Preparation > civilian : How does temperature vary with increasing altitude in the icao standard ?
Question 123-1 : Decreases increases at first it increases and higher up it decreases remains constant

What is the boundary layer between troposphere and stratosphere called ?
Question 123-2 : Tropopause ionosphere stratosphere atmosphere

An outside air temperature of 35°c is measured while cruising at fl 200 what ?
Question 123-3 : 10°c colder than isa 10°c warmer than isa 5°c warmer than isa 5°c colder than isa

The qnh of an airport at sea level is 983 hpa and the temperature deviation ?
Question 123-4 : 8640 ft 10160 ft 9740 ft 11460 ft

What information is required to convert a minimum safe altitude into a lowest ?
Question 123-5 : Lowest value of qnh and the highest negative temperature deviation from isa highest value of qnh and the highest negative temperature deviation from isa highest value of qnh and the highest positive temperature deviation from isa lowest value of qnh and the lowest negative temperature deviation from isa

What is the relationship if any between qfe and qnh at an airport situated 50 ?
Question 123-6 : Qfe is greater than qnh qfe is smaller than qnh qfe equals qnh no clear relationship exists
You plan a flight over a mountain range at a true altitude of 15000 ft/amsl the ?
Question 123-7 : 16230 ft 15690 ft 14370 ft 13830 ft

During a flight at fl 100 from marseille qnh 1012 hpa to palma de mallorca qnh ?
Question 123-8 : The air at marseille is warmer than that at palma de mallorca the altimeters are erroneous and need to be tested the air at marseille is colder than that at palma de mallorca one of the two qnh values may be incorrect

An aircraft lands at an airport airport elevation 1240 ft qnh 1008 hpa the ?
Question 123-9 : 1375 ft 1200 ft 1105 ft 1280 ft

After landing at an aerodrome aerodrome elevation 1715 ft the altimeter ?
Question 123-10 : 1028 hpa 1015 hpa 1013 hpa 998 hpa

You intend to overfly a mountain range the recommended minimum flight altitude ?
Question 123-11 : 14100 ft 13830 ft 14370 ft 15900 ft

You are flying at fl 130 and your true altitude is 12000 ft what is the ?
Question 123-12 : Isa 20°c isa +/ 0°c isa +20°c isa +12°c

Which one of the following statements applies to the tropopause ?
Question 123-13 : It separates the troposphere from the stratosphere it is by definition an isothermal layer it indicates a strong temperature lapse rate it is by definition a temperature inversion

The 0° isotherm is forecast to be at fl 50 at what fl would you expect a ?
Question 123-14 : Fl 80 fl 20 fl 100 fl 110

A vertical spacing of 1000 ft is the standard required separation between two ?
Question 123-15 : Less than 1000 ft it remains 1000 ft more than 1000 ft without qnh information it can not be determined

Over paris at what flight level would you expect to find the tropopause ?
Question 123-16 : Fl 300 fl 330 fl 150 fl 280

What is the approximate height of the tropopause between munich and helsinki . ?
Question 123-17 : Fl 340 fl 280 fl 300 fl 390

At what approximate flight level is the tropopause over frankfurt . 276 ?
Question 123-18 : Fl 330 fl 300 fl 350 fl 240

The temperature at fl 330 overhead london will be . 278 ?
Question 123-19 : 45°c 39°c 33°c 57°c

What is the average temperature at fl 160 between oslo and paris . 282 ?
Question 123-20 : 19°c 23°c 15°c 25°c

What is the temperature deviation in degrees celsius from the icao standard ?
Question 123-21 : Isa 13°c isa 2°c isa +13°c isa +2°c

What oat would you expect at fl 200 over geneva . 289 ?
Question 123-22 : 24°c 20°c 16°c 28°c

An altimeter adjusted to 1013 hpa indicates an altitude of 3600 ft should this ?
Question 123-23 : 3006 ft 2922 ft 4278 ft 4194 ft

In geneva the local qnh is 994 hpa the elevation of geneva is 1411 ft the qfe ?
Question 123-24 : 942 hpa 967 hpa 961 hpa 952 hpa

An aircraft is flying at fl 80 the local qnh is 1000 hpa after the second ?
Question 123-25 : 7650 ft 8600 ft 8350 ft 8000 ft

The barometric compensator of an altimeter is locked on reference 1013 2 hpa ?
Question 123-26 : 20 ft 11 ft 10 ft 560 ft

The upper wind and temperature chart of 250 hpa corresponds in a standard ?
Question 123-27 : 34 000 ft 39 000 ft 30 000 ft 32 000 ft

Going from the equator to the north pole the altitude of the tropopause ?
Question 123-28 : Decreases and its temperature increases increases and its temperature increases increases and its temperature decreases decreases and its temperature decreases

Atmospheric soundings give the following temperature profile .3000 ft ?
Question 123-29 : Fl 150 fl 220 fl 80 fl 180

Half the mass of the atmosphere is found in the first ?
Question 123-30 : 5 km 11 km 3 km 8 km

The thickness of the troposphere varies with ?
Question 123-31 : Latitude longitude rotation of the earth the wind

In the lower part of the stratosphere the temperature ?
Question 123-32 : Is almost constant decreases with altitude increases with altitude increases at first and decreases afterward

Which of the following conditions would cause the altimeter to indicate a lower ?
Question 123-33 : Air temperature higher than standard atmospheric pressure lower than standard pressure altitude the same as indicated altitude air temperature lower than standard

The qff at an airfield located 400 metres above sea level is 1016 hpa the air ?
Question 123-34 : Less than 1016 hpa 1016 hpa more than 1016 hpa it is not possible to give a definitive answer

The qnh at an airfield located 200 metres above sea level is 1009 hpa the air ?
Question 123-35 : More than 1009 hpa 1009 hpa less than 1009 hpa it is not possible to give a definitive answer

The qnh at an airfield located 200 metres above sea level is 1022 hpa the air ?
Question 123-36 : It is not possible to give a definitive answer more than 1022 hpa 1022 hpa less than 1022 hpa

The qnh at an airfield located 0 metres above sea level is 1022 hpa the air ?
Question 123-37 : 1022 hpa less than 1022 hpa more than 1022 hpa it is not possible to give a definitive answer

The qnh at an airfield in california located 69 metres below sea level is 1018 ?
Question 123-38 : More than 1018 hpa 1018 hpa it is not possible to give a definitive answer less than 1018 hpa

The qff at an airfield in california located 69 metres below sea level is 1030 ?
Question 123-39 : More than 1030 hpa less than 1030 hpa 1030 hpa it is not possible to give a definitive answer

If the qfe at locarno 200 metres above sea level is 980 hpa what is the ?
Question 123-40 : 1005 hpa 1000 hpa 1015 hpa 1010 hpa

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