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Preparation > civilian : If the qfe at locarno 200 metres above sea level is 1000 hpa what is the ?

Question 124-1 : 1025 hpa 985 hpa 990 hpa 1035 hpa

.the qfe indicates in standard atmosphere the height of the aircraft above the official airport elevation an altimeter set to qfe will therefore read zero when on the ground and you want the qnh to read an altitude.. qfe 1000 hpa..|..| 200m / 8m per hpa = 25 hpa..|..| qnh 1025 hpa exemple 224 1025 hpa.1025 hpa.

If the qnh at locarno 200 metres above sea level is 1015 hpa what is the ?

Question 124-2 : 990 hpa 995 hpa 1000 hpa 1005 hpa

.the qfe indicates in standard atmosphere the height of the aircraft above the official airport elevation an altimeter set to qfe will therefore read zero when on the ground .qnh is the setting which will give airfield elevation when parked on the airfield.. qfe 990hpa..|..| 200m / 8m per hpa = 25hpa..|..| qnh 1015hpa.use this craftiness .your altimeter is reading 675 ft 200 m when parked on the airfield with a subscale setting of 1015 hpa you want to read 0 ft the qfe you must decrease the subscale setting until the needle shows 0 ft the adjustment knob turns counter clockwise as the needle . 541 exemple 228 990 hpa.990 hpa.

If the qnh at locarno 200 metres above sea level is 1025 hpa what is the ?

Question 124-3 : 1000 hpa 995 hpa 1005 hpa 1025 hpa

.the qfe indicates in standard atmosphere the height of the aircraft above the official airport elevation an altimeter set to qfe will therefore read zero when on the ground .qnh is the setting which will give airfield elevation when parked on the airfield.. qfe 1000hpa..|..| 200m / 8m per hpa = 25hpa..|..| qnh 1025hpa.use this craftiness .your altimeter is reading 675 ft 200 m when parked on the airfield with a subscale setting of 1025 hpa you want to read 0 ft the qfe you must decrease the subscale setting until the needle shows 0 ft the adjustment knob turns counter clockwise as the needle . 541 exemple 232 1000 hpa.1000 hpa.

If you are flying at fl 300 in an air mass that is 15°c warmer than a standard ?

Question 124-4 : 30°c 45°c 60°c 15°c

.in standard atmosphere the decrease in temperature per 1000 feet is 2°c .in standard atmosphere temperature is 15°c at 0 ft.at fl300 temperature is 15°c 30 x 2°c = 45°c.air mass is 15°c warmer than standard . 45°c + 15°c = 30°c exemple 236 -30°c.-30°c.

If you are flying at fl 100 in an air mass that is 10°c warmer than a standard ?

Question 124-5 : +5°c +15°c 10°c 15°c

.in standard atmosphere the decrease in temperature per 1000 feet is 2°c .in standard atmosphere temperature is 15°c at 0 ft.at fl100 temperature is 15°c 10 x 2°c = 5°c.air mass is 10°c warmer than standard . 5°c + 10°c = +5°c exemple 240 +5°c.+5°c.

If you are flying at fl 120 and the outside temperature is 2°c at what ?

Question 124-6 : Fl 110 fl 130 fl 150 fl 90

.in standard atmosphere the decrease in temperature per 1000 feet is 2°c .at fl120 temperature is 2°c.1000 ft below temperature will be 2° warmer .1000 ft above temperature will be 2° colder.the 'freezing level' 0°c will be at fl 110 exemple 244 fl 110.fl 110.

An aircraft flying at fl 100 from marseille qnh 1012 hpa to palma de mallorca ?

Question 124-7 : The air at palma de mallorca is warmer than that at marseille the air at palma de mallorca is colder than that at marseille the altimeters are erroneous and need to be tested one of the two qnh values may be incorrect

.case n°1 . 540.if temperature is the same between both locations the true altitude will be reduced over palma by 6 hpa around 162 ft.case n°2 exemple 248 the air at palma de mallorca is warmer than that at marseille.the air at palma de mallorca is warmer than that at marseille.

During a flight over the sea at fl 100 from marseille qnh 1012 hpa to palma de ?

Question 124-8 : None the reason for the change is that the air around palma is warmer than the air around marseille have your altimeter checked because its readings are obviously wrong recheck the qnh because one of the qnh values must be wrong compensate by heading further to the left

exemple 252 none, the reason for the change is that the air around palma is warmer than the air around marseillenone, the reason for the change is that the air around palma is warmer than the air around marseille

During a flight over the sea at fl 100 from marseille qnh 1016 hpa to palma de ?

