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Preparation > civilian : What degree of turbulence if any is likely to be encountered while flying ?

Question 128-1 : Severe turbulence in cb cloud moderate turbulence in ns cloud light turbulence in cb cloud light turbulence in st cloud

exemple 228 severe turbulence in cb cloud.severe turbulence in cb cloud.

You are flying at 2500 ft/agl above ground level the wind is 180° and intend ?

Question 128-2 : South southeast south southwest southwest south

.at low elevations friction will slow the air and hence the coriolis force will be less effective in its deflection of the wind .in northern hemisphere at mid latitude over land wind speed in friction layer decrease by 50% the wind in the friction layer blows across the isobars towards the low pressure angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 30° value to be used in examinations .at 2500 ft you will be out of the friction layer on the ground the direction will be 180° 30° = 150° south southeast direction .in the northern hemisphere the friction layer decreases the wind direction anti clockwise exemple 232 south-southeast.south-southeast.

What units are used to report vertical wind shear ?

Question 128-3 : Kt/100 ft kt m/100 ft m/sec

exemple 236 kt/100 ft.kt/100 ft.

What name is given to the jet stream lying across india a . 262 ?

Question 128-4 : Tropical jet stream polar front jet stream arctic jet stream sub tropical jet stream

.tropical jet stream = tropical easterly jet = equatorial jet stream = the only one blowing from east to west during summer season . 533 exemple 240 tropical jet stream.tropical jet stream.

An aircraft is flying through the polar front jet stream from south to north ?

Question 128-5 : It decreases it increases it first increases then decreases it remains constant

.the polar front jet stream runs from west to east and it will be found in the warm air of the ferrel cell sub tropical air mass . 575.if you cross below the jet stream northern hemisphere and you are flying from south to north then you are flying from the warm subtropical air into the colder polar air .the outside air temperature oat will decrease exemple 244 it decreases.it decreases.

What is the average height of the arctic jet stream core ?

Question 128-6 : 20000 ft 30000 ft 40000 ft 50000 ft

.average height of the arctic jet 20000 ft .average height of the polar front jet 30000 ft.the artic jet is at a higher latitude than the polar front jet hence at a lower height tropopause is lower at the poles than the equator.arctic jet stream = 20000 ft .polar front jet stream = 30000 ft .subtropical jet stream = 40000 ft exemple 248 20000 ft .20000 ft .

What is the approximate ratio between height and width for a jet stream cross ?

Question 128-7 : Ratio is 1/100 ratio is 1/1 ratio is 1/10 ratio is 1/1000

.for examination purposes we assume a jet stream to be about 2000 nm long 200 nm wide and 2 nm deep this gives an approximate ratio between height and width of 1/100 exemple 252 ratio is 1/100.ratio is 1/100.

Which jet stream blows all year round over the northern hemisphere ?

Question 128-8 : The subtropical jet stream the polar night jet stream the equatorial jet stream the arctic jet stream

.the subtropical and polar front jets are present throughout the year .the polar night jet is only active during the winter months of the northern hemisphere and is located at 60° north .the equatorial jet is only present during the northern hemisphere summer exemple 256 the subtropical jet stream.the subtropical jet stream.

What is the average height of the jet core within a polar front jet stream ?

Question 128-9 : 30000 ft 40000 ft 50000 ft 20000 ft

.arctic jet stream = 20000 ft .polar front jet stream = 30000 ft .subtropical jet stream = 40000 ft . 595 exemple 260 30000 ft.30000 ft.

An aircraft is flying from south to north above the polar front jet stream at ?

Question 128-10 : It decreases it increases it stays the same it decreases and then increases

.flying from south to north in the southern hemisphere means that on crossing the polar front the aircraft will go from the cold air mass polar maritime to the warm air mass tropical maritime.at fl400 the aircraft will be above the tropopause.the tropopause in the warm air will be higher and colder than the tropopause in the cold air so the aircraft will note a decrease in temperature exemple 264 it decreases.it decreases.

A wind speed of 350 kt within a jet stream core should be world wide regarded as ?

Question 128-11 : Possible but a very rare phenomenon not unusual in polar regions a common occurrence not possible

.the highest recorded jet stream speed 354 kt 656 km/h above isle of south uist scotland 13th december 1967.the jet stream varies from about 80 to 350 nm wide and 1 to 3 nm thick its strongest winds are generally encountered at about 30000 feet .jet stream winds usually have a speed of 130 to 260 kt exemple 268 possible but a very rare phenomenon.possible but a very rare phenomenon.

