards an aircraft on the ground . 782 exemple 137 aerodrome unsafe, do not land.aerodrome unsafe, do not land.

Light signals for aerodrome traffic.a series of red flashes from aerodrome ?

Question 13-8 : Taxi clear of landing area in use return to starting point give way to other aircraft taxiing stop

Icao annex 2.light signals towards an aircraft in flight . 779..light signals towards an aircraft on the ground . 782 exemple 141 taxi clear of landing area in use.taxi clear of landing area in use.

Light signals.a red flare addressed to an aircraft in flight means ?

Question 13-9 : Notwithstanding any previous instructions do not land for the time being return for approach clearance to land to be expected on final slow down speed to minimum give way to other aircraft in the circuit and continue circling aerodrome unsafe do not land

Icao annex 2.light signals towards an aircraft in flight . 779..light signals towards an aircraft on the ground . 782 exemple 145 notwithstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being.notwithstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being.

Taxiway edge lights shall be ?

Question 13-10 : Blue white green yellow

774 exemple 149 blue.blue.

Visual aids for denoting obstacles..low intensity obstacle lights on fixed ?

Question 13-11 : Fixed red flashing yellow flashing red fixed orange

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 .chapter 6 visual aids for denoting obstacles. table 6 1 characteristics of obstacle lights exemple 153 fixed red.fixed red.

Low intensity obstacle lights on mobile objects shall be ?

Question 13-12 : Flashing red or preferably yellow fixed red or preferably orange fixed red or preferably blue flashing blue

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 .chapter 6 visual aids for denoting obstacles.low intensity obstacle lights on mobile objects shall be flashing lights either red or preferably yellow the flash frequency shall be between 60 and 90 per minute the effective intensity of the flash shall not be less than 40 candelas of red or yellow light. table 6 1 characteristics of obstacle lights exemple 157 flashing red or preferably yellow.flashing red or preferably yellow.

Mandatory instruction signs..information signs other than location signs shall ?

Question 13-13 : Black inscriptions on yellow background orange background with black inscriptions yellow inscriptions on black background black background with red inscriptions

Icao airport services manual doc 9137 and annex 14 .5 4 3 3 information signs shall include direction signs location signs destination signs runway exit signs runway vacated signs and intersection take off signs.5 4 3 26 an information sign other than a location sign shall consist of an inscription in black on a yellow background.examples . 767 exemple 161 black inscriptions on yellow background.black inscriptions on yellow background.

Runway threshold identification lights are ?

Question 13-14 : Flashing white lights flashing green lights fixed white lights steady yellow lights

Green threshold wing bars are provided at certain aerodromes where there is a need to accentuate the threshold.threshold lights are green and mark the threshold of the runway indicates the start of the available landing distance but threshold identification lights are flashing white they are placed next to the threshold area but off the runway where extra conspicuity is required. 783..simultaneous flashes help the pilot identify the runway in use exemple 165 flashing white lights.flashing white lights.

Runway lead in lighting should consist ?

Question 13-15 : Of group of at least three white lights flashing in sequence towards the runway always of a straight row of lights towards the runway of flashing lights only of an arbitrary amount of green lights

Icao annex 14.5 3 7 runway lead in lighting systems.application .a runway lead in lighting system should be provided where it is desired to provide visual guidance along a specific approach path for reasons such as avoiding hazardous terrain or for purposes of noise abatement.location .a runway lead in lighting system should consist of groups of lights positioned so as to define the desired approach path and so that one group may be sighted from the preceding group .the interval between adjacent groups should not exceed approximately 1600 m.runway lead in lighting system should extend from a point as determined by the appropriate authority up to a point where the approach lighting system if provided or the runway or the runway lighting system is in view.characteristics .each group of lights of a runway lead in lighting system should consist of at least three flashing lights in a linear or cluster configuration the system may be augmented by steady burning lights where such lights would assist in identifying the system. 784.the flashing lights should be white and the steady burning lights gaseous discharge lights.where practicable the flashing lights in each group should flash in sequence towards the runway exemple 169 of group of at least three white lights flashing in sequence towards the runway.of group of at least three white lights flashing in sequence towards the runway.

Signal from a signalman to an aircraft.a signalman requests the pilot to engage ?