Question 124-9 : The air at marseille is warmer than that at palma de mallorca one of the qnh values must be wrong the altimeter is faulty the air at palma de mallorca is warmer than that at marseille

.if the qnh remains unchanged and the true altitude is constantly decreasing the only reason is a reduction of the volume of the 'air mass' how an 'air mass' can contract .the temperature is decreasing and thus the density is increasing .the air at palma de mallorca is colder than that at marseille in other words air at marseille is warmer than that at palma de mallorca exemple 256 the air at marseille is warmer than that at palma de mallorca.the air at marseille is warmer than that at palma de mallorca.

During a flight over the sea at fl 135 the true altitude is 13500 feet local ?

Question 124-10 : It is colder than isa its average temperature is the same as isa it is warmer than isa there is insufficient information to make any assumption

.if you are flying at fl135 your subscale altimeter setting is 1013 hpa .if the local qnh is 1019 hpa and if you set your second altimeter with this value you will normally read more than 13500 ft .but you read today 13500 ft this is your true altitude it means that the air mass is colder than isa air mass is contracted exemple 260 it is colder than isa.it is colder than isa.

An aircraft is flying over the sea at fl 90 the true altitude is 9100 feet ?

Question 124-11 : There is insufficient information to make any assumption it is colder than isa it is warmer than isa its average temperature is the same as isa

.you need to know the local qnh even if we know that the aircraft is flying flight levels 1013 hpa there is insufficient information to make any assumption .true altitude is 9100 ft do not mean that air mass is warmer than isa it could be because the local qnh is higher than 1013 hpa exemple 264 there is insufficient information to make any assumption.there is insufficient information to make any assumption.

An aircraft is flying over the sea at fl 120 with a true altitude of 12000 feet ?

Question 124-12 : Its average temperature is the same as isa it is colder than isa it is warmer than isa there is insufficient information to come to any conclusion

exemple 268 its average temperature is the same as isa.its average temperature is the same as isa.

An aircraft is flying over the sea at fl 100 with a true altitude of 10000 feet ?

Question 124-13 : It is warmer than isa its average temperature is about isa it is colder than isa there is insufficient information to come to any conclusion

.if air temperature is isa at fl 100 with a subscale setting of 1013 hpa when turning the subscale knob to the left to set 1003 in the window our indicated altitude will be.1013 1003 = 10 hpa..10 x 27 = 270 ft..10000 270 = 9730 ft..the question states that our true altitude is 10000 ft so to remain at 10000 ft when passing from fl100 1013 hpa to 10000 ft 1003 hpa the air must be warmer than isa .it means that we were at fl100 1013 hpa or 10270 ft 1003 hpa exemple 272 it is warmer than isa.it is warmer than isa.

Which layer of the atmosphere contains more than 90 per cent of all water vapour ?

Question 124-14 : Troposphere lower stratosphere upper stratosphere ozone layer

exemple 276 troposphere.troposphere.

The temperature at fl 80 is +6°c what will the temperature be at fl 130 if the ?

Question 124-15 : 4°c 6°c 0°c +2°c

.the temperature lapse rates of the troposphere is mean value 0 65°c/100 m or 2°c/1000 ft.in isa temperature at fl80 should be 15° 2x8 = 1°c.as the current temperature at that level is +6°c you can say that at fl130 it is currently isa+7 .therefore at fl130 15° 2x13 = 11°c +7 from isa+7 = 4°c exemple 280 -4°c.-4°c.

The temperature at fl 110 is 5°c what will the temperature be at fl 50 if the ?

Question 124-16 : +7°c +3°c 3°c 0°c

.in isa temperature at fl110 should be 15° 2x11 = 7°c .as the current temperature at that fl is 5°c you can say that at fl110 it is currently isa+2 .therefore at fl50 15° 2x5 = 5°c +2 from isa+2 = 7°c exemple 284 +7°c.+7°c.

The temperature at fl 160 is 22°c what will the temperature be at fl 90 if the ?

Question 124-17 : 8°c 4°c 0°c +4°c

.the temperature lapse rates of the troposphere is mean value 0 65°c/100 m or 2°c/1000 ft.in isa temperature at fl160 should be 15° 2x16 = 17°c.as the current temperature at that level is 22°c you can say that at fl160 it is currently isa 5 .therefore at fl90 15° 2x9 = 3°c + 5 from isa 5 = 8°c exemple 288 -8°c.-8°c.

A temperature of +15°c is recorded at an altitude of 500 metres above sea ?

Question 124-18 : +2°c +4°c 0°c 2°c

.2°c/1000 ft = 6 5°c/1000 m..from 500 m to 2500 m temperature would drop by 6 5°c x 2 = 13°c.the temperature at the summit of the mountain will be 15°c 13°c = +2°c exemple 292 +2°c.+2°c.

How would you characterise an air temperature of 15°c at the 700 hpa level ?

