Preparation > civilian : If paris reports a wind of 30012kt on the metar what wind velocity would you ?
Question 129-1 : 33025kt 23030kt 30025kt 27020kt

Which of the following is true of a land breeze ?
Question 129-2 : It blows from land to water it blows from water to land it blows by day it blows only at noon

An aircraft is approaching under visual flight rules an airfield whose runway ?
Question 129-3 : Crosswind from the right crosswind from the left tailwind headwind

An aircraft is approaching under visual flight rules an airfield northern ?
Question 129-4 : Crosswind from the left headwind tailwind crosswind from the right
When will the surface wind in a metar record a gust factor ?
Question 129-5 : When gusts are at least 10 knots above the mean wind speed when gusts are at least 15 knots above the mean wind speed with gusts of at least 25 knots with gusts of at least 35 knots

Select from the map the average wind for the route zurich rome at fl110 . 303 ?
Question 129-6 : 230/10 200/30 040/10 250/20
Select from the map the average wind for the route athens geneva at fl 160 . ?
Question 129-7 : 240/40 210/25 260/40 050/35

Select from the map the average wind for the route zurich hamburg at fl 240 . ?
Question 129-8 : 230/20 020/20 200/15 260/25

Select from the map the average wind for the route shannon lisboa at fl 290 . ?
Question 129-9 : 360/80 030/70 190/75 340/90

When otherwise calm and clear conditions exist a station on the shore of a ?
Question 129-10 : From the water in daytime and from the land at night continually from land to water continually from water to the land from the land in daytime and from the water at night

The greater the pressure gradient the ?
Question 129-11 : Closer the isobars and the stronger the wind further the isobars will be apart and the weaker the wind closer the isobars and the lower the temperatures further the isobars will be apart and the higher the temperature

When isobars for an area in the mid latitudes on a weather map are close ?
Question 129-12 : Strong changing direction rapidly blowing perpendicular to the isobars light

In the northern hemisphere a pilot flying at 1000 ft above ground level ?
Question 129-13 : Left and behind right and behind about 45 degrees to the right of directly ahead directly ahead

In the northern hemisphere the wind at the surface blows ?
Question 129-14 : Counter clockwise around and toward the centre of a low pressure area from a low pressure area to a high pressure area clockwise around and away from the centre of a low pressure area counter clockwise around and away from the centre of a high pressure area

Wind is caused by ?
Question 129-15 : Horizontal pressure differences the rotation of the earth friction between the air and the ground the movements of fronts

During a descent from 2000 ft above the surface to the surface no frontal ?
Question 129-16 : Backs and decreases veers and increases backs and increases veers and decreases

The foehn wind is a ?
Question 129-17 : Warm katabatic wind cold katabatic wind warm anabatic wind cold anabatic wind

The sea breeze is a wind from the sea ?
Question 129-18 : Occurring only in the lower layers of the atmosphere in daytime that reaches up to the tropopause in daytime blowing at night in mid latitudes occurring only in mid latitudes and in daytime

Geostrophic wind is the wind when isobars are ?
Question 129-19 : Straight lines and no friction is involved curved lines and no friction is involved straight lines and friction is involved curved lines and friction is involved

What relationship exists between the wind at 3000 feet and the surface wind ?
Question 129-20 : The wind at 3000 feet is parallel to the isohypses and the surface wind direction is across the isobars toward the low pressure and the surface wind is weaker they have the same direction but the surface wind is weaker caused by friction they are practically the same except when eddies exist caused by obstacles the surface wind is veered compared to the wind at 3000 feet and is usually weaker

The wind tends to follow the contour lines isohypses above the friction layer ?
Question 129-21 : The coriolis force tends to balance with the horizontal pressure gradient force contour lines are lines that connect points with the same wind speed in the upper air the coriolis force acts perpendicular on a line that connects high and low pressure system the friction of the air with the earth's surface gives the airflow a diversion perpendicular to the gradient force

The wind speed in a system with curved isobars compared to a system with ?
Question 129-22 : Higher if curvature is anticyclonic always higher always lower higher if curvature is cyclonic

