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Preparation > civilian : Considering the north atlantic at latitude 50°n during winter the mean height ?

Question 126-1 : 31 000 ft 23 000 ft 43 000 ft 54 000 ft

.the tropopause is at the top of the troposphere it marks the boundary between the troposphere and the next atmospheric layer the stratosphere the tropopause is defined as being that part of the atmosphere where temperature no longer decreases with height . 491.31 000 ft is approximately 9 5 km .the average height of the tropopause over the equator is 16 km and 8 km over the poles at 50°n the mean height of the tropopause is approximately 31 000 ft exemple 226 31 000 ft.31 000 ft.

If the qfe qnh and qff of an airport have the same value ?

Question 126-2 : The airport must be at msl the conditions must be as in the isa the airport must be at msl and the conditions must be as in the isa the 1013 25 hpa level must be at msl

.qfe qnh and qff will all be at the same pressure for having the same value and it can occur only if the airport is at msl .temperature or pressure can differ from isa at msl there is no incidence exemple 230 the airport must be at msl.the airport must be at msl.

In relation to the total weight of the atmosphere the weight of the atmosphere ?

Question 126-3 : 50% 1% 25% 99%

.50% of the atmosphere by mass is below an altitude of 5500 m .90% of the atmosphere by mass is below an altitude of 16 km .99 99997% of the atmosphere by mass is below 100 km exemple 234 50%.50%.

The icao standard atmosphere isa assumes that temperature will reduce at the ?

Question 126-4 : 1 98°c per 1000 ft up to 36090 ft after which it remains constant to 65617 ft 1 98°c per 1000 ft up to 36090 ft and will then rise at 0 3°c per 1000 ft up to 65617 ft when it will remain constant 2°c per 1000 ft up to 65617 ft after which it will remain constant to 104987 ft 2°c per 1000 ft up to 36090 ft and will then increase at 0 3°c per 1000 ft up to 65617 ft

exemple 238 1,98°c per 1000 ft up to 36090 ft after which it remains constant to 65617 ft.1,98°c per 1000 ft up to 36090 ft after which it remains constant to 65617 ft.

With all other quantities being constant the density of the atmosphere ?

Question 126-5 : Air pressure relative humidity stability temperature

.density depends on pressure and temperature .density is proportional to air pressure and inversely proportional to temperature

You are flying over the sea at fl 250 and measure an outside temperature of ?

Question 126-6 : 23770 ft/amsl 26230 ft/amsl 26770 ft/amsl 23230 ft/amsl

The following rules shall be considered for altimetry calculations. the value for the barometric lapse rate near mean sea level is 27 ft 8 m per 1 hpa. to determine the true altitude/height the following rule of thumb called the '4% rule' shall be used the altitude/height changes by 4% for each 10°c temperature deviation from isa..1023 1013 = 10 hpa...10 x 27 = 270 ft...25000 ft + 270 ft = 25270 ft..altitude/height changes by 4% for each 10°c temperature deviation from isa..temperature correction = 4 x 25 27 x 15.temperature correction is minus 1516 2 ft since air is colder than isa and we are looking for our true altitude our altimeter remains at fl250 setting 1013.our approximate true altitude 25270 1516 = 23754 ft .close enough to the result desired exemple 246 23770 ft/amsl.23770 ft/amsl.

You are flying at fl 200 .outside air temperature is 40°c and the pressure at ?

Question 126-7 : 19310 ft 20630 ft 21770 ft 18290 ft

.1033 1013 = 20 hpa x 27 ft = 540 ft.in isa conditions altitude is 20540 ft and oat will be .15°c 2°c x 20 = 25°c.oat is 40°c to determine the true altitude/height the following rule of thumb called the '4% rule' shall be used the altitude/height changes by 4% for each 10°c temperature deviation from isa.4% x 20 54 x 15 = 1232 ft.20540 1232 = 19308 ft . minus 1232 ft because the air mass is colder than isa exemple 250 19310 ft.19310 ft.

You are flying at fl 160 .outside air temperature is 27°c and the pressure at ?