Question 124-19 : Low high within +/ 5°c of isa 20°c below standard

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl..850 hpa = fl50.. 700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180..300 hpa = fl300..200 hpa = fl390..isa temperature at fl100 is normally .15°c 2° x 10 = 5°c.we are 10° below isa the air temperature at this level is lower than standard exemple 296 low.low.

An air temperature of 30°c at the 300 hpa level over central europe in summer ?

Question 124-20 : High low very low within +/ 5°c of isa

.300 hpa corresponds at flight level 300 .isa temperature at fl300 is 15º 2º x 30 = 45ºc..outside air temperature is 30°c instead of 45° air temperature is higher than standard temperature exemple 300 high.high.

How would you characterise an air temperature of 55°c at the 200 hpa level ?

Question 124-21 : Within +/ 5°c of isa high low very high

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl..850 hpa = fl50..700 hpa = fl100..500 hpa = fl180..300 hpa = fl300..200 hpa = fl390...at fl390 200 hpa isa temperature is 15°c 2°c x 39 = 63°c but the lowest temperature in the icao standard atmosphere isa is 56 5°c .thus with an air temperature of 55°c we are within +/ 5°c of isa exemple 304 within +/-5°c of isa.within +/-5°c of isa.

What is the technical term for an increase in temperature with altitude ?

Question 124-22 : Inversion subsidence adiabatic advection

exemple 308 inversion.inversion.

The station pressure used in surface weather charts is ?

Question 124-23 : Qff qfe qnh qne

.qff is obtained by taking the airfield pressure qfe and reducing it to sea level assuming the actual temperature at the airfield is constant isothermal down to that level this value is used by meteorologists on surface weather charts because it is more likely to accurately reflect actual conditions exemple 312 qff.qff.

Which fl corresponds with the 300 hpa pressure level ?

Question 124-24 : Fl 300 fl 50 fl 100 fl 390

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 316 fl 300fl 300

Which fl corresponds with the 500 hpa pressure level ?

Question 124-25 : Fl 180 fl 390 fl 100 fl 160

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 320 fl 180.fl 180.

Which fl corresponds with the 700 hpa pressure level ?

Question 124-26 : Fl 100 fl 180 fl 300 fl 390

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 324 fl 100.fl 100.

Which fl corresponds with the 850 hpa pressure level ?

Question 124-27 : Fl 50 fl100 fl 300 fl 390

.there is a few questions in the exam that take information directly from that table below write these down on a sticky and have them on the wall beside you.1013 hpa = msl.850 hpa = fl50.700 hpa = fl100.500 hpa = fl180.300 hpa = fl300.200 hpa = fl390..any others you can interpolate between these and figure it out.the decrease of 1hpa/27ft is only applicable at the lower levels of the troposphere as you go up and air pressure decreases the change of height per 1 hpa increases at msl 1hpa/27ft at fl180 it's 50ft/hpa and at fl390 it's 105ft/hpa exemple 328 fl 50.fl 50.

The qff at an airfield located 400 metres above sea level is 1016 hpa the air ?

Question 124-28 : More than 1016 hpa 1016 hpa less than 1016 hpa it is not possible to give a definitive answer

.qff is atmospheric pressure at sea level .qnh is the setting which will give airfield elevation when parked on the airfield .in cold conditions a column of air will shrink so the 'cold' qnh will be less than qff and the 'warm' qnh will be more than qff.this table will help for the exam . 539 exemple 332 more than 1016 hpa.more than 1016 hpa.

An aircraft is descending to land under ifr if the local qnh is 1009 hpa what ?

Question 124-29 : It will decrease it will increase it will remain the same it will not be affected

.at transition level you will reset your altimeter from 1013 hpa standard to qnh 1009 hpa . 541.you have to turn altimeter setting adjustement knob in a counter clockwise direction to decrease the indicated pressure .this will decrease the indicated altitude the needle moves in the same direction of the subscale knob exemple 336 it will decrease.it will decrease.

During the climb after take off the altimeter setting is adjusted at the ?

Question 124-30 : It will decrease it will increase it will remain the same it is not possible to give a definitive answer

.at transition altitude you will reset your altimeter from qnh to 1013 hpa standard . 541.you have to turn altimeter setting adjustement knob in a counter clockwise direction to decrease the indicated pressure 1023 hpa to 1013 hpa .this will decrease the indicated altitude the needle moves in the same direction of the subscale knob exemple 340 it will decrease.it will decrease.

During the climb after take off the altimeter setting is adjusted at the ?

Question 124-31 : It will increase it will decrease it will remain the same it is not possible to give a definitive answer

.at transition altitude you will reset your altimeter to standard 1013 hpa . 514.you have to turn altimeter setting adjustement knob in a clockwise direction to increase the indicated pressure .this will increase the indicated altitude exemple 344 it will increase.it will increase.

