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Preparation > civilian : Select from the map the average temperature for the route zurich lisboa at fl ?

Question 125-1 : 33°c 30°c 41°c 49°c

.the chart is for fl240 . 550.36 + 38 + 42 + 43 + 42 + 43 + 43 = 287..287/7 = 41°c..+2°/1000 ft in standard atmopshere when descending .fl240 ==> fl200 4000 ft ==> +8°c. 41 + 8° = 33°c exemple 225 -33°c.-33°c.

Select from the map the average temperature for the route geneva stockholm at ?

Question 125-2 : 47°c 55°c 63°c 51°c

.this chart is given for fl300.at fl260 between geneva and stockholm average temperature is. 52 + 54 + 57 + 57 + 56 + 56 /6 = around 55°c.average temperature at fl260 is 8° warmer 2° per 1000 ft = 55°c + 8°c = 47°c exemple 229 -47°c.-47°c.

Looking at the chart at what altitude above frankfurt would you expect the ?

Question 125-3 : Fl 360 fl 410 fl 330 fl 390

. 553.frankfurt is close to the 350 boxe answer fl360 is the best exemple 233 fl 360.fl 360.

If you are flying from zurich to shannon at fl 340 where will your cruising ?

Question 125-4 : Constantly in the stratosphere constantly in the troposphere first in the troposphere and later in the stratosphere in the stratosphere for part of time

. 555.all boxes on the chart indicate a level below fl340 on the zurich to shannon route exemple 237 constantly in the stratosphere.constantly in the stratosphere.

The troposphere is the ?

Question 125-5 : Part of the atmosphere below the tropopause part of the atmosphere above the stratosphere boundary between the mesosphere and thermosphere boundary between the stratosphere and the mesosphere

. 633

The tropopause is a level at which ?

Question 125-6 : Temperature ceases to fall with increasing height water vapour content is greatest pressure remains constant vertical currents are strongest

. 633.the layer from 12 km to 25 km above the tropopause is absolutely stable the temperature does not vary with height it is an isothermal layer where we have absolute stability exemple 245 temperature ceases to fall with increasing height.temperature ceases to fall with increasing height.

The tropopause is lower ?

Question 125-7 : Over the north pole than over the equator in summer than winter in moderate latitudes south of the equator than north of it over the equator than over the south pole

. 558

The temperature at 10000 ft in the icao standard atmosphere is ?

Question 125-8 : 5°c 0°c 20°c 35°c

.in standard atmosphere the decrease in temperature per 1000 feet is 2°c .the icao standard atmosphere isa states 'at msl temperature is 15°c and pressure is 1013 25 hpa'.at 10000 ft temperature is .15°c 2°c x 10 = 5°c exemple 253 -5°c.-5°c.

What of the following is the most important constituent in the atmosphere from ?

Question 125-9 : Water vapour nitrogen hydrogen oxygen

exemple 257 water vapour.water vapour.

The average height of the tropopause at 50°n is about ?

Question 125-10 : 11 km 8 km 14 km 16 km

. 558 exemple 261 11 km.11 km.

The height and the temperature of the tropopause are respectively in the order ?

Question 125-11 : 16 km and 75°c over the equator 8 km and 40°c over the equator 8 km and 75°c over the poles 16 km and 40°c over the poles

. 558.height of the tropopause.polar tropopause 8km 45°c .tropicale tropopause 15 km 75°c .equatorial tropopause 16 km 80°c.we can say for this question that the temperature over the equator is in the order of 75°c/ 80°c exemple 265 16 km and -75°c over the equator.16 km and -75°c over the equator.

In the icao standard atmosphere the decrease in temperature with height below ?

Question 125-12 : 0 65°c per 100m 1°c per 100m 0 5°c per 100m 0 6°c per 100m

.2°c/1000 ft exemple 269 0.65°c per 100m0.65°c per 100m

Which statement is correct regarding the icao standard atmosphere ?

Question 125-13 : At msl temperature is 15°c and pressure is 1013 25hpa at msl temperature is 15°c and the decrease in temperature with height is 1°c per 100m at msl temperature is 10°c and the decrease in temperature with height is 1°c per 100m at msl pressure is 1013 25 hpa and the decrease of temperature with height is 1°c per 100m

exemple 273 at msl temperature is 15°c and pressure is 1013.25hpaat msl temperature is 15°c and pressure is 1013.25hpa

Qnh is defined as ?

