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Theoretical > lift > off : Aip.which part of the aip gives detailed information about refuelling ?

Question 12-1 : Ad sar gen fal

The structure and contents of aips are standardized by international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen general enr en route and ad aerodromes.examples of classification.gen . areas or routes for which meteorological service is provided. service s responsible for search and rescue. aerodrome/heliports and air navigation services. list of 'location indicators'. sigmet information..enr . information relating to existing prohibited restricted and danger areas. information on holding approach and departure procedures..ad . information about refuelling facilities and the fuel grades available exemple 112 ad.ad.

An airac is ?

Question 12-2 : An acronym for a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates of circumstances necessitating significant changes in operating procedures a publication issued by or with the authority of a state containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation a notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment condition or change in any aeronautical facility service procedure or hazard the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations a package which consists of the following elements aip supplements to the aip notam aic checklists and summaries

exemple 116 an acronym for a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances necessitating significant changes in operating procedures.an acronym for a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances necessitating significant changes in operating procedures.

In which section of aip are contained information elements relating to areas ?

Question 12-3 : Gen met com rac

The structure and contents of aips are standardized by international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen general enr en route and ad aerodromes.examples of classification.gen . areas or routes for which meteorological service is provided. service s responsible for search and rescue. aerodrome/heliports and air navigation services. list of 'location indicators'. sigmet information..enr . information relating to existing prohibited restricted and danger areas. information on holding approach and departure procedures..ad . information about refuelling facilities and the fuel grades available exemple 120 gen.gen.

Detailed description of meteorological information provided at the aerodrome ?

Question 12-4 : Gen met ad rac

The structure and contents of aips are standardized by international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen general enr en route and ad aerodromes.examples of classification.gen . areas or routes for which meteorological service is provided. service s responsible for search and rescue. aerodrome/heliports and air navigation services. list of 'location indicators'. sigmet information..enr . information relating to existing prohibited restricted and danger areas. information on holding approach and departure procedures..ad . information about refuelling facilities and the fuel grades available exemple 124 gen.gen.

The information concerning changes for aerodrome/heliports and air navigation ?

Question 12-5 : Gen ad fal rac

The structure and contents of aips are standardized by international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen general enr en route and ad aerodromes.examples of classification.gen . areas or routes for which meteorological service is provided. service s responsible for search and rescue. aerodrome/heliports and air navigation services. list of 'location indicators'. sigmet information..enr . information relating to existing prohibited restricted and danger areas. information on holding approach and departure procedures..ad . information about refuelling facilities and the fuel grades available exemple 128 gen.gen.

An information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurence ?

Question 12-6 : An airmet information a sigmet information a notam an en route meteo report

Annex 3 meteorological service for international air navigation .chapter 7 sigmet and airmet information aerodrome warnings and wind shear warnings and alerts.7 2 airmet information..7 2 1 airmet information shall be issued by a meteorological watch office in accordance with regional air navigation agreement taking into account the density of air traffic operating below flight level 100 airmet information shall give a concise description in abbreviated plain language concerning the occurrence and/or expected occurrence of specified en route weather phenomena which have not been included in section i of the area forecast for low level flights issued in accordance with chapter 6 section 6 5 and which may affect the safety of low level flights and of the development of those phenomena in time and space.7 2 2 airmet information shall be cancelled when the phenomena are no longer occurring or are no longer expectedto occur in the area.7 2 3 the period of validity of an airmet message shall be not more than 4 hours exemple 132 an airmet information.an airmet information.

An integrated aeronautical information package consists of the following ?

Question 12-7 : Aip including amendment service supplements to aip notam and preflight information bulletin pib aic checklists and summaries aip including amendment service supplements to aip notam aic and checklist summaries aip supplements to aip notam and pib aic and checklist summaries aip including amendment service supplements to aip notam aic airac

exemple 136 aip, including amendment service, supplements to aip, notam and preflight information bulletin (pib), aic, checklists and summaries.aip, including amendment service, supplements to aip, notam and preflight information bulletin (pib), aic, checklists and summaries.

