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Training > professional : Which of the following describes an autocratic cockpit ?

Question 118-1 : The captain's excessive authority considerably reduces communications and consequently the synergy and cohesion of the crew despite the overly strong authority of the captain everything functions correctly owing to his natural leadership each of the members chooses what job to do without telling the others and in the belief that everyone is aware of what he is doing the atmosphere is relaxed thanks to a captain who leaves complete freedom to the various members of the crew

exemple 218 the captain's excessive authority considerably reduces communications and consequently the synergy and cohesion of the crew.the captain's excessive authority considerably reduces communications and consequently the synergy and cohesion of the crew.

What distinguishes status from role ?

Question 118-2 : While role defines via behaviour the functions that must be performed by individuals status defines the hierarchical position and its recognition by the group while role defines the enjoyment of a hierarchical position and its recognition by the group status defines via behaviour the functions that must be performed by individuals unlike status role is fixed and is not modified either by the situation in flight or by the interactions of a new crew unlike status role is fixed and is modified either by the situation in flight or by the interactions of a new crew

exemple 222 while role defines -via behaviour- the functions that must be performed by individuals, status defines the hierarchical position and its recognition by the group.while role defines -via behaviour- the functions that must be performed by individuals, status defines the hierarchical position and its recognition by the group.

Which of the following elements make up the personality of an individual .1 ?

Question 118-3 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 2 3 2 3 4

exemple 226 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

What is synergy in a crew ?

Question 118-4 : The coordinated action of all members towards a common objective in which collective performance is proving to be more than the sum of the individual performances a behavioural expedient associated with the de synchronisation of the coordinated actions the coordinated action of unrelated individual performances in achieving a non standard task the uncoordinated action of the crew members towards a common objective

exemple 230 the coordinated action of all members towards a common objective, in which collective performance is proving to be more than the sum of the individual performances.the coordinated action of all members towards a common objective, in which collective performance is proving to be more than the sum of the individual performances.

Which of the following statements concerning conflicts is correct ?

Question 118-5 : Conflict management involves the participation of all involved parties in finding an acceptable collective solution whatever the cause of the conflict its resolution must necessarily involve an additional party if it is to be effective conflicts are negative in themselves and can only lead to a general detachment of involved parties the emergence of a conflict always results from calling into question the general abilities of one of the involved parties

exemple 234 conflict management involves the participation of all involved parties in finding an acceptable collective solution.conflict management involves the participation of all involved parties in finding an acceptable collective solution.

In terms of decision making the intention to become integrated into the team to ?

Question 118-6 : The attempt to agree on decisions made by other crew members an authoritarian approach thus demonstrating ones own ability to lead the improvement of internal risk assessment capabilities a fast and decisive option

.agreeing with the rest of the crew may be easy but is it right crew decision making is most efficient if all crew members adapt their management styles to meet the demands of the situation cohesion within a group is a major advantage in times of difficulty but with too much groupthink can have negative results exemple 238 the attempt to agree on decisions made by other crew members.the attempt to agree on decisions made by other crew members.

What strategy should be put in place when faced with an anticipated period of ?

Question 118-7 : A strategy of preparing decisions a non sequenced strategy a laissez faire strategy a strategy of no commitment

Which biases relate to human decision making .1 personal experience tends to ?

Question 118-8 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 4

exemple 246 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

Decision making can be influenced by the following factors .1 people tend to ?

Question 118-9 : 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 3

exemple 250 1, 3.1, 3.

Decision making is a concept which represents ?

Question 118-10 : A voluntary and conscious process of selection from among possible solutions for a given problem an automated or automation like act of applying defined procedures an automatic process of selection from among the various solutions to a given problem a spontaneous act of seeking the most effective solution in a given situation when faced with a defined problem

exemple 254 a voluntary and conscious process of selection, from among possible solutions, for a given problem.a voluntary and conscious process of selection, from among possible solutions, for a given problem.

In problem solving what determines the transition from rule based activities to ?