Question 125-14 : Qfe reduced to msl using the values of the standard atmosphere pressure at msl in the standard atmosphere pressure at msl in the actual atmosphere qfe reduced to msl using the values of the actual atmosphere

.qnh doesn't give you msl mean sea level zero height just the pressure reading at which your altimeter will read zero .in cold air this will be above msl in warm air below msl .at isa temperatures the qnh pressure level will be at msl but will not necessarily be 1013 hpa exemple 277 qfe reduced to msl using the values of the standard atmosphere.qfe reduced to msl using the values of the standard atmosphere.

Which of the following statements is true ?

Question 125-15 : Qnh can be equal to qfe qnh is always lower than qfe qnh is always higher than qfe qnh is always equal to qfe

exemple 281 qnh can be equal to qfe.qnh can be equal to qfe.

Which statement is true ?

Question 125-16 : Qnh can be lower as well as higher than 1013 25 hpa qnh can not be 1013 25 hpa qnh is lower than 1013 25 hpa at any time qnh can be 1013 25 hpa only for a station at msl

exemple 285 qnh can be lower as well as higher than 1013.25 hpa.qnh can be lower as well as higher than 1013.25 hpa.

When the subscale is set to the qnh of an airfield the pressure altimeter ?

Question 125-17 : Elevation while landing zero while landing elevation while landing only if conditions are as in the icao standard atmosphere zero while landing only if conditions are as in the icao standard atmosphere

.regardless of atmospheric conditions the altimeter will indicate field elevation at touchdown with qnh set because the qnh is the qfe reduced to sea level using isa conditions and the altimeter is calibrated to isa conditions exemple 289 elevation while landing.elevation while landing.

The radiation of the sun heats ?

Question 125-18 : The surface of the earth which heats the air in the troposphere the air in the troposphere mainly by absorbtion the water vapour in the air of the troposphere the air in the troposphere only directly if no clouds are present

exemple 293 the surface of the earth, which heats the air in the troposphere.the surface of the earth, which heats the air in the troposphere.

The vertical extent of the friction layer depends primarily on ?

Question 125-19 : Stability wind speed roughness of surface wind speed roughness of surface temperature roughness of surface temperature local time temperature local time environmental lapse rate

.the height of the friction layer can vary depending on the type of terrain and wind speed it depends also on the vertical temperature profile .if the air is stable environmental lapse rate less than 1 8°c/1000 ft any air moved up by turbulence will want to sink back to its original level in the atmosphere and there will be a relatively shallow friction layer.if the air is unstable elr more than 3°c/1000 ft then any movement up will continue up increasing the depth of the friction layer exemple 297 stability, wind speed, roughness of surface.stability, wind speed, roughness of surface.

The following temperatures have been observed over a station at 1200 utc ?

Question 125-20 : Assuming that the msl pressure is 1013 25 hpa the true altitude of an aircraft would actually be higher than the indicated altitude the temperature at 10000 ft is in agreement with the temperature in the international standard atmosphere the layer between 16000 ft and 18000 ft is absolutely unstable the height of the freezing level over the station is approximately 12000 ft

.the isa temperature lapse rates is 2°c/1000 ft .at 2000 ft temperature is +11°c .at 4000 ft temperature is +7°c .at 6000 ft temperature is +3°c .at 8000 ft temperature is 1°c .at 10000 ft temperature is 5°c .at 12000 ft temperature is 9°c .at 14000 ft temperature is 13°c .at 16000 ft temperature is 17°c .at 18000 ft temperature is 21°c .at 20000 ft temperature is 25°c.apart from sea level we can see from the observed temperatures that the air is warmer than isa throughout .an aircraft at fl180 for example will be at a higher true altitude than 18000 ft indicated altitude exemple 301 assuming that the msl pressure is 1013.25 hpa the true altitude of an aircraft would actually be higher than the indicated altitude.assuming that the msl pressure is 1013.25 hpa the true altitude of an aircraft would actually be higher than the indicated altitude.

A significant inversion at low height is a characteristic of ?

Question 125-21 : Nocturnal radiation the passage of cold front advection fog cumulus clouds

.air close to the surface is cooled significantly but the air above it isn't and the surface temperature falls below the temperature of the air above exemple 305 nocturnal radiation.nocturnal radiation.

In order to reduce qfe to qnh which of the following item s must be known ?

Question 125-22 : Elevation of the airfield temperature at the airfield elevation of the airfield and the temperature at msl elevation of the airfield and the temperature at the airfield

exemple 309 elevation of the airfield.elevation of the airfield.

The qnh is equal to the qfe if ?

Question 125-23 : The elevation = 0 t actual = t standard t actual < t standard t actual > t standard

exemple 313 the elevation = 0the elevation = 0

Which of the following conditions gives the highest value of the qnh ?

