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Training > professional : When traveling in developing and tropical areas of the world aircrew should ?

Question 115-1 : 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 2 4 5

Ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 215 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

In the absence of external reference points the sensation that the vehicle in ?

Question 115-2 : Illusion of relative movement somato gravic illusion autokinetic illusion cognitive illusion

exemple 219 illusion of relative movement.illusion of relative movement.

Fatigue and stress ?

Question 115-3 : Lower the tolerance to hypoxia increase the tolerance to hypoxia do not affect hypoxia at all will increase the tolerance to hypoxia when flying below 15 000 feet

exemple 223 lower the tolerance to hypoxia.lower the tolerance to hypoxia.

The maximum number of unrelated items that can be stored in working memory is ?

Question 115-4 : About 7 items unlimited very limited only 3 items about 30 items

exemple 227 about 7 items.about 7 items.

Signs of stress include ?

Question 115-5 : Perspiration dry mouth dilated pupils fast breathing lowering of the blood pressure faster deep inhalation stabbing pain around the heart rising of the blood pressure pupils narrowing stabbing pain around the heart

exemple 231 perspiration, dry mouth, dilated pupils, fast breathing.perspiration, dry mouth, dilated pupils, fast breathing.

Stress management programmes usually involve ?

Question 115-6 : The prevention and/or the removal of stress only the removal of stress only the prevention of stress the use of psychoactive drugs

exemple 235 the prevention and/or the removal of stress.the prevention and/or the removal of stress.

Working memory ?

Question 115-7 : Is sensitive to interruptions which may erase all or some of its contents is unlimited in size is unlimited in duration varies considerably in size between an expert pilot and a novice pilot

exemple 239 is sensitive to interruptions which may erase all or some of its contents.is sensitive to interruptions which may erase all or some of its contents.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding decision making ?

Question 115-8 : Deciding means choosing between alternatives deciding means being able to come up with original solutions deciding means imposing one's point of view deciding means applying an automatic procedure

Human errors are frequent and may take several forms ?

Question 115-9 : An error can be described as the mismatch between the pilots intention and the result of his/her actions all errors are avoidable through continuous and thorough training a violation is an error which is always involuntary representational errors in which the pilot has properly identified the situation and is familiar with the procedure

exemple 247 an error can be described as the mismatch between the pilots intention and the result of his/her actions.an error can be described as the mismatch between the pilots intention and the result of his/her actions.

The quality of learning ?

Question 115-10 : Is promoted by feedback on the value of one's own performance depends on long term memory capacity is independent of the level of motivation is dependent on age and professional role

exemple 251 is promoted by feedback on the value of one's own performance.is promoted by feedback on the value of one's own performance.

Less experienced pilots differ from experienced pilots in the following way ?

Question 115-11 : Inexperienced pilots refer to information more than experts when carrying out the same task experienced pilots are less routine minded than young pilots because they know that routine causes mistakes task for task an expert's workload is greater than a novice's one flight planning performance decreases with age and experience is unable to mask this deficiency

exemple 255 inexperienced pilots refer to information more than experts when carrying out the same task.inexperienced pilots refer to information more than experts when carrying out the same task.

Stress occurs .1 only in a situation of imminent danger .2 only when faced with ?

Question 115-12 : 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 3

exemple 259 3, 4.3, 4.

Cognitive evaluation which leads to stress is based on ?

Question 115-13 : The evaluation of the situation and the evaluation of capabilities to cope with it the evaluation of the situation and the state of fatigue of the individual the evaluation of the capabilities of the individual and the time available the capabilities of the individual and the solutions provided by the environment

exemple 263 the evaluation of the situation and the evaluation of capabilities to cope with it.the evaluation of the situation and the evaluation of capabilities to cope with it.

Which of the following physical stimuli may cause stress reactions .1 noise .2 ?

Question 115-14 : 1 3 5 1 3 4 3 4 5 2 3 5

exemple 267 1, 3, 5.1, 3, 5.

Acute stress quickly leads to ?

Question 115-15 : The mobilization of resources required to cope with the stressor a decrease in the amount of resources mobilized to face the situation a permanent state of incapacitation a state of overactivation beyond the control of willpower

.acute stress it is experienced in response to an immediate perceived threat either physical emotional or psychological the threat can be real or imagined it's the perception of threat that triggers the response .during an acute stress response the autonomic nervous system is activated and the body experiences increased levels of cortisol adrenalin and other hormones that produce an increased heart rate quickened breathing rate and higher blood pressure blood is shunted from the extremities to the big muscles preparing the body to fight or run away this is also known as the fight or flight response exemple 271 the mobilization of resources required to cope with the stressor.the mobilization of resources required to cope with the stressor.

Human behaviour is determined by ?

