Preparation > civilian : What degree of turbulence if any is likely to be encountered while flying ?
Question 128-1 : Severe turbulence in cb cloud moderate turbulence in ns cloud light turbulence in cb cloud light turbulence in st cloud

You are flying at 2500 ft/agl above ground level the wind is 180° and intend ?
Question 128-2 : South southeast south southwest southwest south

What units are used to report vertical wind shear ?
Question 128-3 : Kt/100 ft kt m/100 ft m/sec

What name is given to the jet stream lying across india a . 262 ?
Question 128-4 : Tropical jet stream polar front jet stream arctic jet stream sub tropical jet stream

An aircraft is flying through the polar front jet stream from south to north ?
Question 128-5 : It decreases it increases it first increases then decreases it remains constant

What is the average height of the arctic jet stream core ?
Question 128-6 : 20000 ft 30000 ft 40000 ft 50000 ft

What is the approximate ratio between height and width for a jet stream cross ?
Question 128-7 : Ratio is 1/100 ratio is 1/1 ratio is 1/10 ratio is 1/1000

Which jet stream blows all year round over the northern hemisphere ?
Question 128-8 : The subtropical jet stream the polar night jet stream the equatorial jet stream the arctic jet stream

What is the average height of the jet core within a polar front jet stream ?
Question 128-9 : 30000 ft 40000 ft 50000 ft 20000 ft

An aircraft is flying from south to north above the polar front jet stream at ?
Question 128-10 : It decreases it increases it stays the same it decreases and then increases

A wind speed of 350 kt within a jet stream core should be world wide regarded as ?
Question 128-11 : Possible but a very rare phenomenon not unusual in polar regions a common occurrence not possible

An aircraft over western europe is crossing a jet stream 2500 ft below its core ?
Question 128-12 : From the right from the left tailwind headwind

What is the main cause for the formation of a polar front jet stream ?
Question 128-13 : The north south horizontal temperature gradient at the polar front the pressure difference close to the ground between a high over the azores and a low over iceland strong winds in the upper atmosphere the varied elevations of the tropopause in the polar front region

Which jet stream is connected with a surface front system ?
Question 128-14 : The polar front jet stream the easterly jet stream the subtropical jet stream the equatorial jet stream

At approximately what flight level is the subtropical jet stream found ?
Question 128-15 : Fl 400 fl 150 fl 200 fl 500

Flight zurich to rome etd 1600 utc eta 1800 utc at what flight level would you ?
Question 128-16 : Fl 220 fl 160 fl 320 fl 140

At what flight level is the jet stream core that is situated over northern ?
Question 128-17 : Fl 280 fl 330 fl 360 fl 300

Select from the map the wind for the route zurich london at fl 280 . 277 ?
Question 128-18 : 220/60 250/80 040/60 160/90

What name is given to the jet stream lying over north africa b . 280 ?
Question 128-19 : Sub tropical jet stream equatorial jet stream polar front jet stream arctic jet stream

What wind is forecast at fl 390 over paris . 281 ?
Question 128-20 : 210°/40 kt 240°/20 kt 030°/40 kt 190°/40 kt

What is the direction and maximum speed of the jet stream affecting the route ?
Question 128-21 : 220° / 120 kt 050° / 120 km/h 050° / 120 kt 230° / 120 m/sec

Flight from bordeaux to amsterdam eta 2100 utc at eta amsterdam what surface ?
Question 128-22 : 120° / 15 kt gusts 25 kt 250° / 20 kt 140° / 10 kt 300° / 15 kt maximum wind 25 kt

The equatorial easterly jet is a jet stream that occurs ?
Question 128-23 : Only in the summer of the northern hemisphere at approximately 45 000 ft only in the winter of the northern hemisphere at approximately 30 000 ft during the whole year in the southern hemisphere during the whole year in the northern hemisphere

In which zone of a polar front jet stream is the strongest cat to be expected ?
Question 128-24 : On the polar air side of the core on the tropical air side of the core exactly in the centre of the core about 12000 ft above the core

What is the minimum speed for a wind to be classified as a jet stream ?
Question 128-25 : 80 kt 50 kt 70 kt 100 kt

A wind sounding in the region of a polar front jet stream gives the following ?
Question 128-26 : With a warm front with a cold front with a itcz with an easterly wave

What is the most significant difference between an equatorial jet stream and ?
Question 128-27 : Wind direction vertical dimension horizontal dimension wind speed

You cross a jet stream in horizontal flight at approximately right angles while ?
Question 128-28 : This phenomenon is absolutely normal as you are crossing the jet core you assume the front associated with the jet stream to be very weak with practically no temperature difference between the two air masses since the result of such readings seems impossible you will have the instruments tested after landing this phenomenon does not surprise you at all since normally no large temperature differences are possible at these heights

What jet streams are likely to be crossed during a flight from stockholm to rio ?
Question 128-29 : A polar front jet stream followed by one or two subtropical jet streams a subtropical jet stream followed by a polar front jet stream a polar front jet stream followed by a subtropical jet stream and later a second polar front jet stream one subtropical jet stream

While crossing a jet stream at right angles in western europe 3000 ft below its ?
Question 128-30 : Crosswind from the left crosswind from the right a headwind a tailwind

During the winter months in mid latitudes in the northern hemisphere the polar ?
Question 128-31 : South and speed increases north and speed decreases south and speed decreases north and speed increases

What causes surface winds to flow across the isobars at an angle rather than ?
Question 128-32 : Surface friction coriolis force greater density of the air at the surface greater atmospheric pressure at the surface

What prevents air from flowing directly from high pressure areas to low ?
Question 128-33 : Coriolis force surface friction katabatic force the pressure gradient force

What is the approximate speed of a 25 knot wind expressed in kilometres per hour ?
Question 128-34 : 45 km/h 35 km/h 55 km/h 60 km/h

What is the approximate speed of a 90 km/h wind expressed in knots ?
Question 128-35 : 50 kt 55 kt 60 kt 70 kt

What is the approximate speed of a 40 knot wind expressed in m/sec ?
Question 128-36 : 20 m/sec 80 m/sec 72 m/sec 30 m/sec

Where in central europe are the highest wind speeds to be found ?
Question 128-37 : Just below the tropopause close to the ground at about 5500 metres altitude in the stratosphere

If paris reports a wind of 19015kt on the metar what wind velocity would you ?
Question 128-38 : 22030 kt 16020 kt 25025 kt 22010 kt

If paris reports a wind of 08010kt on the metar what wind velocity would you ?
Question 128-39 : 11020kt 08015kt 05020kt 08005kt

If paris reports a wind of 16020kt on the metar what wind velocity would you ?
Question 128-40 : 19040kt 16030kt 14020kt 17015kt

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