Each contracting state shall provide an aeronautical information service ais in ?

Question 12-8 : Integrated aeronautical information package only aip and notams aip notams circular and airac only notams and circulars

Icao annex 15 specifies that aeronautical information should be published as an integrated aeronautical information package iaip composed of the following elements. the aeronautical information publication aip including amendment services. aip supplements. aeronautical information circulars aic . notam notice to airmen alerts aircraft pilots of any hazards en route or at a specific location. checklists and lists of valid notam. pre flight information bulletins pib.each element is used to distribute specific types of aeronautical information exemple 140 integrated aeronautical information package.integrated aeronautical information package.

In the case of parallel runways each runway designation number shall be ?

Question 12-9 : By a letter for example 2 parallel runways 'l' and 'r' for 3 'l' 'c' and 'r' by a letter for example 3 parallel runways 'l' and 'r' and the central has no letter by a number like '0' and '01' for 2 parallel runways by a letter for 2 parallel runways

Example for amsterdam schipol airport . 758.schipol airport diagram. 759.schipol airport runway 36c c for center exemple 144 by a letter - for example 2 parallel runways 'l' and 'r' - for 3 'l', 'c' and 'r'.by a letter - for example 2 parallel runways 'l' and 'r' - for 3 'l', 'c' and 'r'.

Which part of the aip contains information relating on holding approach and ?

Question 12-10 : Enr ad map gen

The structure and contents of aips are standardized by international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen general enr en route and ad aerodromes.examples of classification.gen . areas or routes for which meteorological service is provided. service s responsible for search and rescue. aerodrome/heliports and air navigation services. list of 'location indicators'. sigmet information..enr . information relating to existing prohibited restricted and danger areas. information on holding approach and departure procedures..ad . information about refuelling facilities and the fuel grades available exemple 148 enr.enr.

Operationally significant changes to the aip shall be published in accordance ?

Question 12-11 : Airac procedures and identified by the acronym airac notam procedures and identified by acronym notam followed by a number aip supplements and shall be clearly identified aic procedures and identified by the acronym aic followed by a number

Airac is an acronym aeronautical information rregulation and control signifying a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices .annex 15 ais .4 2 general specifications. .4 2 8 operationally significant changes to the aip shall be published in accordance with airac procedures and shall be clearly identified by the acronym 'airac' exemple 152 airac procedures and identified by the acronym airac.airac procedures and identified by the acronym airac.

Select the acronym corresponding to the following definition 'an special notam ?

Question 12-12 : Ashtam gvatam navtam vultam

Icao define an ashtam as a special series notam notifying by means of a specific format change in activity of a volcano a volcanic eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of significance to aircraft operations.the aviation volcano level of alert colour code is . green alert volcanic activity considered to have ceased and volcano reverted to its normal. yellow alert volcano is experiencing signs of elevated unrest above known background levels .or after a change from higher alert level .volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely monitored for possible renewed increase. orange alert volcanic eruption in progress but ash plume/cloud not reaching nor expected to reach fl250. red alert volcanic eruption in progress ash plume/cloud reported above fl250.or .volcano dangerous eruption likely with ash plume/cloud expected to rise above fl250.aeropuerto de san carlos de bariloche argentina. 760..embraer 190 covered by volcanic ash exemple 156 ashtam.ashtam.

Sigmet information can be found in which part of the aip ?

Question 12-13 : Gen enr aga met

The structure and contents of aips are standardized by international agreement through icao aips normally have three parts gen general enr en route and ad aerodromes.examples of classification.gen . areas or routes for which meteorological service is provided. service s responsible for search and rescue. aerodrome/heliports and air navigation services. list of 'location indicators'. sigmet information..enr . information relating to existing prohibited restricted and danger areas. information on holding approach and departure procedures..ad . information about refuelling facilities and the fuel grades available. kuebelkiller .pay attention there's no met part of the aip this comes up in more than just one question exemple 160 gen.gen.

