Training > professional : Information stays in the short term memory ?
Question 116-1 : About 20 seconds less than 1 second from 5 to 10 minutes around 24 hours

Attitudes are defined as ?
Question 116-2 : Tendencies to respond to people things or events in a particular manner the conditions necessary for carrying out an activity the genetic predispositions for thinking and acting a synonym for behaviour

Within communication what element suggests that a message has been received and ?
Question 116-3 : Feedback coding synchronization encoding

The process of responding to a sender by confirming the reception of a message ?
Question 116-4 : Feedback redundancy synchronization transference

During paradoxical sleep ?
Question 116-5 : Rapid eye movements can be observed physical restoration and recuperation takes place respiration is very regular the rhythm of the heart is very regular

Motor programmes are ?
Question 116-6 : Stored routines that enable patterns of behaviour to be executed without continuous conscious control rules that enable us to deal with novel situations rules that enable us to deal with preconceived situations stored routines that enable patterns of behaviour to be executed only under continuous conscious control

Working memory enables us for example ?
Question 116-7 : To remember a clearance long enough to write it down to store a large amount of visual information for about 0 5 seconds to ignore messages for other aircraft to remember our own name

The relationship between arousal and flying performance is ?
Question 116-8 : Approximately the form of an inverted u approximately linear increasing approximately exponential approximately sinusoidal

In a complex task high levels of arousal ?
Question 116-9 : Narrow the span of attention improve performance lead to better decision making reduce failures

In the short term memory information is stored for approximately ?
Question 116-10 : 20 seconds 5 minutes 1 hour a couple of days

The 'cocktail party effect' is ?
Question 116-11 : The ability to pick up relevant information unintentionally the ability to drink too much at social gathering the tendency to believe information that reinforces our mental model of the world the tendency not to perceive relevant information

Once a pilot has constructed a mental model he/she tends to ?
Question 116-12 : Give undue weight to information that confirms the model give undue weight to information that contradicts the model give equal weight to contradicting and confirming information alter that model unnecessarily frequently

Very high ambition and need for achievement ?
Question 116-13 : Disturb the climate of cooperation fulfil the requirements of stress resistance always promote teamwork improves the coping process with personal failures

Our mental model of the world is based ?
Question 116-14 : On both our past experiences and the sensory information we receive entirely on the sensory information we receive entirely on past experiences on both our past experiences and our motor programmes

Which of the following tasks are possible to do simultaneously without mutual ?
Question 116-15 : Maintain manual straight and level flight and solve a problem listen attentively and solve a problem talk and rehearse a frequency in working memory read and listen attentively

A copilot has passed an upgrading course to become a captain which ?
Question 116-16 : His/her self concept is going to change because of new roles and tasks which have to be incorporated his/her self concept is going to be stabilized because of the higher status as a captain the increased command authority leads to a higher professionalism an upgrading never has psychological consequences

Cognitive and physical rehearsal of actions during training ?
Question 116-17 : It is most important for the acquisition of complex perceptual motor skills it is most important for selfcontrol leads to an increased error rate is more effective than practical training

What can a pilot do to avoid automation complacency ?
Question 116-18 : Regard the automatic system as additional crew members that needs to be cross checked as well always try to enhance your aviation related knowledge during low workload periods always fly the whole flight manually to remain in man machine loop nothing because it is system inherent

How can the process of learning be enhanced ?
Question 116-19 : By reinforcing successful performance by increasing the psychological pressure on the student by punishing the learner for unsuccessful trials by reinforcing errors

Mental rehearsal is helpful to improve flying skills ?
Question 116-20 : At all levels of flying proficiency only for student pilots only for instructor pilots only at a certain level of flying experience

'environmental capture' is a term used to describe which of the following ?
Question 116-21 : 1 and 2 are correct 4 is correct 2 and 3 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct

A high degree of cockpit automation may alter the traditional tasks of the ?
Question 116-22 : The attention of the cockpit crew will become reduced with the consequence of 'being out of the loop' crew coordination can be neglected on long haul flights without compromizing safety the crew can pay more attention to solve the problem in an abnormal situation without monitoring the automatic systems it is guaranteed that the crew always maintains situational awareness