Question 126-8 : 15100 ft 15620 ft 16360 ft 16920 ft

.1013 1003 = 10 hpa x 27 ft = 270 ft.in isa conditions altitude is 15730 ft and oat will be .15°c 2°c x 16 = 17°c.oat is 27°c to determine the true altitude/height the following rule of thumb called the '4% rule' shall be used the altitude/height changes by 4% for each 10°c temperature deviation from isa.4% x 15 73 x 10 = 629 ft .15730 629 = 15101 ft . minus 629 ft because the air mass is colder than isa exemple 254 15100 ft.15100 ft.

Which statement concerning the tropopause is correct ?

Question 126-9 : The layer just above the tropopause is absolutely stable above the tropopause no clear air turbulence occurs in the icao standard atmosphere the tropopause lies lower over the poles than over the equator the temperature at the tropopause is approximately 80°c over the poles and 40°c over the equator

. 633.the layer just above the tropopause is absolutely stable from 12 km to 25 km the temperature does not vary with height it is an isothermal layer where we have absolute stability.note the icao standard atmosphere does not state that the tropopause has different heights around the earth tropopause is constant at 11 km for icao exemple 258 the layer just above the tropopause is absolutely stable.the layer just above the tropopause is absolutely stable.

Pressure altitude is obtained by ?

Question 126-10 : Setting the altimeter to standard sea level pressure correcting the altimeter for temperature deviation from isa setting the altimeter to a station pressure which has been corrected to sea level setting the altimeter to qff pressure

.1013 25 hpa is the isa mean sea level pressure also known as 'standard pressure setting' .in non isa conditions the 1013 25 hpa pressure level will be above or below mean sea level the standard pressure setting is used as an altimeter setting above the transition altitude exemple 262 setting the altimeter to standard sea level pressure.setting the altimeter to standard sea level pressure.

What is approximately the temperature at 20000 ft in the icao standard ?

Question 126-11 : 25°c 15°c 20°c 30°c

.the icao standard atmosphere isa assumes that temperature will reduce at the rate of 1 98°c per 1000 ft up to 36090 ft after which it remains constant to 65617 ft .the icao standard atmosphere isa also states 'at msl temperature is 15°c and pressure is 1013 25 hpa'.for calculation we will assume a cooling rate of 2° per 1000 ft .15°c 20 x 2°c = 25°c exemple 266 -25°c.-25°c.

What is the most probable temperature at the tropical tropopause ?

Question 126-12 : 75°c 55°c 35°c 25°c

.the tropopause is at the top of the troposphere it marks the boundary between the troposphere and the next atmospheric layer the stratosphere the tropopause is defined as being that part of the atmosphere where temperature no longer decreases with height.the temperature at the tropopause can be as high as 40°c over the poles and as low as 80°c over the equator the average height of the tropopause is at about 11 km where its temperature is 56 5°c .above tropical regions 15° 30° n and s the most probable temperature is 75°c exemple 270 -75°c.-75°c.

What is the average temperature difference from isa at fl 300 between edinburgh ?

Question 126-13 : 2°c +12°c +2°c 12°c

.from edinburg to madrid at fl300 temperatures are . 49 + 48 + 47 + 47 + 46 + 46 + 47 /7 = 47°c.isa temperature at fl300 is 15º 2º x 30 = 45ºc.average oat outside air temperature is 2°c colder than isa exemple 274 -2°c.-2°c.

Considering the route between valencia and charleston at fl 340 the forecast ?

Question 126-14 : 50°c 45°c 55°c 40°c

.at fl340 between valencia and charleston average temperature is around 50°c .pick up some temperatures close to the track . 616.. 48+56+50+50+45+50+46+48+57 /9 = 50°c minus 50°c exemple 278 -50°c-50°c

The temperature lapse rate of the standard atmosphere in the troposphere is ?

Question 126-15 : 2°c/1000 ft 3°c/1000 ft 6 5°c/1000 ft 2 5°c/1000 ft

exemple 282 2°c/1000 ft.2°c/1000 ft.

The radiosonde can directly measure ?