The ashtam provides information on the status of activity of a volcano when a ?

Question 12-14 : Red green magenta blue

Icao define an ashtam as a special series notam notifying by means of a specific format change in activity of a volcano a volcanic eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of significance to aircraft operations.the aviation volcano level of alert colour code is . green alert volcanic activity considered to have ceased and volcano reverted to its normal. yellow alert volcano is experiencing signs of elevated unrest above known background levels .or after a change from higher alert level .volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely monitored for possible renewed increase. orange alert volcanic eruption in progress but ash plume/cloud not reaching nor expected to reach fl250. red alert volcanic eruption in progress ash plume/cloud reported above fl250.or .volcano dangerous eruption likely with ash plume/cloud expected to rise above fl250.aeropuerto de san carlos de bariloche argentina. 760..embraer 190 covered by volcanic ash exemple 164 red.red.

The atis broadcast message should whenever practicable not exceed ?

Question 12-15 : 30 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 3 minutes

Icao annex 11 air traffic services .4 3 4 8 recommendation .the voice atis broadcast message should whenever practicable not exceed 30 seconds care being taken that the readability of the atis message is not impaired by the speed of the transmission or by the identification signal of a navigation aid used for transmission of atis .the atis broadcast message should take intoconsideration human performance exemple 168 30 seconds.30 seconds.

The closure of a runway for a year because of maintenance will be published ?

Question 12-16 : In the notam and in the aip including supplement only in notam only in aip in the notam aip and mal

exemple 172 in the notam and in the aip including supplement.in the notam and in the aip including supplement.

The identification of each prohibited restricted and danger area shall be ?

Question 12-17 : The nationality letters for location indicators assigned to the state or territory followed the letters p r and d and figures the letters p prohibited r restricted and d dangerous for the area concerned and figures the nationality letters for the location indicators assigned to the state followed by p r and d the letters p prohibited r restricted and d dangerous followed by figures

Icao annex 15 aeronautical information services. 3 6 6 identification and delineation of prohibited restricted and danger areas .3 6 6 1 each prohibited area restricted area or danger area established by a state shall upon initial establishment be given an identification and full details shall be promulgated see enr 5 1 of appendix 1.3 6 6 2 the identification so assigned shall be used to identify the area in all subsequent notifications pertaining to that area.3 6 6 3 the identification shall be composed of a group of letters and figures as follows.a nationality letters for location indicators assigned to the state or territory which has established the airspace.b a letter p for prohibited area r for restricted area and d for danger area as appropriate.c a number unduplicated within the state or territory concerned.note nationality letters are those contained in location indicators doc 7910 exemple 176 the nationality letters for location indicators assigned to the state or territory, followed the letters p, r and d and figuresthe nationality letters for location indicators assigned to the state or territory, followed the letters p, r and d and figures

The system notifying in advance the circumstances requiring important changes ?

Question 12-18 : Airac notam ifps eatchip

Icao annex 15 ais .airac an acronym aeronautical information regulation and control signifying a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices

The temporary long term modification 3 months or more and the short term ?

Question 12-19 : Aip supplements aip amendments notam trigger notam

exemple 184 aip supplements.aip supplements.

When are 'atis' broadcasts updated ?

Question 12-20 : Upon receipt of any official weather regardless of content change or reported values every 30 minutes if weather conditions are below those for vfr otherwise ho y only when weather conditions change enough to require a change in the active runway or instrument approach in use only when the ceiling and/or visibility change s by a reportable value

Which information is not included in instrument approach charts iac in the aip ?

Question 12-21 : Any addition to minima when the aerodrome is used as alternate obstacles penetrating the obstacle free area in the final approach sector oca or och dme frequencies

Aerodrome minima are calculated by the crew at flight planning when the airport is used as alternate .in other words at flight preparation you have to downgrade the available procedure according to table below .downgrading the procedure is a safety rule at preparation only. 761..while in flight if you have to divert to your alternate destination airport you will use the normal available procedure exemple 192 any addition to minima when the aerodrome is used as alternate.any addition to minima when the aerodrome is used as alternate.