Question 115-16 : Biological characteristics social environment and cultural influences biological characteristics only the social environment only cultural influences only

exemple 275 biological characteristics, social environment and cultural influences.biological characteristics, social environment and cultural influences.

Pilots are more easily inclined to take greater risks when ?

Question 115-17 : They are part of a group of pilots and they feel that they are being observed and admired e g air shows making decisions independently of others they are not constrained by time making a flight over unfamiliar territory

exemple 279 they are part of a group of pilots and they feel that they are being observed and admired (e.g. air shows).they are part of a group of pilots and they feel that they are being observed and admired (e.g. air shows).

Judgement is based upon ?

Question 115-18 : A process involving a pilot's attitude to take and to evaluate risks by assessing the situation and making decisions based upon knowledge skill and experience a decision making process involving the 5 physical senses and their use to manually operate the aircraft controls the development of skills through constant practice of flight manoeuvres the ability to interpret the flight instruments

exemple 283 a process involving a pilot's attitude to take and to evaluate risks by assessing the situation and making decisions based upon knowledge, skill and experience.a process involving a pilot's attitude to take and to evaluate risks by assessing the situation and making decisions based upon knowledge, skill and experience.

The relevance of check procedures during flight becomes even more important when ?

Question 115-19 : Flying an unfamiliar type of aircraft and experiencing mental pressure flying an aircraft which you have flown recently conducting a longer flight than you would normally perform flying an aircraft which you have flown many times before

exemple 287 flying an unfamiliar type of aircraft and experiencing mental pressure.flying an unfamiliar type of aircraft and experiencing mental pressure.

Which of the following responses is an example of 'habit reversion' negative ?

Question 115-20 : A pilot who has flown many hours in an aircraft in which the fuel lever points forward for the on position may unintentionally turn the fuel lever into the false position when flying a different aircraft where the fuel lever has to point aft to be in the on position turning the aircraft to the left when intending to turn it to the right incorrect anticipation of an air traffic controller's instructions habitually missing an item on the checklist or missing the second item when two items are on the same line

exemple 291 a pilot who has flown many hours in an aircraft in which the fuel lever points forward for the on position, may unintentionally turn the fuel lever into the false position, when flying a different aircraft, where the fuel lever has to point aft to be in the on position.a pilot who has flown many hours in an aircraft in which the fuel lever points forward for the on position, may unintentionally turn the fuel lever into the false position, when flying a different aircraft, where the fuel lever has to point aft to be in the on position.

Although the anticipation of possible events is a good attitude for pilots to ?

Question 115-21 : Mishearing the contents of a reply from an air traffic controller when a non standard procedure was given but a standard procedure was anticipated anticipating that the weather may deteriorate anticipating that the flight will take longer time than planned anticipating the sequence of items on a check list

exemple 295 mishearing the contents of a reply from an air traffic controller when a non-standard procedure was given but a standard procedure was anticipated.mishearing the contents of a reply from an air traffic controller when a non-standard procedure was given but a standard procedure was anticipated.

With regards to stress as it affects human beings which of the following ?

Question 115-22 : 'stress' is a term used to describe how a person reacts to demands placed upon him/her all forms of stress should be avoided reactive stressors relate purely to a pilot's physical condition self imposed obligations will not create stress

exemple 299 'stress' is a term used to describe how a person reacts to demands placed upon him/her.'stress' is a term used to describe how a person reacts to demands placed upon him/her.

If during flight a pilot is in a mental condition of 'optimum arousal' he/she ?

Question 115-23 : Prepared best to cope with a difficult task in a confused mental state unprepared to handle a difficult situation approaching a condition of complacency or fatigue

exemple 303 prepared best to cope with a difficult task.prepared best to cope with a difficult task.

What strategies can be used to combat human error .1 reducing error prone ?

Question 115-24 : 1 2 and 4 3 and 4 1 and 2 2 3 and 4

exemple 307 1, 2 and 4.1, 2 and 4.

Concerning the relationship between performance and stress which of the ?

Question 115-25 : A moderate level of stress may improve performance a student will learn faster and better under severe stress domestic stress will not affect the pilot's performance because he is able to leave this type of stress on the ground a well trained pilot is able to eliminate any kind of stress completely when he is scheduled to fly

exemple 311 a moderate level of stress may improve performance.a moderate level of stress may improve performance.

Stress is a frequent aspect of the pilot's job under which of the following ?

Question 115-26 : 1 2 and 3 are correct only 1 is false 1 and 2 are correct 3 is false 1 is correct 2 and 3 are false

exemple 315 1, 2 and 3 are correct.1, 2 and 3 are correct.

Divided attention is the ability .1 to execute several mental activities at ?

Question 115-27 : 1 and 2 are correct 3 and 4 are false only 3 is false 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 is false 1 and 3 are correct 2 and 4 are false

exemple 319 1 and 2 are correct, 3 and 4 are false.1 and 2 are correct, 3 and 4 are false.

