Theoretical > lift > off : Aip.which part of the aip gives detailed information about refuelling ?
Question 12-1 : Ad sar gen fal

An airac is ?
Question 12-2 : An acronym for a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates of circumstances necessitating significant changes in operating procedures a publication issued by or with the authority of a state containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation a notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment condition or change in any aeronautical facility service procedure or hazard the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations a package which consists of the following elements aip supplements to the aip notam aic checklists and summaries

In which section of aip are contained information elements relating to areas ?
Question 12-3 : Gen met com rac

Detailed description of meteorological information provided at the aerodrome ?
Question 12-4 : Gen met ad rac

The information concerning changes for aerodrome/heliports and air navigation ?
Question 12-5 : Gen ad fal rac

An information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurence ?
Question 12-6 : An airmet information a sigmet information a notam an en route meteo report

An integrated aeronautical information package consists of the following ?
Question 12-7 : Aip including amendment service supplements to aip notam and preflight information bulletin pib aic checklists and summaries aip including amendment service supplements to aip notam aic and checklist summaries aip supplements to aip notam and pib aic and checklist summaries aip including amendment service supplements to aip notam aic airac

Each contracting state shall provide an aeronautical information service ais in ?
Question 12-8 : Integrated aeronautical information package only aip and notams aip notams circular and airac only notams and circulars

In the case of parallel runways each runway designation number shall be ?
Question 12-9 : By a letter for example 2 parallel runways 'l' and 'r' for 3 'l' 'c' and 'r' by a letter for example 3 parallel runways 'l' and 'r' and the central has no letter by a number like '0' and '01' for 2 parallel runways by a letter for 2 parallel runways

Which part of the aip contains information relating on holding approach and ?
Question 12-10 : Enr ad map gen

Operationally significant changes to the aip shall be published in accordance ?
Question 12-11 : Airac procedures and identified by the acronym airac notam procedures and identified by acronym notam followed by a number aip supplements and shall be clearly identified aic procedures and identified by the acronym aic followed by a number

Select the acronym corresponding to the following definition 'an special notam ?
Question 12-12 : Ashtam gvatam navtam vultam

Sigmet information can be found in which part of the aip ?
Question 12-13 : Gen enr aga met

The ashtam provides information on the status of activity of a volcano when a ?
Question 12-14 : Red green magenta blue

The atis broadcast message should whenever practicable not exceed ?
Question 12-15 : 30 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 3 minutes

The closure of a runway for a year because of maintenance will be published ?
Question 12-16 : In the notam and in the aip including supplement only in notam only in aip in the notam aip and mal

The identification of each prohibited restricted and danger area shall be ?
Question 12-17 : The nationality letters for location indicators assigned to the state or territory followed the letters p r and d and figures the letters p prohibited r restricted and d dangerous for the area concerned and figures the nationality letters for the location indicators assigned to the state followed by p r and d the letters p prohibited r restricted and d dangerous followed by figures

The system notifying in advance the circumstances requiring important changes ?
Question 12-18 : Airac notam ifps eatchip
The temporary long term modification 3 months or more and the short term ?
Question 12-19 : Aip supplements aip amendments notam trigger notam

When are 'atis' broadcasts updated ?
Question 12-20 : Upon receipt of any official weather regardless of content change or reported values every 30 minutes if weather conditions are below those for vfr otherwise ho y only when weather conditions change enough to require a change in the active runway or instrument approach in use only when the ceiling and/or visibility change s by a reportable value
Which information is not included in instrument approach charts iac in the aip ?
Question 12-21 : Any addition to minima when the aerodrome is used as alternate obstacles penetrating the obstacle free area in the final approach sector oca or och dme frequencies

A braking action given by ats of 0 25 and below is ?
Question 12-22 : Poor medium medium to poor good

According to the 'aerodrome reference code' the 'code letter e' shall identify ?
Question 12-23 : 52 m up to but not including 65 m 36 m up to but not including 52 m 24 m up to but not including 36 m 15 m up to but not including 24 m

According with the 'aerodrome reference code' the 'code number 4' shall ?
Question 12-24 : 1 800 m and over 1 200 m 1 500 m 1 600 m

Aerodrome general.a defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of the ?
Question 12-25 : Stopway clearway runway end safety area obstacle free zone ofz

Aerodrome identification beacon.the light shown by an aerodrome identification ?
Question 12-26 : Green blue white/blue red

Aerodrome traffic is ?
Question 12-27 : All traffic on the manoeuvring area and flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome all traffic on the manoeuvring area all traffic on the movement area and flying in the vicinity of an aerodrome all traffic in the aerodrome circuit

Aerodromes signs should be in the following configuration ?
Question 12-28 : Information signs yellow or black background with black or yellow inscriptions mandatory instruction signs red background with black inscriptions information signs orange background with black inscriptions mandatory instruction signs black background with red inscriptions

Aeronautical ground lights on and in the vicinity of aerodromes..aeronautical ?
Question 12-29 : One hour 30 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes

Declared distances 'lda' landing distance available is ?
Question 12-30 : The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing the length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way if provided the length of the runway plus the length of stop way available if provided

Characteristics of t vasis each wing bar has ?
Question 12-31 : 4 lights 2 lights 3 lights 5 lights

The 'clearway' is defined rectangular area established to ?
Question 12-32 : Permit aircraft to make a portion of its initial climb to a specific height reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway protect aircraft during take off or landing operations permit the aircraft to stop in the case of an abandoned take off

Code letter 'd' shall be chosen to identify a taxiway used by aircraft having ?
Question 12-33 : 18 m 23 m 25 m 15 m

Declared distances 'asda' acceleration stop distance available is ?
Question 12-34 : The length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way if stop way provided the length of the runway plus the length of stop way available if stop way provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of stop way and clearway if provided the length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway

Definitions aerodrome.a defined rectangular area selected or prepared as a ?
Question 12-35 : Clearway stopway take off run available tora runway end safety area resa

Definitions aerodrome.non precision approach runways and precision approach ?
Question 12-36 : Instrument runways non instrument runways parallel runways movement area

High intensity obstacle lights should be ?
Question 12-37 : Flashing white flashing red fixed red fixed orange

How many red lights must a pilot see whose aircraft in final approach is ?
Question 12-38 : 2 red lights none 3 red lights 1 red light

Icao annex 14 visual aids for navigation lights displaced threshold.when a ?
Question 12-39 : Red white blue green

Icao annex 14 visual aids for navigation lights papi.when is using the papi ?
Question 12-40 : All the four units are steady white the unit nearest to and the unit farthest from the runway are white the two others are red all the four units are flashing white the unit nearest to and the unit farthest from the runway are steady white the two in the centre are flashing white

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