A braking action given by ats of 0 25 and below is ?

Question 12-22 : Poor medium medium to poor good

763 exemple 196 poor.poor.

According to the 'aerodrome reference code' the 'code letter e' shall identify ?

Question 12-23 : 52 m up to but not including 65 m 36 m up to but not including 52 m 24 m up to but not including 36 m 15 m up to but not including 24 m

Icao annex 14 .1 6 1 an aerodrome reference code code number and letter which is selected for aerodrome planning purposes shall be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the aeroplane for which an aerodrome facility is intended . .1 6 2 the aerodrome reference code numbers and letters shall have the meanings assigned to them in table 1 1 . .1 6 3 the code number for element 1 shall be determined from table 1 1 selecting the code number corresponding to the highest value of the aeroplane reference field lengths of the aeroplanes for which the runway is intended.1 6 4 the code letter for element 2 shall be determined from table 1 1 by selecting the code letter which corresponds to the greatest wingspan of the aeroplanes for which the facility is intended. 764 exemple 200 52 m up to but not including 65 m.52 m up to but not including 65 m.

According with the 'aerodrome reference code' the 'code number 4' shall ?

Question 12-24 : 1 800 m and over 1 200 m 1 500 m 1 600 m

Icao annex 14 .1 6 1 an aerodrome reference code code number and letter which is selected for aerodrome planning purposes shall be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the aeroplane for which an aerodrome facility is intended . .1 6 2 the aerodrome reference code numbers and letters shall have the meanings assigned to them in table 1 1 . .1 6 3 the code number for element 1 shall be determined from table 1 1 selecting the code number corresponding to the highest value of the aeroplane reference field lengths of the aeroplanes for which the runway is intended.1 6 4 the code letter for element 2 shall be determined from table 1 1 by selecting the code letter which corresponds to the greatest wingspan of the aeroplanes for which the facility is intended. 764 exemple 204 1 800 m and over.1 800 m and over.

Aerodrome general.a defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of the ?

Question 12-25 : Stopway clearway runway end safety area obstacle free zone ofz

Stopway a defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of take off run available prepared as a suitable area in which an .aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take off. clearway a defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate authority selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height. runway end safety area resa an area symmetrical about the extended runway centre line and adjacent to the end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway. obstacle free zone ofz the airspace above the inner approach surface inner transitional surfaces and balked landing surface and that portion of the strip bounded by these surfaces which is not penetrated by any fixed obstacle other than a low mass and frangibly mounted one required for air navigation purposes. 766.no need for a stopway neither a clearway for this russian ilyushin 86 at phuket in 2006 exemple 208 stopway.stopway.

Aerodrome identification beacon.the light shown by an aerodrome identification ?

Question 12-26 : Green blue white/blue red

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 .5 3 3 aeronautical beacons.. aerodrome identification beacon. application .5 3 3 8 an identification beacon shall be provided at an aerodrome which is intended for use at night and cannot be easily identified from the air by other means. characteristics .5 3 3 12 an identification beacon shall show flashing green at a land aerodrome and flashing yellow at a water aerodrome.5 3 3 13 the identification characters shall be transmitted in the international morse code..don't forget that the question is about aerodrome identification beacon not the aerodrome beacon. aerodrome beacon .5 3 3 3 an aerodrome beacon shall be provided at an aeroddrome intended for use at night if one or more of the following conditions exist.a aircraft navigate predominantly by visual means.b reduced visibilities are frequent or..c it is difficult to locate the aerodrome from the air due to surrounding lights or terrain. characteristics .5 3 3 6 the aerodrome beacon shall show either coloured flashes alternating with white flashes or white flashes only .the frequency of total flashes shall be from 20 to 30 per minute where used the coloured flashes emitted by beacons at land aerodromes shall be green and coloured flashes emitted by beacons at water aerodromes shall be yellow exemple 212 green.green.

Aerodrome traffic is ?