Question 13-16 : Raise arm and hand with fingers extended horizontally in front of body then clench fist crossing arms extended above his head arms down palms facing inwards moving arms from extended position inwards horizontally moving his hands fingers extended palms towards ground

705 exemple 173 raise arm and hand, with fingers extended, horizontally in front of body, then clench fist.raise arm and hand, with fingers extended, horizontally in front of body, then clench fist.

Taxiway centre line lights other than an exit taxiway shall be ?

Question 13-17 : Fixed lights showing green fixed lights showing blue fixed lights showing yellow fixed lights showing white

774 exemple 177 fixed lights showing green.fixed lights showing green.

Taxiway edge lights shall be ?

Question 13-18 : Fixed showing blue flashing showing blue fixed showing green fixed showing yellow


Abbreviations.the abbreviation papi stands for ?

Question 13-19 : Precision approach path indicator precision approach path index precision approach power indicator precision approach power index

Precision approach path indicator papi consists of four sets of lights in a line perpendicular to the runway usually mounted to the left side of the runway these have a similar purpose to basic visual approach slope indicators but the additional lights serve to show the pilot how far off the glide slope the aircraft is .when the lights show white white red red the aircraft is on the correct glide slope for landing usually 3 0° three red lights white red red red indicate that the aircraft is slightly below glide slope 2 8° while four red lights red red red red indicate that the aircraft is significantly below glide slope 3 5° .most large airports utilize this system although most airports use a papi based on a 3 0° glide slope some airports may use a glide slope as great as 5 0° in order to have proper obstruction clearance. 772 exemple 185 precision approach path indicator.precision approach path indicator.

The aerodrome category for rescue and fire fighting is based on ?

Question 13-20 : The over all length of the longest aeroplane normally using the aerodrome and its maximum fuselage width the over all length of the longest aeroplane normally using the aerodrome and its maximum fuselage weight the over all length of the longest aeroplane the longest aeroplane maximum width only

Icao annex 14 aerodromes.9 2 5 the aerodrome category shall be determined from table 9 1 and shall be based on the longest aeroplanes normally using the aerodrome and their fuselage width. 786

The 'aerodrome reference code' is a code composed of two elements which are ?

Question 13-21 : 2b 4h 6d 5e

Icao annex 14 .1 6 1 an aerodrome reference code code number and letter which is selected for aerodrome planning purposes shall be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the aeroplane for which an aerodrome facility is intended . .1 6 2 the aerodrome reference code numbers and letters shall have the meanings assigned to them in table 1 1 . .1 6 3 the code number for element 1 shall be determined from table 1 1 selecting the code number corresponding to the highest value of the aeroplane reference field lengths of the aeroplanes for which the runway is intended.1 6 4 the code letter for element 2 shall be determined from table 1 1 by selecting the code letter which corresponds to the greatest wingspan of the aeroplanes for which the facility is intended. 764 exemple 193 2b.2b.

The movement area of an airport adjacent terrain and buildings or the portions ?

Question 13-22 : Airside manoeuvring area security program terminal

Annex 17 security chapter 1.definitions .airside the movement area of an airport adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof access to which is controlled exemple 197 airside.airside.

The 'papi' shall consist of ?

Question 13-23 : A wing bar of 4 sharp transition multi lamp or paired units equally spaced two wing bars of 4 sharp transition multi lamp or paired units equally spaced two wing bars of 6 sharp transition multi lamp or paired units equally spaced a wing bar of 2 sharp transition multi lamp equally spaced

Precision approach path indicator papi consists of four sets of lights in a line perpendicular to the runway usually mounted to the left side of the runway these have a similar purpose to basic visual approach slope indicators but the additional lights serve to show the pilot how far off the glide slope the aircraft is .when the lights show white white red red the aircraft is on the correct glide slope for landing usually 3 0° three red lights white red red red indicate that the aircraft is slightly below glide slope 2 8° while four red lights red red red red indicate that the aircraft is significantly below glide slope 3 5° .most large airports utilize this system although most airports use a papi based on a 3 0° glide slope some airports may use a glide slope as great as 5 0° in order to have proper obstruction clearance. 772 exemple 201 a wing bar of 4 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced.a wing bar of 4 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced.

The runway edge lights shall be ?

