Preparation > civilian : We generate mental models on ?
Question 120-1 : Past experience and learning stereopsis imagination 3 d vision

What are two types of attention ?
Question 120-2 : Selective and divided intuitive and behavioural divided and behavioural cognitive and intuitive

The use of professional languages offers ?
Question 120-3 : Quick comprehension and simplified grammar longer attention span more precise grammar better communication even if professionals are not from the same field

The use of check lists should be carried out in such a way that ?
Question 120-4 : Their execution should not be done simultaneously with other actions their execution may be done simultaneously with other actions their execution should be combined with other important tasks they should only be carried out when time is available

The unique organisation of characteristics which determine the typical or ?
Question 120-5 : Personality development heredity learning

What optimises crew co operation .1 sharing and common task.2 confidence in ?
Question 120-6 : 1 2 3 1 only 1 2 2 3

What is the main adverse effect of expectation with regards to perception ?
Question 120-7 : Expectation often guides the focus of attention towards a particular aspect while possible alternates are neglected expectations always lead to routine errors expectation is a tool that allows capture of all relevant information the attention area is enlarged by expectation however it will therefore lead to uncertainties when a pilot is looking for a decision

What are the most frequent results of an self centred captain on the flight deck ?
Question 120-8 : In a two pilot flight deck the co pilot is ignored and may react by disengaging showing delayed responses or aggression high group performance despite the strained relations a major risk of authority inversion if the co pilot is unassertive performance is very poor as self centred behaviour leads to an increase of cooperation and efficiency

The three types of authority gradient cockpits are ?
Question 120-9 : Autocratic laisser faire and synergistic authoritative laisser faire and synergistic autocratic followership and synergistic authoritative followership and synergistic

What is self concept ?
Question 120-10 : How you see yourself how you would like to be seen by other people how other people see you how you would like to see yourself

What is meant by the term 'complacency' ?
Question 120-11 : Unjustified self confidence to question possible solutions an agreement between captain and co pilot due to crew resources management physiological effects on pilots because of fear of flying

What is 'divided attention' ?
Question 120-12 : The management of several matters of interest dealt with individually one after the other ease of concentrating on a particular objective difficulty of concentrating on a particular objective the adverse effect of motivation which leads to one's attention being dispersed

Internal conflict within oneself is termed as ?
Question 120-13 : Intra personal conflict intro personal conflict inter personal conflict intermediate personal conflict

In his/her behaviour the 'ideal professional pilot' is ?
Question 120-14 : Both 'person' and 'goal' oriented 'person' rather than 'goal' oriented neither 'person' nor 'goal' oriented 'goal' rather than 'person' oriented

Mode error is associated with ?
Question 120-15 : Automation hardware check lists vertigo

Phobic states or obsessional disorders will ?
Question 120-16 : May require successful treatment before flying may be permitted always result in permanent loss of a flying licence result in the loss of a class i medical classification after successful treatment require immediate termination of all flying duties

In the decision making process confirmation bias results in ?
Question 120-17 : A tendency to look for information which confirms the validity of the decision choosing familiar solutions even if they are not the best ones overestimating the frequency of some events a tendency to look for approval by other crew members or by the atc

In order to make sound decisions it is important to ?
Question 120-18 : Understand why and how we make decisions avoid situational awareness keep a low level of stress by excluding non verbal communication accept that the captain because of his/her authority tends to be correct

Stress may cause regression which can lead to ?
Question 120-19 : Correct actions being forgotten and substituted for procedures learnt in the past an improvement in performance a more efficient use of mental capacity experimentation and trying out of new ideas

It is generally considered that the most serious non professional stressor is ?
Question 120-20 : Death of a spouse or partner personal injury or illness marital separation loss of a job

Cohesion is a major advantage in times of ?
Question 120-21 : Difficulty achievement personal advancement success

Select from the following list the advantages of teamwork .1 workload is ?
Question 120-22 : 1 3 5 and 6 2 3 4 5 and 6 1 3 4 and 5 2 3 5 and 6