Question 12-27 : All traffic on the manoeuvring area and flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome all traffic on the manoeuvring area all traffic on the movement area and flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome all traffic in the aerodrome circuit

exemple 216 all traffic on the manoeuvring area and flying in the vicinity of an aerodromeall traffic on the manoeuvring area and flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome

Aerodromes signs should be in the following configuration ?

Question 12-28 : Information signs yellow or black background with black or yellow inscriptions mandatory instruction signs red background with black inscriptions information signs orange background with black inscriptions mandatory instruction signs black background with red inscriptions

Icao airport services manual doc 9137 and annex 14 .5 4 3 3 information signs shall include direction signs location signs destination signs runway exit signs runway.vacated signs and intersection take off signs.5 4 3 26 an information sign other than a location sign shall consist of an inscription in black on a yellow background.examples . 767 exemple 220 information signs, yellow or black background with black or yellow inscriptions.information signs, yellow or black background with black or yellow inscriptions.

Aeronautical ground lights on and in the vicinity of aerodromes..aeronautical ?

Question 12-29 : One hour 30 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes

Icao doc4444 pans atm . chapter 7 procedures for aerodrome control service .7 15 aeronautical ground lights.7 15 2 2 lights on and in the vicinity of aerodromes that are not intended for en route navigation purposes may be turned off subject to further provisions hereafter if no likelihood of either regular or emergency operation exists provided that they can be again brought into operation at least one hour before the expected arrival of an aircraft exemple 224 one hour.one hour.

Declared distances 'lda' landing distance available is ?

Question 12-30 : The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing the length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way if provided the length of the runway plus the length of stop way available if provided

Tora take off run available is .the length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.toda take off distance available is .the length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway if provided.asda acceleration stop distance available is .the length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way if provided.lda landing distance available is .the length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. 769 exemple 228 the length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.the length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

Characteristics of t vasis each wing bar has ?

Question 12-31 : 4 lights 2 lights 3 lights 5 lights

T vasis was based on a series of light boxes on either side of the runway with various apertures that taken together showed a white line if the aircraft approach was correct too high and the system showed an inverted 't' too low and the pilot saw an upright 't' coloured red .at this time only large aircraft had instrument landing system equipment which meant small aircraft relied wholly on the visual system to find the correct approach angle. 770 exemple 232 4 lights.4 lights.

The 'clearway' is defined rectangular area established to ?

Question 12-32 : Permit aircraft to make a portion of its initial climb to a specific height reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway protect aircraft during take off or landing operations permit the aircraft to stop in the case of an abandoned take off

Clearway a defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate authority selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height. 769 exemple 236 permit aircraft to make a portion of its initial climb to a specific height.permit aircraft to make a portion of its initial climb to a specific height.

Code letter 'd' shall be chosen to identify a taxiway used by aircraft having ?

Question 12-33 : 18 m 23 m 25 m 15 m

Code letter/ taxiway width...'a' 7 5 m...'b' 10 5 m...'c' 15 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a wheel base less than 18 m or.18 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with a wheel base greater than 18 m...'d' 18 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with an outer main gear wheel span of less than 9 m .23 m if the taxiway is intended to be used by aeroplanes with an outer main gear wheel span of greater than 9 m..'e' 23 m exemple 240 18 m.18 m.

Declared distances 'asda' acceleration stop distance available is ?

Question 12-34 : The length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way if stop way provided the length of the runway plus the length of stop way available if stop way provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way and clearway if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway

A clearway is an area beyond the paved runway free of obstacles the length of the clearway may be included in the length of the take off distance available toda . . 771.but we are not allowed to stop on the clearway this is not a stopway.a stopway means an area beyond the take off runway no less wide than the runway and centred upon the extended centreline of the runway able to support the aeroplane during an abortive take off without causing structural damage to the aeroplane and designated by the airport authorities for use in decelerating the aeroplane during an abortive take off. 769 exemple 244 the length of the take-off run available plus the length of stop way (if stop way provided).the length of the take-off run available plus the length of stop way (if stop way provided).