Question 13-24 : White blue green red

Blue is for the color of the taxiway edges. 774 exemple 205 white.white.

The stopway is a defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of take off ?

Question 13-25 : An aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take off a landing aircraft can be stopped only in emergency a landing aircraft can be stopped if overcoming the end of runway an aircraft taking off or landing can be stopped

788..a stopway must be the same width as the runway and of sufficient load bearing strength to support the aircraft in the event of a rejected take off and clear of any non frangible obstacles exemple 209 an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off.an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off.

The white dumb bell with black perpendicular bar indicates that ?

Question 13-26 : Taxiing need not be confined to the taxiways glider flying is performed outside the landing area landing take off and taxiing is allowed on runway and/or taxiway only this aerodrome is using parallel runways

789.landing and take off prohibited outside runways taxiing authorized outside taxiways exemple 213 taxiing need not be confined to the taxiways.taxiing need not be confined to the taxiways.

Declared distances.'toda' take off distance available is ?

Question 13-27 : The length of the take off run available plus the length of clearway available if provided the length of the runway available plus the length of clearway available if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of the stop way and clearway if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of the stop way

Tora take off run available is .the length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.toda take off distance available is .the length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway if provided . a clearway is an area beyond the paved runway free of obstacles .asda acceleration stop distance available is .the length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way if provided.lda landing distance available is .the length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. 769 exemple 217 the length of the take-off run available plus the length of clearway available, if provided.the length of the take-off run available plus the length of clearway available, if provided.

Visual aids for denoting obstacles..low intensity obstacle lights on vehicles ?

Question 13-28 : Flashing yellow fixed red fixed blue flashing blue

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 .chapter 6 visual aids for denoting obstacles.6 3 25 low intensity obstacle lights displayed on vehicles associated with emergency or security shall be flashing blue and those displayed on other vehicles shall be flashing yellow exemple 221 flashing yellow.flashing yellow.

Visual aids for navigation lights.a precision approach category i lighting ?

Question 13-29 : 900 m from the runway threshold and a 30 m long crossbar at a distance of 300 m from the runway threshold 300 m from the runway threshold and a 30 m long crossbar at a distance of 150 m from the runway threshold 600 m from the runway threshold and a 30 m long crossbar at a distance of 300 m from the runway threshold 1200 m from the runway threshold and a 30 m long crossbar at a distance of 420 m from the runway threshold

778.the single two and three light sources on the centre line have a length of 300 m exemple 225 900 m from the runway threshold and a 30 m long crossbar at a distance of 300 m from the runway threshold.900 m from the runway threshold and a 30 m long crossbar at a distance of 300 m from the runway threshold.

Visual aids for navigation markings.on an aerodrome equipped with parallel ?

Question 13-30 : In case of two parallel runways by the letter 'l' and 'r' in the sequence from left to right in case of three parallel runways by the letter 'l' and 'r' for the outer runways and no letter supplement for the central runway in case of two parallel runways by adding '10' to the left runway designation and by subtracting '10' from the right runway designation in case of three parallel runways by adding 'l' to the designation of the runway farthest to the left adding one 'r' to the central runway and adding two 'r' to the designation of the runway farthest to the right

exemple 229 in case of two parallel runways by the letter 'l' and 'r' in the sequence from left to right.in case of two parallel runways by the letter 'l' and 'r' in the sequence from left to right.

Visual aids for navigation runway end lights.the colour of the fixed ?

Question 13-31 : Red white yellow green

790.runway threshold lights shall be fixed unidirectional lights showing green in the direction of approach to the runway .runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white red for displaced threshold and yellow for the final third of the runway length .runway end lights shall be fixed unidirectional lights showing red in the direction of the runway exemple 233 red.red.

Visual aids for navigation runway threshold lights.the colour of the fixed ?

Question 13-32 : Green white flashing white yellow

790.runway threshold lights shall be fixed unidirectional lights showing green in the direction of approach to the runway .runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white red for displaced threshold and yellow for the final third of the runway length exemple 237 green.green.

Visual ground signals.a double white cross displayed horizontally in the signal ?

Question 13-33 : The aerodrome is being used by gliders and that glider flights are being performed this area is unfit for the movement of aircraft special precautions must be observed due to the state of the taxiways special precautions is needed while approaching for landing on the runway in use

791.glider flights in operation above the aerodrome

Visual ground signals.a horizontal white dumb bell with a black bar placed ?