Question 126-16 : Atmospheric pressure air temperature humidity air temperature humidity wind humidity wind atmospheric pressure wind atmospheric pressure air temperature

.pressure temperature and humidity are measured using three capacitative sensors a radiosonde 'sonde' is french for probe is a unit for use in weather balloons that measures various atmospheric parameters and transmits them to a fixed receiver .wind speed and direction are not directly measured by the radiosonde wind speed and direction can be determined from additional windfinding equipment these parameters are calculated from the position of the sonde at successive time intervals exemple 286 atmospheric pressure, air temperature, humidity.atmospheric pressure, air temperature, humidity.

Flight from lisbon lppt to kingston mkjp at 40°n 20°w the temperature ?

Question 126-17 : 0°c +6°c +2°c 2°c

. 624. 56 7 is considered to be the lowest isa temperature so temperature deviation from isa at fl 390 is 0° exemple 290 0°c.0°c.

At which pressure and temperature conditions may you safely assume that the ?

Question 126-18 : At a temperature greater than or equal to that of the isa and where the qnh is greater than or equal to 1013 25 hpa in a cold low pressure region at a temperature less than or equal to that of the isa and where the qnh is less than 1013 25 hpa in a very cold area with a qnh of 1015 hpa

.if the qnh is more than 1013 25 hpa our true altitude will be more than our pressure altitude flight level .example qnh 1023 fl 100 pressure altitude 10000 ft our true altitude will be approximately 10300 ft .also if it is warmer than isa our true altitude will be higher than our indicated altitude exemple 294 at a temperature greater than or equal to that of the isa and where the qnh is greater than or equal to 1013.25 hpa.at a temperature greater than or equal to that of the isa and where the qnh is greater than or equal to 1013.25 hpa.

Given .altimeter setting 1013 2 hpa.altimeter reading 5000 ft.outside air ?

Question 126-19 : 3515 ft 4190 ft 4325 ft 4865 ft

.1013 958 = 55 hpa.55 hpa x 27 = 1485 ft.isa temperature at 5000 ft .15°c 2°c x 5 = +5°c oat = isa so we are in isa conditions.5000 1485 = 3515 ft.you are flying at fl50 subscale setting 1013 15 hpa you turn counterclockwise your subscale setting knob until the scale reads 958 hpa .indicated altitude will decrease by 55 ft x 27 ft = 1485 ft and becomes a true height since the subscale scale is qfe qfe indicates the height of the aircraft above the aerodrome in standard atmosphere.to find the answer you must do .5000 675 810 = 3515.675 is difference between the ground and msl qnh.810 is difference between the msl and fl exemple 298 3515 ft.3515 ft.

At fl 180 the air temperature is 35°c the air density at this level is ?

Question 126-20 : Greater than the density of the isa at fl 180 less than the density of the isa at fl 180 equal to the density of the isa at fl 180 unable to be determined without knowing the qnh

.at fl180 the isa deviation is 14ºc which is obviously colder.heating reduces density volume is greater a parcel of the air expands.cooling increases density volume is lower a parcel of the air shrinks.final statement density is inversely proportional to temperature. so if it's colder density is higher if it's hotter density is lower exemple 302 greater than the density of the isa at fl 180.greater than the density of the isa at fl 180.

An aircraft flies at flight level 40 elevation of the aerodrome 990 ft and qnh ?

Question 126-21 : Only a small change of altitude is necessary the aircraft has to climb about 1000 ft the aircraft has to descend about 1000 ft the aircraft has to descend about 2000 ft

.you are flying at fl 40 with a subscale of 1013 hpa .at 990 ft qnh is 976 hpa.difference between 1013 and 976 is 37 hpa .37 hpa x 27 ft = 999 ft .while flying at fl40 at 1013hpa setting you are in reality at 4000 999 = 3001 ft for a 976 hpa subscale setting.the tower clears the pilot to fly at 3000 ft qnh he has to descend 1 ft to reach 3000 ft at 976 hpa exemple 306 only a small change of altitude is necessary.only a small change of altitude is necessary.

The mean temperature that may be expected to affect that segment of the route ?