Question 125-24 : Qfe = 995 hpa elevation = 1600 ft 488m qfe = 1000 hpa elevation = 1200 ft 366m qfe = 1003 hpa elevation = 1200 ft 366m qfe = 995 hpa elevation = 1200 ft 366m

.qfe=1000 hpa thus qnh = 1000 + 1200 / 27 = 1000 + 44 4 = 1044 4 hpa.qfe=1003 hpa thus qnh = 1003 + 1200 / 27 = 1003 + 44 4 = 1047 4 hpa.qfe=995 hpa thus qnh = 995 + 1200 / 27 = 995 + 44 4 = 1039 4 hpa.qfe=995 hpa thus qnh = 995 + 1600 / 27 = 995 + 59 3 = 1054 3 hpa exemple 317 qfe = 995 hpa, elevation = 1600 ft (488m)qfe = 995 hpa, elevation = 1600 ft (488m)

The pressure altitude is equal to the true altitude if ?

Question 125-25 : Standard atmospheric conditions occur the outside air temperature is standard for that height the air pressure is 1013 25 hpa at the surface the indicated altitude is equal to the pressure altitude

.pressure altitude is the altitude you read on an altimeter it's indicated altitude.true altitude depends on temperature pressure altitude is only the same as true altitude in isa conditions exemple 321 standard atmospheric conditions occur.standard atmospheric conditions occur.

You must make an emergency landing at sea the qnh of a field on a nearby island ?

Question 125-26 : Less than 0 ft 0 ft more than 0 ft but less than 4000 ft 4000 ft

.with temperature below isa we are 'actually' below the indicated altitude but .with a subscale of 1025 hpa while landing on the airport 4000 ft would have been correct actual and indicated.if you fly lower than the indicated aiport altitude for which qnh has been calculated correction will be reverse in that case in colder air our true actual altitude will be higher than altitude indicated on our altimeter.if you perform an emergency landing at sea your altimeter will indicate 0 ft whereas you still are few meters above the sea exemple 325 less than 0 ft.less than 0 ft.

The troposphere ?

Question 125-27 : Has a greater vertical extent above the equator than above the poles contains all oxygen of the stratosphere is the separation layer between the stratosphere and atmosphere reaches the same height at all latitudes

exemple 329 has a greater vertical extent above the equator than above the poles.has a greater vertical extent above the equator than above the poles.

For a given airfield the qfe is 980 hpa and the qnh is 1000 hpa the approximate ?

Question 125-28 : 160 metres 600 metres 540 metres 120 metres

.the qfe indicates in standard atmosphere the height of the aircraft above the official airport elevation an altimeter set to qfe will therefore read zero when on the ground and you want to know the approximate elevation of the airfield.. qfe 980 hpa = read zero on the altimeter..|..| m / 8m per hpa = 20 hpa 1000 980.|..| qnh 1000 hpa..8m x 20 hpa = 160 metres exemple 333 160 metres.160 metres.

Which is true of the temperature at the tropopause ?

Question 125-29 : It is higher in polar regions than in equatorial regions it is higher in equatorial regions than in polar regions it is highest in mid latitudes there is no significant difference with change of latitude

.polar tropopause 8km 45°c .tropicale tropopause 15 km 75°c .equatorial tropopause 16 km 80°c . 491 exemple 337 it is higher in polar regions than in equatorial regionsit is higher in polar regions than in equatorial regions

Around paris on january 3rd at 1800 utc the surface temperature under shelter ?

Question 125-30 : Slightly below +3°c slightly above +3°c significantly above +3°c significantly below 0°c

. the sky is covered by 8 oktas of stratus it's overcast the stratus cloud cover will act as a lid close to the surface the heat is kept close from the ground .there will still be a small temperature drop on a winter night thus the minimum temperature should be slightly below +3°c exemple 341 slightly below +3°c.slightly below +3°c.

On a clear sky continental ground surface wind calm the minimum temperature is ?

Question 125-31 : Half an hour after sunrise half an hour before sunrise at the moment the sun rises one hour before sunrise

.the temperature falls continuously until a little after sunrise the lowest temperature occurs at about sunrise plus 30 minutes exemple 345 half an hour after sunrise.half an hour after sunrise.

An isohypse contour ?

Question 125-32 : Indicates the true altitude of a pressure level is the longest slope line of a frontal surface is the limit between two air masses of different temperature indicates the altitude of the zero degree isotherm

.isohypses contour lines are drawn on a constant pressure chart therefore they indicate the true altitude of a pressure level exemple 349 indicates the true altitude of a pressure level.indicates the true altitude of a pressure level.

Before landing an altimeter set to qfe indicates ?