Question 13-34 : Aircraft are required to land and take off on runways only but other manoeuvres need not be confined to runways or taxiways the aerodrome is being used by gliders and that glider flights are being performed on a parallel runway aircraft are required to land and take off on runways and all other manoeuvres need to be confined to runways or taxiways a parallel runway system is used at this aerodrome

789..landing and take off prohibited outside runways taxiing authorized outside taxiways exemple 245 aircraft are required to land and take off on runways only, but other manoeuvres need not be confined to runways or taxiways.aircraft are required to land and take off on runways only, but other manoeuvres need not be confined to runways or taxiways.

Visual ground signals.a right hand arrow of conspicuous colour indicates ?

Question 13-35 : That turns are to be made to the right before landing and after take off the position of the aerodrome reference point / arp that turns in the aerodrome circuit have to be made to the left but gliders have to make the turns to the right that 180 degree turns on the runway for backtrack have to be made to the right

792..right hand traffic circuit

What is a 'barrette' ?

Question 13-36 : Three or more ground lights closely spaced together to appear as a bar of lights a highted obstacle near the runway and/or taxiway a cat ii or iii holding position a frangible structure on which approach lights are fixed

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 .barrette three or more aeronautical ground lights closely spaced in a transverse line so that from a distance they appear as a short bar of light.example . 793. the white arrows show you three or more ground lights closely spaced together to appear as a bar of lights exemple 253 three or more ground lights closely spaced together to appear as a bar of lights.three or more ground lights closely spaced together to appear as a bar of lights.

What is the length of an approach lighting system of a precision approach ?

Question 13-37 : 900 m 600 m 300 m 150 m

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 .precision approach category ii and iii lighting system.location .5 3 4 22 the approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending wherever possible over a distance of 900 m from the runway threshold exemple 257 900 m.900 m.

Which 'code letter' shall be chosen to identify a taxiway to be used by an ?

Question 13-38 : Code letter 'c' code letter 'e' code letter 'd' code letter 'b'

Code letter/ taxiway width...'a' 7 5 m....'b' 10 5 m....'c' 15 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a wheel base less than 18 m or.18 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a wheel base greater than 18 m...'d' 18 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with an outer main gear wheel span of less than 9 m .23 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with an outer main gear wheel span of greater than 9 m...'e' 23 m exemple 261 code letter 'c'.code letter 'c'.

Which of the following alternatives describes the complete cat 1 'calvert' type ?

Question 13-39 : 5 crossbars centre line with 3 2 and 1 lamp per light unit 4 crossbars centre line with 3 or 2 lamps per light unit 3 crossbars centre line with 3 2 or 1 lamp per light unit 3 crossbars centre line with 3 or 2 lamps per light unit

794..in 1946 mr e s calvert of the royal aircraft establishment farnborough was requested by a uk ministry of civil aviation airfield lighting committee to investigate the problem of approach lighting and establish the general principles involved calvert tackled the problem by attempting to ascertain the visual and mental processes by which a pilot lands an aircraft he then developed a theoretical model by which different lighting systems could be compared and tested his theoretical results using simulation.calvert's line of reasoning led him to the conclusion that to provide smooth transition from instrument to visual flying without optical illusions and to provide sensitive and natural indications which could easily be interpreted by the average pilot the approach lighting pattern should consist of a centre line of light with horizontal bars of light running transversely across it at even intervals this pattern consists of two basic elements a line of lights leading to the runway threshold and horizontal lights to define the attitude of the aircraft. 795.diagrams above with horizon bars the pilot can see if he is on an even keel left or banked right wing down to turn on to the centre line right exemple 265 5 crossbars, centre line with 3, 2 and 1 lamp per light unit.5 crossbars, centre line with 3, 2 and 1 lamp per light unit.

Within the annex to the icao convention that specifies dimensions of aerodromes ?

Question 13-40 : 45 metres 35 metres 40 metres 50 metres

.width of runways annex 14 volume 1 . 3 1 10 recommendation the width of a runway should be not less than the appropriate dimension specified in the following tabulation.. exemple 269 45 metres.45 metres.


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