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Training > professional : Cholera can be transmitted through ?

Question 113-1 : Food or water which has been contaminated droplets in the air cause by the breath of an infected person insect bites bacteria in the form of spores via a puncture in the skin

exemple 213 food or water which has been contaminated.food or water which has been contaminated.

Hypoxia is ?

Question 113-2 : A physical condition caused by a lack of oxygen to meet the needs of the body tissues leading to mental and muscular disturbances causing impaired thinking poor judgement and slow reactions a condition of lacking oxygen in the brain causing the circulatory system to compensate by decreasing the heart rate often produced during steep turns when pilots turn their heads in a direction opposite to the direction in which the aircraft is turning a physical condition caused by a lack of oxygen saturation in the blood while hyperventilating

exemple 217 a physical condition caused by a lack of oxygen to meet the needs of the body tissues, leading to mental and muscular disturbances, causing impaired thinking, poor judgement and slow reactions.a physical condition caused by a lack of oxygen to meet the needs of the body tissues, leading to mental and muscular disturbances, causing impaired thinking, poor judgement and slow reactions.

A pilot may suffer from hypoxia ?

Question 113-3 : After decompression at high altitude and not using additional oxygen in time after decompression to 30 000 feet and using 100% oxygen via an oxygen mask if his rate of climb exceeds 5000 ft/min if he/she is flying an unpressurised airplane at an altitude of 15 000 feet and breathing 100% oxygen

exemple 221 after decompression at high altitude and not using additional oxygen in time.after decompression at high altitude and not using additional oxygen in time.

The sleep pattern is closely associated with ?

Question 113-4 : Body temperature glucose level blood pressure heart rate

exemple 225 body temperature.body temperature.

The risk of spatial disorientation increases when ?

Question 113-5 : There is contradictory information between the instruments and the vestibular organs the pilot is buckled tightly to his/her seat and cannot sense the attitude changes of the aircraft by the seat of the pants sense the pilot is performing an effective instrument cross check and is ignoring illusions information from the vestibular organ in the inner ear are ignored

.spatial disorientation will be most likely to occur during flight if the brain receives conflicting information and the pilot does not believe the instruments .the procedure recommended to prevent or overcome spatial disorientation is to rely entirely on the indications of the flight instruments exemple 229 there is contradictory information between the instruments and the vestibular organs.there is contradictory information between the instruments and the vestibular organs.

Hypoxia can affect night vision ?

Question 113-6 : At approximately 5000 ft less than day vision and causes the autokinetic phenomena and causes the coriolis effect

.hypoxia can affect night vision at 5000 feet the effect of altitudinal hypoxia on night vision is primarily one of an elevation of the rod and cone threshold .although decreased cone function is clearly demonstrated by the loss of color vision at hypoxic altitudes the decrement in central visual acuity is usually insignificant however scotopic night vision at altitude can be significantly reduced scotopic vision has been reported to decrease by 5% at 3500 ft 20% at 10000 ft and 35% at 13000 ft if supplemental oxygen is not provided thus the use of oxygen even at low pressure altitudes can be very important at night exemple 233 at approximately 5000 ft.at approximately 5000 ft.

The primary symptom of decompression sickness/illness is ?

Question 113-7 : The bends the chokes red coloured cheeks and lips neurological damages to the central nervous system cns

.bends is the primary symptom of decompression illness it consists of pain in the joints exemple 237 the bends.the bends.

The 'leans' or somatogyral illusion can be caused by ?

Question 113-8 : Reducing bank following a prolonged turn bunting the aircraft going into a turn too quickly a carrier take off

A pilot may get the illusion of low altitude on approach although the aircraft ?

Question 113-9 : When the runway is wider than he is used to when the runway is unusually narrow on night approaches only depending on the approach speed of the aircraft

exemple 245 when the runway is wider than he is used to.when the runway is wider than he is used to.

A pilot can prevent hypoxia by ?

Question 113-10 : Using additional oxygen when flying above 10000 ft relying on the body's built in warning system recognizing any stage of hypoxia swallowing yawing and applying the valsalva method not exceeding a cabin pressure altitude of 20000 ft

The somatogravic illusion gives the pilot a false impression of ?