The geostrophic wind depends on ?
Question 129-23 : Density earth's rotation geographic latitude earth's rotation geographic latitude centripetal force geographic latitude centripetal force height centripetal force height pressure gradient

In a mountain valley wind circulation the mountain wind blows ?
Question 129-24 : At night down from the mountains at night up from the valley during the day down from the mountains during the day up from the valley

Ahead of a warm front in northern hemisphere the wind direction changes from ?
Question 129-25 : Veers in the friction layer and veers above the friction layer backs in the friction layer and veers above the friction layer veers in the friction layer and backs above the friction layer backs in the friction layer and backs above the friction layer

The difference between geostrophic wind and gradient wind is caused by ?
Question 129-26 : Curvature of isobars friction horizontal temperature gradients slope of pressure surfaces

During periods of prolonged clear skies associated with anticyclonic conditions ?
Question 129-27 : Surface wind speed tends to be highest during the early afternoon surface wind speed tends to be highest at night angle between isobars and surface wind direction tends to be greatest in the early afternoon wind tends to back from early morning until early afternoon

The geostrophic wind speed is directly proportional to the ?
Question 129-28 : Horizontal pressure gradient curvature of isobars sine of latitude density of the air

A strong dry and warm downslope wind produced by prior enforced ascent of air ?
Question 129-29 : Foehn scirocco mistral bora

Geostrophic wind ?
Question 129-30 : Is perpendicular to the horizontal pressure gradient force is directly proportional to the density of the air always increases with increasing height veers with height if cold air is advected in the northern hemisphere

Which of the following statements concerning jet streams is correct ?
Question 129-31 : In the northern hemisphere both westerly and easterly jet streams occur in the northern hemisphere only westerly jet streams occur in the southern hemisphere no jet streams occur in the southern hemisphere only easterly jet streams occur

Under which of the following conditions is the most severe cat likely to be ?
Question 129-32 : A curved jet stream near a deep trough a jet stream with great spacing between the isotherms a westerly jet stream at low latitudes in the summer a straight jet stream near a low pressure area

Above and below a low level inversion the wind is likely to ?
Question 129-33 : Change significantly in speed and direction change in speed but not in direction change in direction but not in speed experience little or no change in speed and direction

Which of the following statements concerning the core of a polar front jet ?
Question 129-34 : It lies at a height where there is no horizontal temperature gradient the slope of the pressure surfaces at the height of the core is at its maximum it and its surface projection lie in the warm air it lies in the warm air its pressure surfaces are horizontal at the height of the core it lies in the cold air the wind reverses direction at the height of the core

On a particular day part of a polar front jet stream runs from north to south ?
Question 129-35 : The polar air is below and to the east of the core of the jet the polar air is on the eastern side and above the core of the jet below the core of the jet the horizontal temperature gradient runs from north to south above the core of the jet the horizontal temperature gradient runs from north to south

For a similar pressure gradient the geostrophic wind speed will be ?
Question 129-36 : Greater at 30°n than at 60°n greater at 60°n than at 30°n the same at all latitudes north or south of 15° equivalent to gradient wind ± thermal component

For the same pressure gradient at 60°n 50°n and 40°n the speed of the ?
Question 129-37 : Greatest at 40°n the same at all latitudes greatest at 60°n least at 50°n

Under anticyclone conditions in the northern hemisphere with curved isobars the ?
Question 129-38 : Greater than the geostrophic wind less than the geostrophic wind the same as the thermal component proportional only to the coriolis force

Considering that portion of the route indicated from 30°e to 50°e the upper ?
Question 129-39 : A subtropical westerly jet stream maximum speed exceeding 90 kt a westerly polar front jet stream maximum speed exceeding 90 kt variable in direction and less than 30 kt light easterlies

The core of the polar front jet stream is usually located in the ?
Question 129-40 : Tropical air below the tropopause polar air above the tropopause polar air below the tropopause tropical air above the tropical tropopause

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