An aircraft over western europe is crossing a jet stream 2500 ft below its core ?

Question 128-12 : From the right from the left tailwind headwind

.if the outside temperature is increasing while crossing below its core it's because you are flying from cold sector to warm sector .the wind comes from your right because if you stand with your back to the wind in northern hemisphere low pressure and low temperature are on your left exemple 272 from the right.from the right.

What is the main cause for the formation of a polar front jet stream ?

Question 128-13 : The north south horizontal temperature gradient at the polar front the pressure difference close to the ground between a high over the azores and a low over iceland strong winds in the upper atmosphere the varied elevations of the tropopause in the polar front region

.fundamental to the formation of the polar front jet stream is the physical property that warm air is less dense than cold air when both are at the same pressure the polar front represents the boundary between higher latitude cold air and lower latitude warm air this temperature contrast extends from earth's surface up to the polar front jet stream altitude.air pressure is determined by the weight of overlying air in the vicinity of the polar front air pressure drops more rapidly with an increase in altitude in the more dense cold air than in the less dense warm air.the effect of temperature on air density results in air pressure at any given altitude being higher on the warm equatorward side of the polar front than on the cold poleward side when cold and warm air reside side by side the higher the altitude the greater the pressure difference is between the cold and warm air at the same altitude .across the polar front at upper levels including the jet stream altitude horizontal pressure differences cause air to flow from the warm air side of the front towards the cold air side of the front .once air is in motion it is deflected by earth's rotation coriolis effect upper level air flowing poleward from higher pressure towards lower pressure is deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere or to the left in the southern hemisphere the result is a jet stream flowing generally towards the east parallel to and above the polar front exemple 276 the north-south horizontal temperature gradient at the polar front.the north-south horizontal temperature gradient at the polar front.

Which jet stream is connected with a surface front system ?

Question 128-14 : The polar front jet stream the easterly jet stream the subtropical jet stream the equatorial jet stream

.the polar front is the boundary between polar air and tropical air . 595.you can see that the polar front jet stream is connected with the polar front for the other jetstreams there is no front for information easterly jet stream is the equatorial jetstream exemple 280 the polar front jet stream.the polar front jet stream.

At approximately what flight level is the subtropical jet stream found ?

Question 128-15 : Fl 400 fl 150 fl 200 fl 500

.jet streams vary in height from 20000 ft to 40000 ft and can reach speeds of more than 240 kt . 595.the subtropical jet stream is located around 30°n .the subtropical jet stream can be found at fl400 40000 ft.arctic jet stream = 20000 ft .polar front jet stream = 30000 ft .subtropical jet stream = 40000 ft exemple 284 fl 400.fl 400.

Flight zurich to rome etd 1600 utc eta 1800 utc at what flight level would you ?

Question 128-16 : Fl 220 fl 160 fl 320 fl 140

. 522.cat area n°2 shows moderate cat between fl220 and fl400 exemple 288 fl 220.fl 220.

At what flight level is the jet stream core that is situated over northern ?

Question 128-17 : Fl 280 fl 330 fl 360 fl 300

. 525.the jet stream flight level is indicated below his position maximum jet stream wind speed is 135 kt exemple 292 fl 280.fl 280.

Select from the map the wind for the route zurich london at fl 280 . 277 ?

Question 128-18 : 220/60 250/80 040/60 160/90

. 527.225°/95 kt.220°/55 kt.210°/40 kt.255°/35 kt..average wind is 227°/56 kt.in northern hemisphere wind turns clockwise with height and speed increases it means that normally at fl280 chart is for fl300 we should expect a wind of 220°/50 kt anyway answer 220/60 remains the only valid answer exemple 296 220/60.220/60.

What name is given to the jet stream lying over north africa b . 280 ?

Question 128-19 : Sub tropical jet stream equatorial jet stream polar front jet stream arctic jet stream

.the subtropical jet stream is located around 30°n/s . 590 exemple 300 sub-tropical jet stream.sub-tropical jet stream.

What wind is forecast at fl 390 over paris . 281 ?

Question 128-20 : 210°/40 kt 240°/20 kt 030°/40 kt 190°/40 kt

. 528.the wind is blowing with a south south west component west of paris and speed is reducing from 45 kt to 30 kt close to luxembourg .'210°/40 kt' is the correct answer exemple 304 210°/40 kt.210°/40 kt.