Question 113-11 : Climbing or descending descending and turning to the left climbing and turning to the right descending and turning to the right

exemple 253 climbing or descending.climbing or descending.

A 'graveyard spin' is ?

Question 113-12 : A spin in which the pilot on recovery tends to re enter the spin due to the somatogyral illusion where the vestibular system no longer senses radial acceleration a fatal accident caused by a state of spinning the fluid in the brain a spin maneuver that should only be performed by well trained pilots an illusion caused by misperception of being higher than you really are when performing a spin thus the recovery tends to be dangerously low

exemple 257 a spin in which the pilot, on recovery, tends to re-enter the spin due to the somatogyral illusion where the vestibular system no longer senses radial acceleration.a spin in which the pilot, on recovery, tends to re-enter the spin due to the somatogyral illusion where the vestibular system no longer senses radial acceleration.

Illusions that pilots experience in conditions of fog or mist are that ?

Question 113-13 : Objects appear further away than they really are and can lead to steep approaches objects appear closer than they really are and lead to shallow approaches objects appear further away than they really are and lead to shallow approaches objects appear closer than they really are and lead to steep approaches

.if the object appears further away you would delay your descent until you are closer but now you are too close and you have to make a steeper descent exemple 261 objects appear further away than they really are and can lead to steep approaches.objects appear further away than they really are and can lead to steep approaches.

If warned of an imminent thunderstorm ?

Question 113-14 : Cockpit lights should be turned up cockpit lights should be dimmed cockpit lights should be turned off no specific action is advised with regards to the adjustment of the brightness of cockpit lights

.during night flights in the vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to the bright flashes exemple 265 cockpit lights should be turned up.cockpit lights should be turned up.

During a steady climb above flight level 100 if cabin pressurization fails ?

Question 113-15 : The effects of hypoxia may be gradual and difficult to recognise the cabin altitude will descend the cabin will cool rapidly the onset of anaemia causes hyperventilation

exemple 269 the effects of hypoxia may be gradual and difficult to recognise.the effects of hypoxia may be gradual and difficult to recognise.

Heart attack myocardial infarction ?

Question 113-16 : Is the commonest cause of death in men over the age of 40 is not treatable is always preceded by chest pains is becoming less common because fewer people smoke

exemple 273 is the commonest cause of death in men over the age of 40.is the commonest cause of death in men over the age of 40.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the pulse rate ?

Question 113-17 : It has a normal range of 60 100 beats per minute it is not affected by emotion when multiplied by the blood pressure gives the cardiac output it is the only indicator of hypoxia

exemple 277 it has a normal range of 60-100 beats per minute.it has a normal range of 60-100 beats per minute.

Carbon dioxide ?

Question 113-18 : Is a normal product of internal respiration may reach toxic levels in the flight deck due to incomplete fuel combustion is increased in the blood and the brain during hyperventilation is approximately 13% of ambient air at flight level 180

exemple 281 is a normal product of internal respiration.is a normal product of internal respiration.

Glaucoma ?

Question 113-19 : Is a condition detected by pressure testing the eye ball visual field loss due to glaucoma can be significantly improved by giving oxygen low pressure in the eye ball leads to decreased blood flow to the retina which can cause visual loss glaucoma causes red / green colour blindness

exemple 285 is a condition detected by pressure testing the eye ball.is a condition detected by pressure testing the eye ball.

The noise induced damage to a pilot depends on .1 the intensity of the noise .2 ?

Question 113-20 : 1 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 3 4

exemple 289 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

How many stages of sleep are there including rem sleep ?

Question 113-21 : 5 stages 4 stages 3 stages 2 stages

.there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 and go through each stage until reaching rem sleep and then you begin the cycle again .each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of the stages your body may make movements but in others your arms and legs will be immobile.stage 1 sleep is light sleep you experience a drifting in and out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement and body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks.stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping is spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops and your brain waves a measure of the activity level of the brain become slower.stage 3 is the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes.stage 4 sleep is the second stage of deep sleep in this stage the brain is making the slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it is also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important for feeling refreshed in the morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying.stage 5 rem rapid eye movement sleep is the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular and shallow your e will move rapidly and your muscles become immobile heart rate and blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep is rem sleep for adults exemple 293 5 stages.5 stages.