Question 118-11 : The unsuitability of the known rules for the problem posed attentional capture knowledge of rules which apply to the problem posed the unsuitability of the automated actions

exemple 258 the unsuitability of the known rules for the problem posed.the unsuitability of the known rules for the problem posed.

The main limitation of the long term memory is ?

Question 118-12 : Unless information is accessed from time to time retrieval of information can be difficult the quantity of data which may be stored if enough information is entered at the same time saturation may take place the data storage time

exemple 262 unless information is accessed from time to time, retrieval of information can be difficult.unless information is accessed from time to time, retrieval of information can be difficult.

What are the main limits of short term memory .1 very sensitive to ?

Question 118-13 : 1 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 2 4

exemple 266 1, 3, 4.1, 3, 4.

Action plans sop's in a cockpit must ?

Question 118-14 : Be shared by the members of the crew and updated at each modification in order to maintain maximum synergy be tailored to the individual pilot's needs in order to facilitate the normal operation of the aircraft only be tailored to the type of aircraft regardless of current mcc multi crew coordination procedures only follow the manufacturers proposals and not reflect individual operators cockpit philosophies

exemple 270 be shared by the members of the crew and updated at each modification in order to maintain maximum synergy.be shared by the members of the crew and updated at each modification in order to maintain maximum synergy.

Workload essentially depends on ?

Question 118-15 : The current situation the pilot's expertise and the ergonomics of the system the pilot's experience and the ergonomics of the system the pilot's knowledge the task and the day's parameters weather report aircraft load type of flight etc

.workload might simply be defined as the demand placed on the human operator at a given time workload depends on the current situation the pilot's expertise and the ergonomics of the system exemple 274 the current situation, the pilot's expertise and the ergonomics of the system.the current situation, the pilot's expertise and the ergonomics of the system.

A pilot becomes skilled when he/she .1 trains or practises regularly .2 knows ?

Question 118-16 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4

.competence is not related to knowledge possess all the knowledge associated with his aircraft does not mean you have good skills a pilot becomes skilled when he trains when he knows how to manage himself and to keep resources in reserve for coping with the unexpected exemple 278 1, 2, 4.1, 2, 4.

Man possesses a system for maintaining his internal equilibrium in the face of ?

Question 118-17 : Homeostasis heterostasis isothermy metastasis

exemple 282 homeostasis.homeostasis.

Stress is ?

Question 118-18 : A mechanism by which an individual can respond to situations which he/she may have to face a psychosomatic disease that one can learn to control a response by man to his problems which automatically leads to a reduction in his performance a phenomenon which is specific to modern man

exemple 286 a mechanism by which an individual can respond to situations which he/she may have to face.a mechanism by which an individual can respond to situations which he/she may have to face.

General adaptation syndrome is characterised by the following phases .1 ?

Question 118-19 : 1 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 4 5 2 3 4 5

.the three stage response to stress is called the general adaptation syndrome the phases of the general adaptation syndrome are alarm resistance and exhaustion.alarm phase .during the alarm phase a stressor disturbs homeostasis the brain subconsciously perceives the stressor and prepares the body either to fight or to run away a response sometimes called the fight or flight response when the mind perceives a stressor the cerebral cortex is called to attention if the cerebral cortex consciously or unconsciously perceives a threat it triggers an autonomic nervous system response that prepares the body for action the autonomic nervous system is the portion of the central nervous system that regulates bodily functions that we do not normally consciously control when we are stressed the rate of all these bodily functions increases dramatically to give us the physical strength to protect ourselves against an attack or to mobilize internal forces in addition to this the hypothalamus a section of the brain functions as the control center and determines the overall reaction to stressors when the hypothalamus perceives that extra energy is needed to fight a stressor it stimulates the adrenal glands to release the hormone epinephrine also called adrenaline epinephrine causes more blood to be pumped with each beat of the heart dilates the air sacs in the lungs to increase oxygen intake increases the breathing rate stimulates the liver to release more glucose and dilates the pupils to improve visual sensitivity the body is then poised to act immediately.resistance phase . the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome begins almost immediately after the alarm phase starts in this phase the body has reacted to the stressor and adjusted in a way that begins to allow the body to return to homeostasis as the hypothalamus is working to energize the body other processes are occurring to keep energy levels under control and return the body to a normal level of functioning.exhaustion phase .in the exhaustion phase of the general adaptation syndrome the physical and psychological energy used to fight a stressor has been depleted short term stress would probably not deplete all of a person's energy reserves but chronic stressors such as the struggle to get straight as financial worries or fights with family and friends may create continuous states of alarm and resistance when a person no longer has the adaptation energy stores for fighting a distressor serious illness may result exemple 290 1, 3, 4.1, 3, 4.

