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Training > professional : Stress may be defined as ?

Question 117-1 : A normal phenomenon which enables an individual to adapt to encountered situations a poorly controlled emotion which leads to a reduction in capabilities a psychological phenomenon which only affects fragile personalities a human reaction which one must manage to eliminate

exemple 217 a normal phenomenon which enables an individual to adapt to encountered situations.a normal phenomenon which enables an individual to adapt to encountered situations.

What is a stressor ?

Question 117-2 : An external or internal stimulus which is interpreted by an individual as being stressful the adaptation response of the individual to his environment a psychological problem developed in a situation of danger all external stimulation are stressors since they modify the internal equilibrium

exemple 221 an external or internal stimulus which is interpreted by an individual as being stressful.an external or internal stimulus which is interpreted by an individual as being stressful.

What may trigger stress in humans ?

Question 117-3 : The subjective interpretation an individual gives to a situation experienced always the reaction to upsetting emotions caused either by physiological or psychological conditions only objective stimulation from environmental factors only strong stimulation of the sensory organs a flash of light noise and the smell of smoke

.its our own internal beliefs attitudes interpretations perceptions and other factors in combination with the external events that tend to create stress exemple 225 the subjective interpretation an individual gives to a situation experienced.the subjective interpretation an individual gives to a situation experienced.

With regard to the average influence of age on pilot performance it may be said ?

Question 117-4 : Has little impact when the pilot is able to compensate for it by his/her flight experience sharply reduces performance without however affecting cognitive capabilities has a major impact owing to the impairment of memory increases in impact as speed of thought and memory deteriorate

exemple 229 has little impact when the pilot is able to compensate for it by his/her flight experience.has little impact when the pilot is able to compensate for it by his/her flight experience.

Of the following statements which apply to coordinated cooperation .1 it allows ?

Question 117-5 : 1 and 3 2 and 3 1 and 4 1 2 and 4

.the advantages of coordination are redundancy synergy and clarification of responsability coordinated cooperation allows for synergy between the captain and copilot synchronised actions and the distribution of responsibilities coaction is a mode of cooperation which recommends working in parallel to achieve one objective exemple 233 1 and 3.1 and 3.

Co action is a mode of coordination which recommends ?

Question 117-6 : Working in parallel to achieve one common objective working parallel to achieve individual objectives sustained cooperation on actions and the formulation of commitments concerning flight situations the application of procedural knowledge in the conduct of specific actions

exemple 237 working in parallel to achieve one common objective.working in parallel to achieve one common objective.

In order to make communication effective it is necessary to .1 avoid the ?

Question 117-7 : Only 2 is correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 3 and 4 are correct 2 and 4 are correct

.in order to make communication effective it is necessary to synchronize verbal and non verbal channels and to send information in line with the receiver's decoding abilities

Which of the following statements regarding interpersonal interactions are ?

Question 117-8 : 3 only is correct 3 and 4 are correct 1 and 2 are correct 2 and 3 are correct

Primer .why answer 4 is not correct if you know someone is much safer flight with this person please explain ..in most of airline companies you will fly with a copilot or a captain that you have never met before the flight does it will make the flight less safer no because you will fly following your company's sop standard operating procedure .furthermore communication will not always be excellent even if you know each other exemple 245 3 only is correct.3 only is correct.

Professional languages have certain characteristics for example .1 they use a ?

Question 117-9 : 1 and 4 are correct 1 and 3 are correct 2 and 3 are correct only 4 is correct

With regard to communication in a cockpit we can say that ?

Question 117-10 : Communication uses up resources thus limiting the resources allocated to work in progress communication is always sufficiently automated to enable an activity with a high workload element to be carried out at the same time communication is only effective if messages are kept short and sufficiently precise to limit their number all the characteristics of communication namely output duration precision clarity etc are stable and are not much affected by changes in workload

exemple 253 communication uses up resources, thus limiting the resources allocated to work in progress.communication uses up resources, thus limiting the resources allocated to work in progress.

