Preparation > civilian : The mean height of the tropical tropopause is ?
Question 127-1 : 44000 ft 49000 ft 54000 ft 59000 ft

An aircraft is flying from point a to point b at the flight level corresponding ?
Question 127-2 : Wind speed over b is higher than over paris the true altitude will be higher over b than over a wind speed over a is higher than over b the true altitude will be higher over b than over paris

A temperature inversion indicates a state of the atmosphere which is ?
Question 127-3 : Absolutely stable absolutely unstable indifferent conditionally unstable

Which fl corresponds with the 150 hpa pressure level ?
Question 127-4 : Fl 450 fl 390 fl 340 fl 300

In the icao standard atmosphere which of the following alternatives indicates ?
Question 127-5 : 15°c at mean sea level decreasing at 0 65°c per 100 metres 13°c at mean sea level decreasing at 2°c per 1000 feet 15°c at mean sea level decreasing at 0 65°c per 100 feet 15 2°c at mean sea level decreasing at 0 65°c per 100 metres
An aircraft is flying from point a to point b at the flight level corresponding ?
Question 127-6 : Wind speed over a is higher than over b the true altitude will be higher over a than over b wind speed over b is higher than over a the true altitude will be higher over a than over madrid

Which constant pressure chart is standard for fl 450 ?
Question 127-7 : 150 hpa 200 hpa 250 hpa 300 hpa

What is meant by the term 'altitude' ?
Question 127-8 : The vertical distance of a level or a point measured from mean sea level the vertical distance of a level or a point measured from the earth's surface altimeter indication when altimeter subscale is set to present qfe the vertical distance of a level or a point measured from the aerodrome reference point

Which fl corresponds with the 250 hpa pressure level ?
Question 127-9 : Fl 340 fl 390 fl 450 fl 300

An aircraft flies at flight level 40 elevation of the aerodrome 990 ft qnh 976 ?
Question 127-10 : Only a small change of altitude is necessary the aircraft has to descend about 2000 ft the aircraft has to climb about 1000 ft the aircraft has to descend about 1000 ft

A surface based inversion is a characteristic of ?
Question 127-11 : Nocturnal radiation during clear nights cumulus clouds hill fog the passage of cold front

Flight from lisbon to kingston .considering the route segment between 30°w and ?
Question 127-12 : 56°c 59°c 52°c 61°c

What is the approximate value of atmospheric pressure at 11000 m amsl in ?
Question 127-13 : One fourth one half one eights the same

Which type of inversion can lead to fog formation due to the temperature of air ?
Question 127-14 : Ground inversion frontal inversion turbulence inversion subsidence inversion

You are flying at fl 300 where the outside air temperature is 57 5°c and the ?
Question 127-15 : 28500 ft 30000 ft 25000 ft 31500 ft

At what flight level is the zero degree isotherm at the equator ?
Question 127-16 : Fl 180 fl 150 fl 200 fl 250

Why are polar regions colder than equatorial regions ?
Question 127-17 : Because the angle of incidence of the solar radiation is very small in polar regions because the angle of incidence of the solar radiation is very large in polar regions the sky in the polar regions is cloud covered almost all the year the polar regions stay in the dark almost all the year

Which of the following is true concerning atmospheric pressure ?
Question 127-18 : It decreases with height it is higher in winter than in summer it is higher at night than during the day it always decreases with height at a rate of 1 hpa per 8m

The vertical temperature gradient lapse rate in the international standard ?
Question 127-19 : 6 5°c per 1000 m 2°c per 1000 m 3°c per 1000 m 4 5°c per 1000 m

What is the approximate height of the tropopause between keflavik and helsinki ?
Question 127-20 : Fl 320 fl 300 fl 360 fl 350

For a flight from the azores to the bermudas the tropical tropopause is to be ?
Question 127-21 : 51000 ft 12000 metres 60 000 ft 14000 metres 39 000 ft 9000 metres 33 000 ft 8000 metres

Tropopause altitude at 38°n 19°w is . 410 ?
Question 127-22 : Fl 320 fl 360 fl 420 fl 400

Assuming a normal vertical temperature gradient at what altitude will the ?
Question 127-23 : Fl 60 fl 20 fl 140 fl 120

The temperature deviation from isa to the nearest °c overhead charleston at fl ?
Question 127-24 : +5 +3 7 5

The maximum possible temperature at north pole is ?
Question 127-25 : Dependent on the seasons 10°c +10°c 20°c

In the northern hemisphere the force that causes a deviation to the left from ?
Question 127-26 : Frictional force centripetal force pressure gradient coriolis force

The wind indicator for a weather observation receives the measured value from ?
Question 127-27 : On a mast 8 10 m above the runway 1 m above the runway close to the station about 2 m above the ground on the roof of the weather station

The geostrophic wind is greater than the gradient wind around a low pressure ?
Question 127-28 : Centrifugal force opposes the pressure gradient centrifugal force is added to the pressure gradient coriolis force is added to the pressure gradient coriolis force opposes to the centrifugal force

The geostrophic wind is less than the gradient wind around an anticyclone ?
Question 127-29 : Centrifugal force is added to the pressure gradient centrifugal force opposes the pressure gradient effect of coriolis is added to friction coriolis effect opposes the centrifugal force

In the lower layers of the atmosphere due to friction the wind changes ?
Question 127-30 : Wind speed decreases and therefore coriolis force decreases the pressure gradient increases turbulence is formed and pressure increases turbulence is formed and pressure decreases

The most frequent wind direction in a valley caused by thermal effects is ?
Question 127-31 : Mountain during daylight hours mountain at night valley during daylight hours valley during daylight as much as at night

Convective activity over land in mid latitudes is greatest in ?
Question 127-32 : Summer in the afternoon winter during the night and early morning summer during the night and early morning winter in the afternoon

Which forces are balanced with geostrophic winds ?
Question 127-33 : Pressure gradient force coriolis force friction force pressure gradient force coriolis force pressure gradient force coriolis force centrifugal force pressure gradient force centrifugal force friction force

How does moderate turbulence affect an aircraft ?
Question 127-34 : Changes in altitude or attitude occur but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times rapid and somewhat rhythmic bumpiness is experienced without appreciable changes in altitude or attitude large abrupt changes in altitude or attitude occur but the aircraft may only be out of control momentarily continued flight in this environment will result in structural damage

Which degree of aircraft turbulence is determined by the following icao ?
Question 127-35 : Moderate severe violent light

In a land and sea breeze circulation the land breeze blows ?
Question 127-36 : During the night and is weaker than the sea breeze during the day and is stronger than the sea breeze during the day and is weaker than the sea breeze during the night and is stronger than the sea breeze

A high pressure area slack pressure gradient covers part of the mediterranean ?
Question 127-37 : Sea to land land to sea variable parallel to the coastline

A mountain breeze katabatic wind blows ?
Question 127-38 : Down the slope during the night up the slope during the day down the slope during the day up the slope during the night

Generally northern hemisphere winds at 5000 ft/agl are south westerly while ?
Question 127-39 : Friction between the wind and the surface a strong pressure gradient at higher altitudes stronger coriolis force at the surface the influence of warm air at the lower altitude

Friction between the air and the ground results in the northern hemisphere in ?
Question 127-40 : Backing of the wind and decrease of wind speed at the surface veering of the wind and decrease of wind speed at the surface backing of the wind and increase of wind speed at the surface veering of the wind and increase of wind speed at the surface

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