Question 126-22 : 38°c 34°c 30°c 42°c

Be careful we are looking at the temperature only for the part from the coast of se england to geneva not from dublin to tunis.over manche at fl240 temperature is 35°.before geneva at fl240 temperature is 30°...over manche at fl300 temperature is 48°.before geneva at fl300 temperature is 44°...average temperature at fl240 = 35° + 30° /2 = 32 5°c.average temperature at fl300 = 48° + 44° /2 = 46°c..average temperature at fl270 = 32 5° + 46° /2 = 39°c exemple 310 -38°c.-38°c.

Flight from lisbon lppt to kingston mkjp considering the route segment between ?

Question 126-23 : 55°c 52°c 58°c 61°c

. 631.we are only looking for the mean temperature forecast between 60°w and 70°w exemple 314 -55°c.-55°c.

What is the average temperature difference from isa at fl 390 between madrid ?

Question 126-24 : 1°c +5°c 5°c +2°c

The lowest temperature in the icao standard atmosphere isa is 56 5°c .average temperature between madrid and dhahran is around 57°c this is about 1°c colder exemple 318 -1°c-1°c

The diurnal variation in temperature is largest when ?

Question 126-25 : The sky is clear and the wind is weak the sky is clear and the wind is strong the sky is overcast and the wind is weak the sky is overcast and the wind is strong

exemple 322 the sky is clear and the wind is weakthe sky is clear and the wind is weak

Which of the following statements concerning the tropopause is correct ?

Question 126-26 : The temperature lapse rate changes abruptly at the tropopause the temperature remains constant above and below the tropopause the temperature of the tropopause at the equator is higher than at the poles the temperature of the tropopause at the equator and at the poles is equal

. 633.at the tropopause the temperature remains constant until 25 km then it increases .the lapse rate changes abruptly at the tropopause exemple 326 the temperature lapse rate changes abruptly at the tropopause.the temperature lapse rate changes abruptly at the tropopause.

An aircraft is flying through the alps on a very cold winter's day the regional ?

Question 126-27 : A higher altitude than the elevation of the summit a lower altitude than the elevation of the summit the same altitude as the elevation of the summit there is insufficient information to come to a conclusion

.on a very cold winter's day means an outside temperature well below isa temperature if the summit is at 10000 ft you will normally read an altitude of 10000 ft in standard atmosphere .since outside temperature is well below isa temperature the air mass is contracted your altimeter will read a higher altitude than the elevation of the summit exemple 330 a higher altitude than the elevation of the summit.a higher altitude than the elevation of the summit.

An aircraft is flying through the alps on a warm summer's day the weather is ?

Question 126-28 : A lower altitude than the elevation of the summit a higher altitude than the elevation of the summit the same altitude as the elevation of the summit there is insufficient information to come to a conclusion

.if the summit's elevation is 10000 ft and the aircraft is at a real height of 10000 ft with high temperature the altimeter under read the aircraft's altitude and it reads a lower altitude than the elevation of the summit .if now you fly at an indicated altitude of 10000 ft you will pass largely over the summit's elevation.if you fly imc and having to pass over this summit with a 1000 ft margin in cold days you must be at a higher indicated altitude than 11000 ft to be 'in reality' at or above 11000 ft exemple 334 a lower altitude than the elevation of the summit.a lower altitude than the elevation of the summit.

What is the approximate vertical interval which is equal to a pressure change ?

Question 126-29 : 8 m 27 ft 15 m 50 ft 32 m 105 ft 64 m 210 ft

Cqb15 july 2011 exemple 338 8 m (27 ft).8 m (27 ft).

On a route segment from a to b the highest terrain elevation is approximately ?

Question 126-30 : 1300 feet 1400 feet 1100 feet 1000 feet

.we actually need to fly at 1000 + 200 = 1200 ft.temperature at 200 ft or 0 ft it's not a big deal is 5°c .temperature is colder than isa our altimeter must read an altitude higher than 1200 ft to be sure not to be lower than 1200 ft .isa temperature at 1000 ft is 13°c today it is 7°c we 'lose' 2° per 1000 ft .difference between isa is 20°c .altitude/height changes by 4% for each 10°c temperature deviation from isa..temperature correction = 4 x 1 2 x 20 temperature correction = 96 ft.our altimeter must read at least 1296 ft and we will really fly over the mountain at 1200 ft .answer 1300 ft is our minimum acceptable altimeter indication exemple 342 1300 feet.1300 feet.