What are the communication qualities of a good briefing a good briefing must .1 ?

Question 117-11 : 2 and 4 are correct 1 and 2 are correct 1 2 and 4 are correct 1 and 4 are correct

.as the name suggests briefings are usually short and concise briefing are standardized departure briefing take off and emergency briefing taxi briefing take off briefing approach briefing .example for departure briefing this will be a flaps 10 normal takeoff from runway 22 runway heading to 3000 feet 2700 feet of runway is required with 7100 feet available in the event of an emergency or abnormality during the takeoff roll i will abort the takeoff and stop on the remaining runway in the event of an emergency right after takeoff i will secure the engine and glide to a landing straight ahead in the event of an abnormality after takeoff or an engine failure after reaching a safe altitude i will return for landing on the appropriate runway.a briefing must be understandable by the other crew member s use simple words.for the question the best answer is '2 3 and 4 are correct' but only '2 and 4 are correct' is offered at the exam exemple 257 2 and 4 are correct.2 and 4 are correct.

Which of the following statements concerning check list is correct ?

Question 117-12 : The most important items should be placed at the beginning of a check list since attention is usually focused here the most important items must be placed at the end of check list allowing them to be kept near at hand so that they are quickly available for any supplementary check the most important items must be placed in the middle of check list so that they come to be examined once attention is focused but before concentration starts to wane all the items of a check list are equally important their sequence is of no importance

exemple 261 the most important items should be placed at the beginning of a check list since attention is usually focused here.the most important items should be placed at the beginning of a check list since attention is usually focused here.

Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the design of a ?

Question 117-13 : 1 4 and 5 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 1 2 and 5 are correct 1 3 and 5 are correct

exemple 265 1, 4 and 5 are correct.1, 4 and 5 are correct.

According to rasmussen's model errors in rule based control mode are of the ?

Question 117-14 : Errors of technical knowledge creative errors routine errors handling errors

.rasmussen states that there are skill based rule based and knowledge based errors he then goes on to state that there are 'routine' and 'exceptional' violations or intended deviations from the plan .an error of technical knowledge means that the operative doesn't have sufficient knowledge to follow the rules exemple 269 errors of technical knowledge.errors of technical knowledge.

According to rasmussen's model errors are of the following type s in skill ?

Question 117-15 : Routine errors knowledge errors handling errors creative errors

.rasmussen states that there are skill based rule based and knowledge based errors he then goes on to state that there are 'routine' and 'exceptional' violations or intended deviations from the plan exemple 273 routine errors.routine errors.

In order to overcome an overload of work during the flight it is necessary to ?

Question 117-16 : 1 2 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 3 and 4 are correct 1 and 3 are correct

.to overcome an overload of work during the flight you will have to share some tasks and improve crew coordination you must prioritizes to maintain focus on primary tasks .long term memory will add to the stress since unless an item is recalled regularly it becomes more and more difficult to retrieve from the long term memory store exemple 277 1, 2 and 4 are correct.1, 2 and 4 are correct.

The available cognitive resources of the human brain ?

Question 117-17 : Are limited and make it impossible to perform two attentional tasks at the same time are limited but make it possible to easily perform several tasks at the same time are virtually unlimited allow for twin tasks operation without any loss of effectiveness

exemple 281 are limited and make it impossible to perform two attentional tasks at the same time.are limited and make it impossible to perform two attentional tasks at the same time.

The acquisition of a skill comprises three stages anderson model ?