The main purpose of lumbar support is to ?

Question 113-22 : Produce an even pressure of the discs by allowing the lower spine to curve naturally allow the most comfortable position for the spine and shoulder bones allow the most comfortable position for the upper spine allow the most comfortable position for the spine and higher neck bones

exemple 297 produce an even pressure of the discs by allowing the lower spine to curve naturally.produce an even pressure of the discs by allowing the lower spine to curve naturally.

How is yellow fever contracted ?

Question 113-23 : A virus transmitted by an infected mosquito contaminated food or water by contact with the saliva of infected animals excessive use of alcohol

exemple 301 a virus transmitted by an infected mosquito.a virus transmitted by an infected mosquito.

Otic barotrauma is worse during the descent than climb because ?

Question 113-24 : The air in the middle ear is at a lower pressure than the cabin this closes the eustation tube so that the pressure cannot be equalised the air pressure in the inner ear increases more slowly than the cabin during the climb the humidity in the middle ear is greater than the cabin during the descent the cabin altitude increases faster than the eustation can open

exemple 305 the air in the middle ear is at a lower pressure than the cabin, this closes the eustation tube so that the pressure cannot be equalised.the air in the middle ear is at a lower pressure than the cabin, this closes the eustation tube so that the pressure cannot be equalised.

Flying with a 'common cold' ?

Question 113-25 : May lead to incapacitation due to severe sinus or ear pain is permitted as long as you are on treatment with antibiotics will cause infection in other crew members if you are flying in a pressurised aircraft increases the risk of hypertension

exemple 309 may lead to incapacitation due to severe sinus or ear pain.may lead to incapacitation due to severe sinus or ear pain.

Hearing tests are carried out during pilot medicals to ?

Question 113-26 : Detect early signs of deafness detect reversible nihl detect vestibular dysfunction detect early presbyopia

exemple 313 detect early signs of deafness.detect early signs of deafness.

Noise induced hearing loss nihl ?

Question 113-27 : Is a condition resulting in permanent hearing loss of selected frequencies is not a permanent hearing loss the nerve cells frequently recover is also known as presbyacusis and is associated with pressure damage to the middle ear causes eustationary tube dysfunction

exemple 317 is a condition resulting in permanent hearing loss of selected frequencies.is a condition resulting in permanent hearing loss of selected frequencies.

Presbyopia ?

Question 113-28 : Is common over the age of 50 is caused by long termed exposure to stimuli over 90 db is partial visual loss due to pressure changes in the eye surgical replacement of the lens the usual treatment and is compatible with flying

exemple 321 is common over the age of 50.is common over the age of 50.

Colour blindness ?

Question 113-29 : May be subtle and only detected using specialised tests is more common in first born males affects acuity may be treated by laser surgery

.color blindness color vision deficiency is the inability or decreased ability to see color or perceive color differences under normal lighting conditions it does not affects acuity there is no known treatment for colour blindness exemple 325 may be subtle and only detected using specialised tests.may be subtle and only detected using specialised tests.

Concerning the light sensitive cells of the eye ?

Question 113-30 : The cones detect colour vision and are highly sensitive to hypoxia rods are centrally located and increase visual acuity blood flow to the rods and cones is maintained even during high g forces cones are centrally located in the lens

.the cones detect colour vision and the fovea therefore gives us great resolution colour vision at normal every day light levels for things we are looking directly at of all the body organs the brain and the e are most sensitive to hypoxia exemple 329 the cones detect colour vision and are highly sensitive to hypoxia.the cones detect colour vision and are highly sensitive to hypoxia.

Pilots should not fly immediately following giving a donation of blood ?