Safety is often improved by applying the principles of crm crew resource ?

Question 118-20 : Expression of doubts or of a different opinion unquestioned obedience to all the captain's decisions abstention from any suggestion which might be untimely the avoidance of any conflict in order to preserve the crew's synergy

exemple 294 expression of doubts or of a different opinion.expression of doubts or of a different opinion.

An efficient flight deck synergetic cockpit will be observed when ?

Question 118-21 : Decisions are taken by the captain with the help and participation of the other crew members the plan of action is defined by the captain because of his experience level the captain delegates the decision making process to other crew members decisions do not need to be discussed because of a common synergy between the crew members

exemple 298 decisions are taken by the captain with the help and participation of the other crew members.decisions are taken by the captain with the help and participation of the other crew members.

A non synergistic cockpit ?

Question 118-22 : Is characterised by withdrawn crewmembers and unclear communication is characterised by a highly efficient crew communicating appropriately with the outside always results from an over relaxed atmosphere is not very dangerous as each person checks everything personally

exemple 302 is characterised by withdrawn crewmembers and unclear communication.is characterised by withdrawn crewmembers and unclear communication.

Crm crew resource management training is ?

Question 118-23 : Intended to develop effectiveness of crew performance by improving attitudes towards flight safety and human relationship management not intended to change the individual's attitude at all intended solely to alter an individual's personality is mainly of relevance to pilots with personality disorders or inappropriate attitudes

exemple 306 intended to develop effectiveness of crew performance by improving attitudes towards flight safety and human relationship management.intended to develop effectiveness of crew performance by improving attitudes towards flight safety and human relationship management.

Which of the following characteristics apply to short term memory . 1 it is ?

Question 118-24 : 1 2 3 3 4 1 3

exemple 310 1.1.

Which of the following statements about long term memory are correct . 1 ?

Question 118-25 : 1 and 4 are correct 2 and 4 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 and 2 are correct

exemple 314 1 and 4 are correct.1 and 4 are correct.

Which statement is correct regarding alcohol in the human body ?

Question 118-26 : Judgement and decision making can be affected even by a small amount of alcohol a small amount of alcohol increases visual acuity an increase of altitude decreases the adverse effect of alcohol when drinking coffee the human body metabolizes alcohol at a faster rate than normal

exemple 318 judgement and decision making can be affected even by a small amount of alcohol.judgement and decision making can be affected even by a small amount of alcohol.

A stress reaction is ?

Question 118-27 : The non specific response of the body to demands placed on a person the specific response of the body to demands placed on a person the non specific stimuli causing a human body to respond the specific stimuli causing a human body to respond

.it was discovered that the body's stress response consists of a predictable non specific three stage pattern of physiological responses .the alarm stage the adaptive/resistance stage and the exhaustion stage not everyone experiences all three stages. the alarm stage is the fight or flight response that prepares a person to meet a challenge or threat the person experiences the changes characteristic of the first exposure to a stressor which include anxiety panic fear racing thoughts increased heart rate increased blood pressure headaches muscle tension gastrointestinal distress etc. the adaptive/resistance stage is the stage during which the body may return to its pre excited state and recovers from the physiological strains of the alarm stage once the stressor is eliminated. the exhaustion stage is reached only when the person becomes stuck in the alarm stage or goes through the alarm and resistance stages too often exemple 322 the non-specific response of the body to demands placed on a person.the non-specific response of the body to demands placed on a person.