What is the direction and maximum speed of the jet stream affecting the route ?

Question 128-21 : 220° / 120 kt 050° / 120 km/h 050° / 120 kt 230° / 120 m/sec

. 529 exemple 308 220° / 120 kt.220° / 120 kt.

Flight from bordeaux to amsterdam eta 2100 utc at eta amsterdam what surface ?

Question 128-22 : 120° / 15 kt gusts 25 kt 250° / 20 kt 140° / 10 kt 300° / 15 kt maximum wind 25 kt

.becmg becoming indicates a change to forecast conditions is expected to occur slowly within the period designated in the time group immediately following the heading .the duration of this change is normally about 2 hours the elements included in the becmg line will supercede some of the previous taf groups but it is possible all the groups may change .any group omitted in the becmg line will be the same during the becmg period as indicated in the main taf line.in this question the wind becoming 120°/15 kt gusts 25 kt 12015g25kt between 16h and 18h it will remain unchanged until 23h .then the wind becoming 250°/20kt between 23h and 01h exemple 312 120° / 15 kt gusts 25 kt.120° / 15 kt gusts 25 kt.

The equatorial easterly jet is a jet stream that occurs ?

Question 128-23 : Only in the summer of the northern hemisphere at approximately 45 000 ft only in the winter of the northern hemisphere at approximately 30 000 ft during the whole year in the southern hemisphere during the whole year in the northern hemisphere

.this jet occurs in the northern summer between 10°n and 20°n chiefly over or just to the south of high land masses such as in asia and africa its occurrence is due to a temperature gradient with colder air to the south which produces sufficient temperature differential above 45000 ft to give wind speeds of over 100 kt .because colder temperatures at height are to the south it is an easterly jet this jet is now more usually known as the tropical easterly jet perhaps more correctly as it lies some distance from the equator . 533 exemple 316 only in the summer of the northern hemisphere at approximately 45 000 ft.only in the summer of the northern hemisphere at approximately 45 000 ft.

In which zone of a polar front jet stream is the strongest cat to be expected ?

Question 128-24 : On the polar air side of the core on the tropical air side of the core exactly in the centre of the core about 12000 ft above the core

.the strongest cat is in the warm tropical air but on the cold polar air side of the core exemple 320 on the polar air side of the core.on the polar air side of the core.

What is the minimum speed for a wind to be classified as a jet stream ?

Question 128-25 : 80 kt 50 kt 70 kt 100 kt

.the heavyline line delineating the jet axis begins/ends at the points where a wind speed of 40 m/s 80 kt is forecast exemple 324 80 kt.80 kt.

A wind sounding in the region of a polar front jet stream gives the following ?

Question 128-26 : With a warm front with a cold front with a itcz with an easterly wave

.the highest wind speed is in the core of the polar front jet stream at 250 hpa approximately fl340 in the northern hemisphere the cold front jet is from the sw and the warm front jet is from the nw .at fl340 the jet direction is 310° it is a north west direction exemple 328 with a warm front.with a warm front.

What is the most significant difference between an equatorial jet stream and ?

Question 128-27 : Wind direction vertical dimension horizontal dimension wind speed

.its wind direction is from east to west.this jet occurs in the northern summer between 10°n and 20°n chiefly over or just to the south of high land masses such as in asia and africa .because colder temperatures at height are to the south it is an easterly jet this jet is now more usually known as the tropical easterly jet perhaps more correctly as it lies some distance from the equator . 533 exemple 332 wind direction.wind direction.

You cross a jet stream in horizontal flight at approximately right angles while ?

Question 128-28 : This phenomenon is absolutely normal as you are crossing the jet core you assume the front associated with the jet stream to be very weak with practically no temperature difference between the two air masses since the result of such readings seems impossible you will have the instruments tested after landing this phenomenon does not surprise you at all since normally no large temperature differences are possible at these heights

exemple 336 this phenomenon is absolutely normal as you are crossing the jet core.this phenomenon is absolutely normal as you are crossing the jet core.

What jet streams are likely to be crossed during a flight from stockholm to rio ?

Question 128-29 : A polar front jet stream followed by one or two subtropical jet streams a subtropical jet stream followed by a polar front jet stream a polar front jet stream followed by a subtropical jet stream and later a second polar front jet stream one subtropical jet stream

. 2535 exemple 340 a polar front jet stream followed by one or two subtropical jet streams.a polar front jet stream followed by one or two subtropical jet streams.