Question 113-31 : Because there is a small increased risk of low blood pressure due to loss of blood volume the haemoglobin level is too low there is a risk of bleeding from the needle site during flight pilots should not give blood because of the risk of infection

.the danger is the risk of fainting and the cause of that is the low blood pressure see aic 97/2004 .blood plasma and bone marrow donation flying and air traffic control..1 many aircrew and controllers have expressed the wish to donate blood in support of the national blood transfusion service blood donation is invariably a safe painless and uneventful procedure and the blood volume is restored within a few hours by redistribution of body fluids and intake of soft drinks and beverages a few individuals feel faint afterwards but this effect is minimised by resting supine for a short time 15 20 minutes.2 blood and plasma donation.2 1 aircrew.2 1 1 aircrew are advised that in order to prevent the very slight risk of post transfusion faintness or syncope they should refrain from donating blood or plasma if they are required to fly within twenty four hours.2 2 air traffic controllers.2 2 1 air traffic controllers are advised to avoid donating blood if they are going on operational duties within a minimum of twelve hours they can however give blood when coming off shift.3 bone marrow donation.3 1 after bone marrow donation which involves a general anaesthetic the minimum interval recommended before duty for both aircrew and controllers is forty eight hours however the individual response to this procedure varies and specialist medical opinion should thus be sought exemple 333 because there is a small increased risk of low blood pressure due to loss of blood volume.because there is a small increased risk of low blood pressure due to loss of blood volume.

Which of the following statements is true concerning regular physical exercise ?

Question 113-32 : 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 3

Exercise increases the body's demand for oxygen but regular physical exercise increases the human tolerance to hypoxia exemple 337 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

Heart attack myocardial infarction ?

Question 113-33 : Is a total blockage of a coronary artery leading to the death of a piece of heart muscle is not treatable once symptoms develop is a partial blockage of a coronary artery leading to chest pain on exercise or stress an individual's risk of this can not be significantly influenced

exemple 341 is a total blockage of a coronary artery leading to the death of a piece of heart muscle.is a total blockage of a coronary artery leading to the death of a piece of heart muscle.

Hypertension ?

Question 113-34 : Increases the risk of a heart attack and stroke is only treated when symptoms develop usually leads to loss of licence is otherwise known as 'white coat syndrome'

exemple 345 increases the risk of a heart attack and stroke.increases the risk of a heart attack and stroke.

Blood pressure is normally measured in ?

Question 113-35 : Mmhg inhg hectopascals millibars

exemple 349 mmhg.mmhg.

Internal respiration ?

Question 113-36 : Is a metabolic process that takes place inside the cells during which oxygen is used and carbon dioxide produced is the term for respiration inside the pressure cabin is the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the lung is the process of inflating the lungs during mouth to mouth resuscitation

exemple 353 is a metabolic process that takes place inside the cells during which oxygen is used and carbon dioxide produced.is a metabolic process that takes place inside the cells during which oxygen is used and carbon dioxide produced.

During a rapid decompression in a two crew aircraft the other pilot becomes ?

Question 113-37 : Don your own oxygen mask call for immediate assistance from cabin crew commence an emergency descent ister oxygen to the other pilot

Yetoli . so that there is a risk of 2 incapacitated..don your own oxygen mask = put your own oxygen mask.in case of a rapid decompression don your own oxygen mask first as a first and immediate step when the cabin altitude warning occurs exemple 357 don your own oxygen mask.don your own oxygen mask.

The percentage of oxygen in cabin air ?

Question 113-38 : Is the same as at sea level varies with cabin altitude is proportional to the cabin pressure will reduce during a rapid decompression

.the percentage of oxygen in cabin air remains unchanged 21% at all flight altitudes but as altitude increases the partial pressure of oxygen decreases exemple 361 is the same as at sea level.is the same as at sea level.

Which counter measure can a pilot can use against a barotrauma of the middle ear ?

Question 113-39 : Stop descending climb again and then descend with reduced sink rate increase the rate of descent stop chewing and swallowing movements use drugs against a cold

exemple 365 stop descending, climb again and then descend with reduced sink rate.stop descending, climb again and then descend with reduced sink rate.

The approximate time required for complete adaptation of the eye when moving ?

Question 113-40 : 10 seconds 7 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes

exemple 369 10 seconds.10 seconds.


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