Select from the following list environmental stressors .1 heat.2 humidity.3 ?
Question 120-23 : 1 2 and 6 1 2 3 and 6 1 2 4 and 6 1 2 3 5 and 6

Motivation is an important attribute which contributes to flight safety which ?
Question 120-24 : Excessive motivation leads to stress which adversely affects performance motivation reduces the intensity of sensory illusions a high degree of motivation makes it possible to make up for insufficient knowledge in complete safety a high degree of motivation lowers the level of vigilance

In decision making the selection of a solution depends on .1 objective and ?
Question 120-25 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 3 4

Planning ?
Question 120-26 : Allows crew members to anticipate potential risky situations and decide on possible responses is unnecessary in the cockpit as crew members are so highly trained they will always know what to do in unusual situations in the cockpit typically results in plans that are always easy to modify when things are not as anticipated is dangerous in the cockpit as it interrupts flight crew creativity

Physiological stressors include ?
Question 120-27 : Noise temperature low or high humidity sleep deprivation noise hunger conflicts a death heat humidity fatigue istrative problems temperature hunger thirst divorce

Physiological problems due to increasing altitude are caused by ?
Question 120-28 : Decreased atmospheric pressure disorientation accelerations increased atmospheric pressure

In order to limit stress when flying a pilot should ?
Question 120-29 : Maintain his competence by practicing his professional skills and learning from past experiences forget about bad past experiences avoid anticipating events during a flight to manage his workload drop activities outside work so as to focus on his work better

Expressed as a simple mathematical statement when considering a crew of two ?
Question 120-30 : 1 + 1 = > 2 1 + 1 = < 2 1 +/ 1 = < 2 1 1 = > 2

Having interrupted the captain for a sound reason the co pilot should ?
Question 120-31 : Remind him/her of his/her last action before the interruption ensure there is no atc traffic on the radio that may be causing a possible distraction before continuing repeat the interruption twice so that the captain's attention is focussed on the new information never interrupt his/her captain at a critical stage of flight

How do you understand the statement 'one cannot not communicate' ?
Question 120-32 : Being silent as well as inactive are nonverbal behaviour patterns which express a meaning no meaningful communication can occur unless it is by verbal means you cannot influence your own communication communication is always possible

Having made an important decision a commander of an aircraft should ?
Question 120-33 : Always try to make time to explain the reasons for the decision even if it is after landing explain the reasons for the decision only if time permits in the air as the leader of the crew never need explain the reasons behind the decision explain the reasons for the decision only if asked

Habits and routine can influence decision making in a way that ?
Question 120-34 : Shows a tendency to select the most familiar solution first and foremost sometimes to the detriment of achieving the best possible result habit is the product of experience and should be used as a primary consideration in all decisions professional pilots will never question established procedures one always selects a choice in accordance with the company's usual practices

For a normal and healthy person personality traits are ?
Question 120-35 : Stable unstable easy changeable easy changed by an outside influence

An authoritative leader of a group will ?
Question 120-36 : Tend to become over loaded in times of high stress or in an emergency always be a good listener be adaptable to different types of groups in any situation tend never to interfere with the workings of the group and finds delegation easy

Among the physiological responses to stress are ?
Question 120-37 : Sweating dry mouth and breathing difficulties increased heart rate apprehension and sweating dry mouth anxiety and sweating anxiety fatigue and fear

Among the external factors that may contribute to an error cockpit noise and ?
Question 120-38 : Ergonomic factors organisational factors psycho biological factors social factors

Active errors/failures are committed at ?
Question 120-39 : The human/system interface and have an immediate effect the human/system interface and have a delayed effect the system/system interface and have an immediate effect the system/system interface and have a delayed effect

A pilot using a checklist is an example of the interaction within the shell ?
Question 120-40 : Liveware and software liveware and liveware liveware and hardware liveware and environment

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