Question 117-18 : Cognitive associative and automatic cognitive associative and knowledge associative autonomous and expert automatic cognitive and knowledge

Ajdawe .anderson model is declarative knowledge compilation and procedural it is similar to but not identical to these categories of developing motor programmes..in anderson's model learning occurs in three stages in stage 1 the declarative stage the learner produces a crude approximation of the skill by using general purpose problem solving strategies to interpret facts about the skill performance is slow error prone and working memory load is high because facts about the skill e g the correct sequence of movements must be actively rehearsed stage 2 is characterized by speedup more seamless performance and dropout of verbal mediation during this phase declarative facts about the skill are converted into procedural knowledge through knowledge compilation procedural knowledge is a collection of productions or if then statements that specify a cognitive condition and an action that will be performed if that condition is met two mechanisms underlie knowledge compilation composition and proceduralization composition collapses successive productions into single productions and produces speedup and more seamless performance the extent to which composition can occur is determined by the capacity of working memory because the conditions specified in a production must be represented in working memory through proceduralization declarative facts are instantiated in productions thereby eliminating the need to represent declarative information in working memory proceduralization is responsible for the dropout of verbal mediation in the final phase tuning search of alternate solution paths becomes more selective generalization discrimination and strengthening are the three learning mechanisms responsible for proceduralization exemple 285 cognitive, associative and automatic.cognitive, associative and automatic.

A pilot can be described as being proficient when he/she ?

Question 117-19 : Has automated a large part of the necessary flight deck routine operations in order to free his/her cognitive resources is able to reduce his/her arousal to a low level during the entire flight knows how to off load all his/her resources to the automation of tasks is capable of maintaining a high level of arousal during a great bulk of the flight

exemple 289 has automated a large part of the necessary flight deck routine operations in order to free his/her cognitive resources.has automated a large part of the necessary flight deck routine operations in order to free his/her cognitive resources.

With regard to the practice of english which of the following statements is ?

Question 117-20 : All pilots should master it because the aeronautical world needs one common language be familiar with normal procedures in english since only this allows for effective management of any flight's communication it is necessary and sufficient to have a command of any of the official languages of the icao the composition of every crew should be geared to a command of the official aeronautical language of the destination country

exemple 293 all pilots should master it because the aeronautical world needs one common language.all pilots should master it because the aeronautical world needs one common language.

What are the main consequences of latent errors they . 1 remain undetected in ?

Question 117-21 : 1 2 and 4 2 3 and 4 1 and 3 1 and 2

exemple 297 1, 2 and 4.1, 2 and 4.

Pilot stress reactions ?

Question 117-22 : Differ from pilot to pilot depending on how a person manages the particular stressors seem to be the same for most pilots are related to an internationally recognized list of stressors where the top ten items should be avoided by every means do not change with the environment or different situations but mainly with the characters themselves

exemple 301 differ from pilot to pilot, depending on how a person manages the particular stressors.differ from pilot to pilot, depending on how a person manages the particular stressors.

Which of the following provides the basis of all perceptions ?

Question 117-23 : The intensity of the stimuli the aural or visual significance attributed in short term memory the aural or visual significance attributed in long term memory the separation of figure and background

exemple 305 the intensity of the stimuli.the intensity of the stimuli.

The effect of experience and repetition on performance ?

Question 117-24 : Can both be beneficial and negative is always negative is never negative is always beneficial

exemple 309 can both be beneficial and negative.can both be beneficial and negative.

Situations particularly vulnerable to 'reversion to an earlier behaviour ?

Question 117-25 : 1 and 3 1 and 2 3 only 2 and 3

exemple 313 1 and 3.1 and 3.

The most dangerous characteristic of perception is that it ?

Question 117-26 : Is frequently extremely resistant to correction will mainly occur under conditions of relaxation will only occur under conditions of stress can easily be changed

exemple 317 is frequently extremely resistant to correction.is frequently extremely resistant to correction.

Fixation or tunnel vision is primarily to be expected when ?

Question 117-27 : Stress is high stress is medium stress and motivation are medium stress and motivation are low

exemple 321 stress is high.stress is high.

Which of the following are strategies for resolving conflict .1 seeking ?

Question 117-28 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 4

exemple 325 1, 2, 4.1, 2, 4.

What elements establish synergy within the crew ?