Question 125-33 : In standard atmosphere the height of the aircraft above the official airport elevation the flight level the aircraft's altitude above the mean sea level the height of the aircraft's wheels above the runway

.qfe is a 'q code' used by pilots and air traffic control to refer to the barometric altimeter setting which will cause an altimeter to read height above a particular runway threshold .an altimeter set to qfe will therefore read zero when on the ground at the beginning of the runway .this setting may be used during take off and landing and when flying in the circuit a mnemonic for the code is 'q field elevation' exemple 353 in standard atmosphere, the height of the aircraft above the official airport elevation.in standard atmosphere, the height of the aircraft above the official airport elevation.

In the mid latitudes the stratosphere extends on an average from ?

Question 125-34 : 11 to 50 km 0 to 11 km 50 to 85 km 85 to more than 200 km

exemple 357 11 to 50 km.11 to 50 km.

An aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of 4500 ft from a 360 ?

Question 125-35 : 4485 ft 3135 ft 4815 ft 5175 ft

The altimeter subscale setting remains unchanged at 986 hpa..difference at b 1011 986 = 25 hpa x 27 ft = 675 ft...4500 ft 690 ft = 3810 ft...actual height of the aircraft above the surface at b will be .3810 ft + 675 ft = 4485 ft. gargameleatpl .alt elevation = height so correct answer is 3810 675= 3135...you should take a break .3135 ft is your corret answer but if we provide an other answer and an explanation it might be for a reason.when you will be over b with a subscale setting of 986 hpa you gonna turn the selection knob in a counterclockwise direction to set 1011 hpa the indicated altitude will then increased by 25 hpa x 27 ft = 675 ft .4500 ft over b + 675 ft = 5175 ft .b elevation is 690 ft thus actual height of the aircraft above the surface at b will be 5175 690 = 4485 ft exemple 361 4485 ft.4485 ft.

An aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of 5500 ft from a 1050 ?

Question 125-36 : 6146 ft 6796 ft 4854 ft 7446 ft

.the altimeter subscale setting remains unchanged at 968 hpa.difference at b 1016 968 = 48 hpa x 27 ft = 1296 ft..5500 ft 650 ft = 4850 ft..actual height of the aircraft above the surface at b will be .4850 ft + 1296 ft = 6146 ft exemple 365 6146 ft.6146 ft.

An aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of 6500 ft from a 600 ?

Question 125-37 : 4625 ft 6515 ft 5555 ft 5225 ft

.the altimeter subscale setting remains unchanged at 1012 hpa.difference at b 977 1012 = 35 hpa x 27 ft = 945 ft..6500 ft 945 ft = 5570 ft..actual height of the aircraft above the surface at b will be .5570 ft 945 ft = 4625 ft exemple 369 4625 ft.4625 ft.

An aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of 7500 ft from a 270 ?

Question 125-38 : 4824 ft 6204 ft 6876 ft 6474 ft

.the altimeter subscale setting remains unchanged at 1021 hpa.difference at b 983 1021 = 38 hpa x 27 ft = 1026 ft..7500 ft 1650 ft = 5850 ft..actual height of the aircraft above the surface at b will be .5850 ft 1026 ft = 4824 ft.dadoki .for better and logical understanding .you've got 1021hpa set on the altimeter when you arrive at position b you realize to change your altimeter height and set it to 983 hpa .to do it of course you turn anticlockwise the knob and height is decreasing on your altimeter altimeter went down about 1026 ft because you've just turned the knob anticlockwise downwards .so you get 6474 ft 7500 1026 and to adjust it to the elevation of the point b you subtract the elevation so 6474 1650 = 4824ft. if you have a situation where point a has a lower qnh like 970 hpa and you will get at the point with higher qnh like 1020 hpa so you are about to turn the knob clockwise or upwards to get the height in this case the difference is 50 hpa and therefore 50 x 27 = 1350 ft and then you just add this difference and again subtract the elevation of the point b or present point exemple 373 4824 ft.4824 ft.

Between mean sea level and a height of 20 km the lowest temperature in the icao ?

Question 125-39 : 56 5°c 273°c 44 7°c 100°c

exemple 377 -56.5°c.-56.5°c.

Considering the north atlantic area north of 60°n during winter the mean ?

Question 125-40 : 29 000 ft 56 000 ft 37 000 ft 20 000 ft

.the tropopause is at the top of the troposphere it marks the boundary between the troposphere and the next atmospheric layer the stratosphere the tropopause is defined as being that part of the atmosphere where temperature no longer decreases with height . 491.29000 ft is approximately 9 km .the average height of the tropopause over the equator is 16 km and 8 km over the poles at 60°n the mean height of the tropopause is approximately 29 000 ft exemple 381 29 000 ft.29 000 ft.


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