Which of the following statements summarises the impact that motivation may ?

Question 115-28 : It increases alertness and attention it only facilitates attention in extreme cases risk of death motivation has only a small effect on attention but it facilitates alertness it stimulates attention but may lead to phases of low arousal

exemple 323 it increases alertness and attention.it increases alertness and attention.

What are the effects of excessive stress ?

Question 115-29 : It increases vigilance for a longer period than stress itself but may focus attention inappropriately it activates resources stored in memory it has very little immediate effect on vigilance and attention it reduces vigilance and focusses attention

exemple 327 it increases vigilance for a longer period than stress itself, but may focus attention inappropriately.it increases vigilance for a longer period than stress itself, but may focus attention inappropriately.

The level of automation helps to conserve resources on the other hand it may ?

Question 115-30 : Routine errors slips mistakes decision making errors errors in selecting an appropriate plan of action

exemple 331 routine errors (slips).routine errors (slips).

The acquisition of a motor programme skill will mean that ?

Question 115-31 : The more behaviour is automated the less it requires conscious attention and thus the more it frees mental resources the more behaviour is automated the more it requires attention and the more it frees resources the more behaviour is automated the more it requires attention and the less it frees resources the less behaviour is automated the less it requires attention and the more it frees resources

exemple 335 the more behaviour is automated, the less it requires conscious attention and thus the more it frees mental resources.the more behaviour is automated, the less it requires conscious attention and thus the more it frees mental resources.

What are the main characteristics of active errors they .1 are detectable only ?

Question 115-32 : 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 4

.active errors are those where the consequences of the error are felt almost immediately for example you forget to lower the landing gear exemple 339 2, 3.2, 3.

Thinking on human reliability is changing ?

Question 115-33 : Human errors are now considered as being inevitable human errors can be avoided all it takes is to be vigilant and to extend one's knowledge the individual view of safety has gradually replaced the systemic view of safety it is thought that it will be possible to eliminate errors in the near future

exemple 343 human errors are now considered as being inevitable.human errors are now considered as being inevitable.

Which of the following statements concerning communication is valid ?

Question 115-34 : Professional communication means using a restricted and specific language that is tailored to minimise misunderstandings professional communication means to exchange information as little as possible word order is of little importance to its success only the words uttered are important communication must take priority over any other flight activity under all circumstances

exemple 347 professional communication means: using a restricted and specific language that is tailored to minimise misunderstandings.professional communication means: using a restricted and specific language that is tailored to minimise misunderstandings.

Which of the following statements is true ?

Question 115-35 : Stressors accumulate thus increasing the likelihood of exhaustion stressors are independent from each other stress should always be avoided under any circumstances people are capable of living without stress

exemple 351 stressors accumulate thus increasing the likelihood of exhaustion.stressors accumulate thus increasing the likelihood of exhaustion.

In case of in flight stress one should ?

Question 115-36 : Use all available resources of the crew only trust in oneself being sure to know the own limits demonstrate aggressiveness to stimulate the crew always carry out a breathing exercise

exemple 355 use all available resources of the crew.use all available resources of the crew.

The behavioural effects of stress may include .1 manifestation of ?

Question 115-37 : 1 and 4 are correct 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct

.behavioral signs of stress include . decreased contact with family and friends. poor work relations. sense of loneliness. confusion mental slowness . avoiding others and others avoid you because you're cranky. failing to set aside times for relaxation through activities such as hobbies music art or reading exemple 359 1 and 4 are correct.1 and 4 are correct.

The cognitive effects of stress may include .1 excessive haste .2 an ?

Question 115-38 : 1 3 4 6 1 2 5 2 3 5 6 3 4 5

exemple 363 1, 3, 4, 6.1, 3, 4, 6.

What is the effect of stress on performance . 1 it always reduces performance . ?

Question 115-39 : 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 2 4

exemple 367 2, 3, 4.2, 3, 4.

What are the characteristics of the alarm phase of the stress reactions .1 ?

Question 115-40 : 1 2 3 2 4 5 1 3 5 1 2

.alarm phase 'fight or flight' response heart rate blood pressure and respiration rise in order to supply muscles and brain with more oxygen more blood is sent to the skeletal muscles and the brain while blood flow decreases to the stomach kidneys skin and liver sexual and immune functions are suppressed hormones acting as natural opiates are released in order to relieve potentially existing pain natural fats and sugars are actively produced to supply the organism with extra energy senses become sharper the organism activates those systems crucial for an immediate physical response and decreases the energy supply to those organs which are not so important in a state of emergency .answer 5 is not wrong there is some cortisol secretion but only for increasing behavioral responsiveness in the face of stressful situations exemple 371 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.


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