Definitions aerodrome.a defined rectangular area selected or prepared as a ?

Question 12-35 : Clearway stopway take off run available tora runway end safety area resa

A clearway is an area beyond the paved runway free of obstacles the length of the clearway may be included in the length of the take off distance available toda . . 771.but we are not allowed to stop on the clearway this is not a stopway. 769 exemple 248 clearway.clearway.

Definitions aerodrome.non precision approach runways and precision approach ?

Question 12-36 : Instrument runways non instrument runways parallel runways movement area

Instrument runway means one of the following types of runways intended for the operation of aircraft using instrument approach procedures. a non precision approach runway means an instrument runway served by visual aids and a non visual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight in approach. b precision approach runway category i means an instrument runway served by non visual aids and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 m 200 ft and either a visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual range not less than 550 m. c precision approach runway category ii means an instrument runway served by non visual aids and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height lower than 60 m 200 ft but not lower than 30 m 100 ft and a runway visual range not less than 300 m. d precision approach runway category iii means an instrument runway served by non visual aids and visual aids to and along the surface of the runway and.a intended for operations with a decision height lower than 30 m 100 ft or no decision height and a runway visual range not less than 175 m.b intended for operations with a decision height lower than 15 m 50 ft or no decision height and a runway visual range less than 175 m but not less than 50 m.c intended for operations with no decision height and no runway visual range limitations exemple 252 instrument runways.instrument runways.

High intensity obstacle lights should be ?

Question 12-37 : Flashing white flashing red fixed red fixed orange

Icao annex 14 aerodromes volume 1 .chapter 6 visual aids for denoting obstacles. table 6 1 characteristics of obstacle lights exemple 256 flashing white.flashing white.

How many red lights must a pilot see whose aircraft in final approach is ?

Question 12-38 : 2 red lights none 3 red lights 1 red light

Precision approach path indicator papi consists of four sets of lights in a line perpendicular to the runway usually mounted to the left side of the runway these have a similar purpose to basic visual approach slope indicators but the additional lights serve to show the pilot how far off the glide slope the aircraft is .when the lights show white white red red the aircraft is on the correct glide slope for landing usually 3 0° three red lights white red red red indicate that the aircraft is slightly below glide slope 2 8° while four red lights red red red red indicate that the aircraft is significantly below glide slope 3 5° .most large airports utilize this system although most airports use a papi based on a 3 0° glide slope some airports may use a glide slope as great as 5 0° in order to have proper obstruction clearance. 772 exemple 260 2 red lights.2 red lights.

Icao annex 14 visual aids for navigation lights displaced threshold.when a ?

Question 12-39 : Red white blue green

Displaced thresholds may be used for taxiing takeoff and landing rollout but not for touchdown .a displaced threshold often exists because obstacles just before the runway runway strength or noise restrictions may make the beginning section of runway unsuitable for landings it is marked with white paint arrows that lead up to the beginning of the landing portion of the runway. example of displaced threshold with red lights between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold . 775 exemple 264 red.red.

Icao annex 14 visual aids for navigation lights papi.when is using the papi ?

Question 12-40 : All the four units are steady white the unit nearest to and the unit farthest from the runway are white the two others are red all the four units are flashing white the unit nearest to and the unit farthest from the runway are steady white the two in the centre are flashing white

Precision approach path indicator papi consists of four sets of lights in a line perpendicular to the runway usually mounted to the left side of the runway these have a similar purpose to basic visual approach slope indicators but the additional lights serve to show the pilot how far off the glide slope the aircraft is .when the lights show white white red red the aircraft is on the correct glide slope for landing usually 3 0° three red lights white red red red indicate that the aircraft is slightly below glide slope 2 8° while four red lights red red red red indicate that the aircraft is significantly below glide slope 3 5° .most large airports utilize this system although most airports use a papi based on a 3 0° glide slope some airports may use a glide slope as great as 5 0° in order to have proper obstruction clearance . 772 exemple 268 all the four units are steady white.all the four units are steady white.


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