Question 117-29 : Synergy must be built up from the start of the mission briefing and be maintained until it comes to an end debriefing synergy establishes itself automatically within the crew right through from briefing to debriefing synergy is independent of the natural individual characteristics of the group members communication mutual confidence sharing of tasks etc it is only the captain's status which allows the establishment of synergy within the crew

exemple 329 synergy must be built up from the start of the mission (briefing) and be maintained until it comes to an end (debriefing).synergy must be built up from the start of the mission (briefing) and be maintained until it comes to an end (debriefing).

Which of the following statements best characterise a synergetic cockpit .1 ?

Question 117-30 : 1 4 1 3 4 2 3 2 4

.crew co ordination is the advantage of teamwork over a collection of highly skilled individuals its prominent benefits are . an increase in safety by redundancy to detect and remedy individual errors and. an increase in efficiency by the organized use of all existing resources which improves the in flight management.prioritizes and delegates.effectively to maintain focus on primary tasks keeps everyone 'in the loop' by actively communicating and continuously monitors the progress of the flight are the appropriate characteristics of a synergetic cockpit .it is important to establish the difference between leadership which is acquired and authority which is assigned an optimal situation exists when the two are combined leadership involves teamwork and the quality of a leader depends on the success of the leader's relationship with the team exemple 333 1, 4.1, 4.

What may become the main risk of a 'laissez faire' cockpit ?

Question 117-31 : Inversion of authority increased captain's authority appearance of aggressiveness disengagement of the co pilot

exemple 337 inversion of authority.inversion of authority.

What is characterized by a 'laissez faire' cockpit ?

Question 117-32 : A passive approach by the captain allows decisions choices and actions by other crew members each member carries out actions and makes choices informing the other members about them the captain's authority rules all the actions or decisions associated with the situation the high level of independence granted to each member by the captain quickly leads to tension between the various crew members

.it is important to discuss about the different choices and actions with the crew synergetic cockpit but decisions have to be taken by the captain exemple 341 a passive approach by the captain allows decisions, choices and actions by other crew members.a passive approach by the captain allows decisions, choices and actions by other crew members.

Which of the following operations are performed more effectively by people than ?

Question 117-33 : 1 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

exemple 345 1, 4.1, 4.

Which of the following operations are performed more effectively by automatic ?

Question 117-34 : 1 2 3 2 4 3 4 2 3 4

exemple 349 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

As a result of automation in cockpits ?

Question 117-35 : Communication and coordination call for an even greater effort on the part of the crew members it is easier for the captain to monitor the work of the first officer and vice versa the need for communication between crew members has been decreased communication and coordination have clearly improved in man man and man machine relations

exemple 353 communication and coordination call for an even greater effort on the part of the crew members.communication and coordination call for an even greater effort on the part of the crew members.

Which of the following drawbacks are associated with automation .1 reduced ?

Question 117-36 : 1 2 1 4 2 3 4 1 3

exemple 357 1, 2.1, 2.

What are main signs indicating the loss of vigilance .1 decrease in sensory ?

Question 117-37 : 1 and 3 1 and 4 2 and 3 2 and 4

exemple 361 1 and 3.1 and 3.

Which of the following statements concerning hypovigilance is correct ?

Question 117-38 : May occur at any moment of the flight only affects certain personality types tends to occur at the end of the mission as a result of a relaxation in the operators' attention essentially occurs several minutes after the intense take off phase

exemple 365 may occur at any moment of the flight.may occur at any moment of the flight.

What are the main factors which bring about reduced or low vigilance ?

Question 117-39 : 1 2 3 2 4 1 3 3 4

exemple 369 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

Which of the following statements in regard to motivation is correct ?

Question 117-40 : Extremely high motivation in combination with excessive stress will limit attention management capabilities low motivation will guarantee adequate attention management capabilities too much motivation may result in hypovigilance and thus in a decrease in attention motivation will reduce the task automation process

exemple 373 extremely high motivation in combination with excessive stress will limit attention management capabilities.extremely high motivation in combination with excessive stress will limit attention management capabilities.


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