Preparation > civilian : Perception is based upon ?
Question 122-1 : Information received as well as past experience and knowledge information received only past experience and knowledge only solely upon technical ability

Non verbal communication ?
Question 122-2 : Can serve as a substitute for oral speech is always clearly interpretable is cross culturally understood is used only if verbal clarity is not possible

The individual's personality ?
Question 122-3 : Refers to unique psychological characteristics is variable and easily changeable changes with a different emotional mood is the tendency to evaluate things in a positive or negative way

With reference to the relationship between arousal and performance the highest ?
Question 122-4 : Optimum lowest half way up the arousal curve half way down the arousal curve

What are the two main categories of fatigue ?
Question 122-5 : Acute and chronic normal and severe acute and sympathetic normal and chronic

What is the relationship between the perceived level of arousal and the ?
Question 122-6 : At the outset the level of arousal should be within the optimum range and therefore at a level where performance does not suffer over arousal is required to complete difficult tasks all tasks should be completed at the highest arousal regardless of difficulty the arousal level should coincide with the individual's 'break point' where the task is particularly difficult
High arousal leads to ?
Question 122-7 : Faster but less accurate responses slower and less accurate responses slower but more accurate responses faster and more accurate responses

During the decision making process in the cockpit ?
Question 122-8 : The amount of time available has a large influence on the analysis of the situation the crew should always decide on more than one alternative habits and routines play no role a detailed analysis can only be made once at the moment the problem occurs

A higher stimulation leads to ?
Question 122-9 : A faster and more precise decision a slower and less precise decision a slower but more precise decision a faster but less precise decision

The probability to suffer from air sickness is higher when ?
Question 122-10 : The passenger or student is afraid and/or demotivated to fly the student is motivated and adapted to the specific stimuli of flying the student has good outside visual reference the passenger has taken anti motion sickness remedies prior flight

According to wicken's theory the human brain has ?
Question 122-11 : Different reservoirs of resources depending on whether one is in the information gathering information processing or action phase cognitive resources which are centered on action processing capabilities which function at peak level when different tasks call for the same resources unlimited information processing resources

What are typical consequences of conflicts between crew members.1 the quality ?
Question 122-12 : 1 2 and 4 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct

Which of the following statements best characterise a self centered cockpit ?
Question 122-13 : Without taking note of what the other members are doing each one does his own thing while at the same time assuming that everyone is aware of what is being done or what is going on the communication between crew members always increases when the captain takes charge of a situation the egocentric personality of the captain often leads to a synergetic cockpit while decreasing communication the independence of each member bolsters the crew's synergy

How does motivation affect an individual completing a task ?
Question 122-14 : Motivation reflects the difference between what an individual can do and what the individual will do xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

What is a skill ?
Question 122-15 : The capacity to accomplish successfully something requiring special knowledge or ability xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

What is a motor program with respect to completing a task ?
Question 122-16 : A behavioural sub routine which once running does not require conscious thought xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Regarding forms of learning what is understood by modeling ?
Question 122-17 : Completing a task by imitation making an association between a previously neutral stimulus and a stimulus that naturally evokes a response increasing or decreasing the probability of a response due to reinforcement or punishment xxxxx

What is learning ?
Question 122-18 : Gaining knowledge through study and past experience gaining knowledge through study gaining knowledge by making mistakes gaining skills by copying and making mistakes

With which risk is skill based behaviour associated ?
Question 122-19 : Action slip inability to recall information wrong decision making incorrect recall

One of the main positive capabilities in an individual's decision making ?
Question 122-20 : Creativity destructiveness hesitation consensus

One of the ways human error in aviation currently being addressed is by 'error ?
Question 122-21 : The understanding of human limitations by determining how to live with errors xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

An important contributor to human error is a false hypothesis or mistaken ?
Question 122-22 : The pilot should monitor carefully evidence which contradicts his decision xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Which of the following list are advantages of teamwork .1 personality clashes.2 ?
Question 122-23 : 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5

What is meant by the term 'followership' ?
Question 122-24 : The ability of an individual to effectively support a recognised leader by being a good team player the ability of an individual to influence others and situations xxxxx xxxxx

The behaviour of a group can be affected by a number of factors including ?
Question 122-25 : Persuasion conformity compliance and obedience conformity and obedience compliance only persuasion only

What is the main purpose of a checklist ?
Question 122-26 : To enable the crew to carry out a procedure in a well defined and orderly manner xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

What is the time limit between a pilot going snorkeling and the beginning of ?
Question 122-27 : There is no time limit 24 h 48 h 2 h

At a certain position the temperature on the 300 hpa chart is 48°c .according ?
Question 122-28 : 54°c 56 5°c 50°c 58°c

Which fl corresponds with the 200 hpa pressure level ?
Question 122-29 : Fl 390 fl 300 fl 50 fl 100

What is the approximate vertical interval which is equal to a pressure change ?
Question 122-30 : 15 m 50 ft 8 m 27 ft 32 m 105 ft 64 m 210 ft

The temperature at fl 140 is 12°c what will the temperature be at fl 110 if ?
Question 122-31 : 6°c 18°c 9°c 15°c

If atmospheric conditions exist such that the temperature deviation is isa ?
Question 122-32 : 6240 ft 6000 ft 5900 ft 5760 ft

How does the height of the tropopause normally vary with latitude in the ?
Question 122-33 : It decreases from south to north it remains constant from north to south it remains constant throughout the year it increases from south to north

What approximately is the average height of the tropopause over the equator ?
Question 122-34 : 16 km 40 km 8 km 11 km

In which layer is most of the atmospheric humidity concentrated ?
Question 122-35 : Troposphere tropopause stratopause stratosphere

Under what condition does pressure altitude have the same value as density ?
Question 122-36 : At standard temperature when the altimeter has no position error at sea level when the temperature is 0°c when the altimeter setting is 1013 2 hpa

In the troposphere the decrease of pressure per 100 m increase in height ?
Question 122-37 : Is smaller at higher levels than at lower levels remains constant at all levels is greater at higher levels than at lower levels is in the order of 27 hpa near msl

In a situation with a weak pressure gradient and no thunderstorms around what ?
Question 122-38 : Apparently nothing because any changes would be small increase rapidly show strong fluctuations decrease rapidly

What pressure is defined as qfe ?
Question 122-39 : The pressure at field elevation the pressure of the altimeter the pressure reduced to sea level using actual temperatures the pressure reduced to sea level using isa temperatures

What is the approximate composition of the dry air by volume in the troposphere ?
Question 122-40 : 21% oxygen 78% nitrogen and the rest other gasses 10% oxygen 89% nitrogen and the rest other gasses 88% oxygen 9% nitrogen and the rest other gasses 50% oxygen 40% nitrogen and the rest other gasses

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