A person being exposed to extreme or prolonged stress factors can perceive ?

Question 118-28 : Distress coping stress eustress stressors

.this is a stress reactions the non specific response of the body to every demand placed on a person exemple 326 distress.distress.

Which of the following list may stress effect .1 attention.2 concentration.3 ?

Question 118-29 : 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 and 2 are correct 1 and 3 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct

exemple 330 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.

According to the different phases of the 'general adaptation syndrome' which of ?

Question 118-30 : 1 2 and 3 are correct 2 and 3 are correct 1 is false 1 and 2 are correct 3 is false only 1 is correct

exemple 334 1, 2 and 3 are correct.1, 2 and 3 are correct.

If coping with a stress situation is impossible one will remain in the state of ?

Question 118-31 : Distress adaptation hypoxia eustress

exemple 338 distress.distress.

Which of the following statements concerning stress are true .1 adaptation is a ?

Question 118-32 : 1 and 2 are both true 1 is true 2 is false 1 is false 2 is true 1 and 2 are both false

exemple 342 1 and 2 are both true.1 and 2 are both true.

The level at which a pilot will experience a situation as stressful ?

Question 118-33 : Depends on the individual's perception of available abilities in comparison to the perceived demands does not depend on his capacity to absorb information depends on the level of demand but not on individual interpretation of the situational demands depends on self confidence alone

exemple 346 depends on the individual's perception of available abilities in comparison to the perceived demands.depends on the individual's perception of available abilities in comparison to the perceived demands.

An identical situation can be experienced by one pilot as exciting in a ?

Question 118-34 : The arousal level of both pilots will be raised both pilots will loose their motor coordination both pilots will experience the same amount of stress the pilot feeling threatened will be much more relaxed than the pilot looking forward to what may happen

exemple 350 the arousal level of both pilots will be raised.the arousal level of both pilots will be raised.

Which of the following statements is correct .1 psychosomatic means that mental ?

Question 118-35 : 1 is correct 2 is false 1 and 2 are both correct 1 is false 2 is correct 1 and 2 are both false

exemple 354 1 is correct, 2 is false.1 is correct, 2 is false.

Whilst flying a coordinated turn most of your activity is ?

Question 118-36 : Skill based behaviour coping behaviour knowledge based behaviour rule based behaviour

exemple 358 skill based behaviour.skill based behaviour.

The ability to monitor information which could indicate the development of a ?

Question 118-37 : Is necessary to maintain good situational awareness is dangerous because it distracts attention from flying the aircraft makes no sense because the human information processing system is limited anyway is responsible for the development of inadequate mental models of the real world

exemple 362 is necessary to maintain good situational awareness.is necessary to maintain good situational awareness.

Which of the following statements are correct .1 the first information received ?

Question 118-38 : 1 2 and 3 are correct 1and 3 are correct 1 and 2 are correct 2 and 3 are correct

exemple 366 1, 2 and 3 are correct.1, 2 and 3 are correct.

In an abnormal situation the pilot has an apparently correct explanation for ?

Question 118-39 : Not usual very rare not applicable with old and experienced pilots not possible since correct training should have eliminated this problem

Chrism .i think that the answer should read 'not unusual'..it is an abnormal situation and so you will be looking for all the clues you can find to check your understanding .the question states the pilot has an apparently correct explanation it is only 'apparently' correct so he/she is still looking for confirmation of their assesment of the situation .this is not a routine situation where the pilot is convinced that they have assessed things correctly and will ignore contractory facts it is abnormal and there is some doubt so all information will be considered exemple 370 not usual.not usual.

Which of the following statements are correct .1 interesting information is ?

Question 118-40 : 1 and 2 are both correct 1 is not correct 2 is correct 1 and 2 are both not correct 1 is correct 2 is not correct

exemple 374 1 and 2 are both correct.1 and 2 are both correct.


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