An aircraft is flying from point a to point b at the flight level corresponding ?

Question 126-31 : Wind speed over b is higher than over a the true altitude will be higher over b than over a wind speed over a is higher than over b the true altitude will be higher over b than over london

.if you stand with your back to the wind in the northern hemisphere low pressure is on your left buys ballot's law.with a wind coming from the west direction and you stand with your back to it low pressure is on your left. 542..on the annex a is on a higher contour line than b true altitude will be higher at a and over london than at b .isobars are tighter at b than a so wind speed over b is higher than over a exemple 346 wind speed over b is higher than over a.wind speed over b is higher than over a.

Which of the following constant pressure charts would be most relevant for ?

Question 126-32 : 150 hpa 200 hpa 250 hpa 300 hpa

There is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl..850 hpa = fl50..700 hpa = fl100..500 hpa = fl180..300 hpa = fl300..200 hpa = fl390....any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 350 150 hpa.150 hpa.

By volume which of the following elements makes up the largest part of the ?

Question 126-33 : Nitrogen hydrogen oxygen noble gases

exemple 354 nitrogen.nitrogen.

Which fl corresponds with the 400 hpa pressure level ?

Question 126-34 : Fl 240 fl 300 fl 340 fl 140

exemple 358 fl 240.fl 240.

By volume what percentage of the air in the lower troposphere consists of water ?

Question 126-35 : 0 5% 5 10% 10 15% 20 30%

.water vapour varies by volume in the lower troposphere from a trace to about 5% therefore on average only about 2 to 3% of the molecules in the air are water vapour molecules the amount of water vapour in the air is small in extremely arid areas and in location where the temperatures are very low i e polar regions very cold weather the volume of water vapour is about 5% in very warm and humid tropical air exemple 362 0-5%.0-5%.

Consider a parcel of air being forced upwards in the atmosphere the lapse rate ?

Question 126-36 : Will tend to descend to its original altitude will tend to ascend further will tend to remain at the new altitude will become conditionally unstable

This is clearly the description of stability .if a parcel of air is forced to rise it will be colder than the air it is rising into so the moment the trigger stops lifting it it will sink back to the level it started from because it is more dense the layer is stable exemple 366 will tend to descend to its original altitude.will tend to descend to its original altitude.

What kind of turbulence is dependent on the sun's radiation and therefore ?

Question 126-37 : Convective turbulence mechanical turbulence orographic turbulence turbulence induced by wind speed

exemple 370 convective turbulence.convective turbulence.

What is meant by qfe ?

Question 126-38 : The atmospheric pressure at the official aerodrome elevation the atmospheric pressure at the official aerodrome elevation reduced to mean sea level in standard atmospheric conditions the pressure at msl in standard atmospheric conditions the present atmospheric pressure at an aerodrome converted to mean sea level in accordance with the actual conditions

Qfe = q code used by pilots and atc that refers to atmospheric pressure and altimeter settings f field e elevation exemple 374 the atmospheric pressure at the official aerodrome elevation.the atmospheric pressure at the official aerodrome elevation.

When the subscale of a pressure altimeter is set to the qfe of the destination ?

Question 126-39 : Zero at landing roll out airfield elevation at landing roll out more than the airfield elevation the aircraft's altitude above msl

exemple 378 zero at landing roll out.zero at landing roll out.

If the subscale of an altimeter is set to qnh what will it indicate after ?

Question 126-40 : Aerodrome elevation less than aerodrome elevation when it is colder than standard more than aerodrome elevation when it is warmer than standard less than aerodrome elevation when pressure is lower than standard more than aerodrome elevation when pressure is higher than standard pressure altitude

exemple 382 aerodrome elevation.aerodrome elevation.


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