While crossing a jet stream at right angles in western europe 3000 ft below its ?

Question 128-30 : Crosswind from the left crosswind from the right a headwind a tailwind

.if you are moving to an area of decreasing temperature then you must be moving from an area of warm air to cold and in the northern hemisphere the frontal jetstream which is just underneath the warm sector tropopause in the warm sector close to the front blows with the cold sector to its left therefore if you are crossing to the cold sector the jet is blowing from the left . 595 exemple 344 crosswind from the left.crosswind from the left.

During the winter months in mid latitudes in the northern hemisphere the polar ?

Question 128-31 : South and speed increases north and speed decreases south and speed decreases north and speed increases

.in winter the polar front moves south . 585.during summer it moves north . 598.winter speed 130 to 150 kt .summer speed 60 to 100 kt exemple 348 south and speed increases.south and speed increases.

What causes surface winds to flow across the isobars at an angle rather than ?

Question 128-32 : Surface friction coriolis force greater density of the air at the surface greater atmospheric pressure at the surface

.friction is a force it is a force that slows motion and dampens energy.in meteorology friction is important because it causes the wind speeds at the surface to be less and more turbulent than they otherwise would be rough terrain is more effective in decreasing the wind speed than a water surface friction processes can help promote surface convergence and uplift.resistance to movement of air flowing along the surface of the earth induces the wind to flow across the isobars at an angle exemple 352 surface friction.surface friction.

What prevents air from flowing directly from high pressure areas to low ?

Question 128-33 : Coriolis force surface friction katabatic force the pressure gradient force

.pressure gradient tries to move air from high pressure to low pressure but coriolis force deflects it to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere exemple 356 coriolis force.coriolis force.

What is the approximate speed of a 25 knot wind expressed in kilometres per hour ?

Question 128-34 : 45 km/h 35 km/h 55 km/h 60 km/h

.1 kt = 1 852 km/h..use this formula 25 kt x 2 10% = 45 km/h exemple 360 45 km/h.45 km/h.

What is the approximate speed of a 90 km/h wind expressed in knots ?

Question 128-35 : 50 kt 55 kt 60 kt 70 kt

.1 kt = 1 852 km/h..use this formula 90 km/h + 10% /2 = 49 5 kt exemple 364 50 kt.50 kt.

What is the approximate speed of a 40 knot wind expressed in m/sec ?

Question 128-36 : 20 m/sec 80 m/sec 72 m/sec 30 m/sec

.1 kt equal around 0 5 m/s exemple 368 20 m/sec.20 m/sec.

Where in central europe are the highest wind speeds to be found ?

Question 128-37 : Just below the tropopause close to the ground at about 5500 metres altitude in the stratosphere

.the strongest winds in this area are the polar front jetstreams which are just below the warm air tropopause exemple 372 just below the tropopause.just below the tropopause.

If paris reports a wind of 19015kt on the metar what wind velocity would you ?

Question 128-38 : 22030 kt 16020 kt 25025 kt 22010 kt

. values to be used in examinations .over sea wind speed in friction layer decrease by 30% the wind in the friction layer blows across the isobars towards the low pressure angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 10°..over land wind speed in friction layer decrease by 50% the wind in the friction layer blows across the isobars towards the low pressure angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 30° exemple 376 22030 kt22030 kt

If paris reports a wind of 08010kt on the metar what wind velocity would you ?

Question 128-39 : 11020kt 08015kt 05020kt 08005kt

. values to be used in examinations .over sea wind speed in friction layer decrease by 30% the wind in the friction layer blows across the isobars towards the low pressure angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 10°..over land wind speed in friction layer decrease by 50% the wind in the friction layer blows across the isobars towards the low pressure angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 30° exemple 380 11020kt11020kt

If paris reports a wind of 16020kt on the metar what wind velocity would you ?

Question 128-40 : 19040kt 16030kt 14020kt 17015kt

. values to be used in examinations .over sea wind speed in friction layer decrease by 30% the wind in the friction layer blows across the isobars towards the low pressure angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 10°..over land wind speed in friction layer decrease by 50% the wind in the friction layer blows across the isobars towards the low pressure angle between wind direction and isobars changes by 30° exemple 384 19040kt19040kt


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