It is desirable to standardize as many patterns of behaviour operating ?
Question 116-23 : Such behaviour reduces errors even under adverse circumstances this lowers the ability requirement in pilot selection this reduces the amount of training required it makes the flight deck easier to design

When a pilot is facing a problem during flight he should ?
Question 116-24 : Take as much time as he needs and is available to make up his mind always make up his mind quickly to give himself as much spare time as possible avoid making up his mind until the very last minute make up his mind before consulting other crew members

Decision making in emergency situations requires firstly ?
Question 116-25 : Delegation of tasks and crew coordination speed of reaction informing atc thoroughly about the situation the whole crew to focus on the problem

The assessment of risk in a particular situation will be based on ?
Question 116-26 : Subjective perception and evaluation of situational factors external factors only the emergency checklist only situational factors only

Once a pilot has developed a certain way of thinking about a problem he will ?
Question 116-27 : Find it difficult to get out of that way of thinking and difficult to try a different interpretation of the data find it difficult to stick to his/her interpretation of the data find it easy to interpret the data in different ways find it impossible to get out of that way of thinking whatever happens

To maintain good situational awareness you should .1 believe only in your own ?
Question 116-28 : 2 3 and 4 are correct all answers are correct 1 and 4 are correct 1 and 3 are correct

During the pre flight phase in the cockpit the captain notices that his copilot ?
Question 116-29 : The captain lets the copilot fly and observes his behaviour without any comments the captain flies the first leg by himself and explains each action to the copilot in order to keep him informed about his decisions the captain lets the copilot fly and gives him detailed instructions what to do the captain lets the copilot fly and encourages him to ask for support

Informal roles within a crew ?
Question 116-30 : Evolve as a result of the interactions that take place among crew members are explicitly set out by the crew will always impair the captain's influence characterize inefficient crews

Which behaviour is most likely to promote a constructive solution of ?
Question 116-31 : Active listening responding with counter arguments staying to the own point of view giving up the own point of view

During the cruising phase of a short haul flight the captain starts to smoke a ?
Question 116-32 : He should not further discuss this issue but should come back to this conflict during the debriefing he should learn to accept the captain smoking cigarettes in the cockpit he should repeat his worries about smoking in the cockpit and should argue with the captain about this problem until the conflict is solved he should bring a cabin crew member in to arbitrate

How would you describe the leadership style of a captain who primarily is ?
Question 116-33 : Low task orientation and high relationship orientation low task orientation and low relationship orientation high task orientation and high relationship orientation high task orientation and low relationship orientation

If the co pilot continuously feels unfairly treated by the captain he/she should ?
Question 116-34 : Point out the problem concentrate on his/her duties and clarify the matter at a more appropriate time internally retire and think positive freeze the communication and thus avoid immediate confrontation speak up and point out the possible consequences if the unfair behaviour pesists

What is the sender's frequent reason to communicate implicitly 'between the ?
Question 116-35 : Afterwards he/she always can claim to have been misunderstood he/she has not to adjust to the communication style of the communication partner the receiver grasps quickly what the sender means there is no need to make up one's mind before starting to communicate

Metacommunication is defined as ?
Question 116-36 : Those tools other than the actual words which compliment those words in order to communicate balancing the own ideas and interests with those of the receiver having an assessment conversation active listening

Mark the two most important attributes for a positive leadership style .1 ?
Question 116-37 : 2 and 3 1 and 4 1 and 3 2 and 4

Non verbal communication ?
Question 116-38 : Supports verbal communication is of no meaning in the cockpit is always used intentionally should be avoided by all means in the cockpit

Discussing private matters in the cockpit ?
Question 116-39 : Can improve team spirit should be avoided by all means in the cockpit is appropriate in any phase of flight decreases the captains role of leadership

A selective attentional mechanism is required ?
Question 116-40 : Because of the limited capacity of the central decision maker and working memory because the capacity of the long term memory is limited because of the limitations of the sense organs because of limitations in our store of motor programmes

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