An aircraft is flying from point a to point b on the upper level contour chart ?

Question 124-32 : The true altitude will be higher at a than at b the true altitude will be higher at b than at a wind speed at a is higher than at b wind speed at paris is higher than at b

.point a is close to paris and the wind feather shows the wind is anti clockwise so it must be a low pressure if you follow the isobar around then b must be a low pressure as well but there are more isobars so it must be a 'lower' pressure .therefore you are flying from a low to lower pressure or practically from a high to a low true altitude must be higher at a exemple 348 the true altitude will be higher at a than at bthe true altitude will be higher at a than at b

An aircraft is flying from point a to point b on the upper level contour chart ?

Question 124-33 : The true altitude will be higher at a than at b the true altitude will be higher at b than at a wind speed at a is higher than at b wind speed at a and at b is the same

.if you stand with your back to the wind in the northern hemisphere low pressure is on your left buys ballot's law.with a wind coming from the west direction and you stand with your back to it low pressure is on your left . 542.on the annex a is on a higher contour line than b true altitude will be higher at a than at b exemple 352 the true altitude will be higher at a than at b.the true altitude will be higher at a than at b.

An aircraft is flying from point a to point b on the upper level contour chart ?

Question 124-34 : The true altitude will be higher at b than at a the true altitude will be higher at a than at b wind speed at a and at b is the same wind speed at b is higher than at a

.in southern hemisphere wind flows clockwise around a low . 543.close to point b we can suppose a low pressure area as stated on our drawing but it could be a high pressure area .a is at a lower pressure than in b the true altitude will be higher at b than at a exemple 356 the true altitude will be higher at b than at a.the true altitude will be higher at b than at a.

You are planning to fly across a mountain range the chart recommends a minimum ?

Question 124-35 : 11520 feet 12210 feet 11250 feet 11790 feet

.the air mass is warmer than isa thus your true altitude will be greater than your indicated altitude .you only have to correct the air above the airport for the temperature deviation qnh is set correctly so to determine the true altitude/height the following rule of thumb called the '4% rule' shall be used the altitude/height changes by 4% for each 10°c temperature deviation from isa .4 x 1 x 12000 / 100 = 480 ft.as sait before your true altitude will be greater than your indicated altitude the recommended minimum true altitude is 12000 ft indicated altitude is lower .12000 480 = 11520 ft exemple 360 11520 feet.11520 feet.

An aircraft lands at an airport airport elevation 540 ft qnh 993 hpa with the ?

Question 124-36 : 1080 ft 700 ft 380 ft 0 ft

.the qnh is less than isa so the true altitude will be less than the indicated .the true altitude is 540 ft and the pressure error is 1013 993 = 20 hpa x 27 ft/hpa = 540 ft .indicated altitude will be higher 540 + 540 = 1080 ft exemple 364 1080 ft.1080 ft.

After landing at an aerodrome qnh 993 hpa it is noticed that the altimeter is ?

Question 124-37 : 660 feet 1200 feet 1740 feet 2280 feet

.you simply have to turn the altimeter subscale setting knob counterclockwise .from 1013 2 to 993.it's a decrease of indicated altitude by 20 hpa x 27 ft = 540 ft.1200 ft 540 ft = 660 ft exemple 368 660 feet.660 feet.

Select from the map the average temperature for the route zurich rome at fl ?

Question 124-38 : 9°c 13°c 6°c +5°c

. 549.if you take in account the ' 8' located below the red ' 9' why you don't take in account the ' 3' located just below rome . 9 + 7 + 7 /3 = 7 66.. 7 66°c at fl100 + 2°c for fl110 = 9 66°c exemple 372 -9°c.-9°c.

Select from the map the average temperature for the route athens geneva at fl ?

Question 124-39 : 14°c 21°c 11°c 27°c

.average temperature for the route athens to geneva is around 20°c 16+18+25 /3 at fl 180 .assuming a typical lapse rate of 2°c/1000ft at fl 150 it will be 6°c warmer . 20°c + 6°c = 14°c exemple 376 -14°c.-14°c.

What is the deviation of the temperature at fl 140 above copenhagen compared to ?

Question 124-40 : 8°c colder than isa 4°c warmer than isa 8°c warmer than isa 12°c colder than isa

.at fl180 above copenhagen temperature is 29°c .at fl180 in a standard atmosphere temperature is .15° 2° x 18 = 21°c.as the current temperature at that level is 29°c you can say that at fl180 it is currently isa 8°c.without other informations for fl140 we can only assume that the same temperature deviation occurs at fl140 exemple 380 8°c colder than isa.8°c colder than isa.


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