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Training > professional : Presbycusis results in ?

Question 112-1 : Reduction in the perception of high tones first reduction in the perception of low tones first reduction in the perception of all tones equally will not affect a pilot's hearing if he/she is wearing ear plugs all the time

exemple 212 reduction in the perception of high tones first.reduction in the perception of high tones first.

Presbycusis causes initial loss of ?

Question 112-2 : High tones low tones low and high tones equally conductive hearing

exemple 216 high tones.high tones.

Pilots should not take antihistamines because they may cause .1 drowsiness and ?

Question 112-3 : Only 1 3 and 4 2 3 and 4 1 and 3

exemple 220 only 1.only 1.

Resonance of the body parts can result from ?

Question 112-4 : Vibrations from 1 to 100 hz vibrations from 16 hz to 18 khz acceleration along the longitudinal body axis angular velocity

.in examination of the impact of vibration upon the human body there are several characteristics of the vibration that must betaken into account direction rotation frequency magnitude point of entry and duration are all factors which play a part in determining how vibration is transmitted throughout the body and hence how the body changes as a result .direction of vibration is expressed in terms of three linear axes these axes of vibration are fore and aft x axis lateral y axis and vertical z axis on the human body the x axis is mapped as being from the back to chest the y axis is from the right to left side and the z axis is from foot to head in the standing or recumbent individual and buttocks to head in the seated individual there are also three rotational vectors that vibration will follow roll pitch and yaw which correspond to rotation about the x y and z axes respectively rotational vectors are not usually measured in investigations of occupational vibration.frequency is usually expressed in cycles per second in hertz hz exposure to certain vibration frequencies may have profound effects on specific parts and systems of the body particularly if the frequency of vibration corresponds to the resonant frequency of that body part or system in such cases vibration in that area is likely to be amplified and therefore may have more pronounced effects on that area as compared to other parts of the body for vibrations transmitted in the z direction e g for seated individuals where most vibration may be transmitted from a seat pan to the buttocks resonance for the abdomen including the soft organs and respiration occurs at approximately 4 8 hz spinal and upper torso resonances occur at 10 12 hz head and neck resonance occurs at around 30 hz and the eyeballs are resonant at 60 90 hz with regard to transmission of vibration throughout the body in general the higher the frequency of the vibration the faster the vibration is attenuated as it moves throughout the body exemple 224 vibrations from 1 to 100 hz.vibrations from 1 to 100 hz.

Flights immediately after scuba diving using compressed gas to depths greater ?

Question 112-5 : Are to be avoided because of the possibility of decompression sickness can be performed without any danger are allowed if you fly no higher than 38000 ft should be avoided because hypoxia may develop

exemple 228 are to be avoided because of the possibility of decompression sickness.are to be avoided because of the possibility of decompression sickness.

Hyperventilation is ?

Question 112-6 : A normal compensatory physiological reaction to a drop in partial oxygen pressure i e when climbing a high mountain an increased heart rate caused by an increasing blood pressure an increased heart rate caused by a decreasing blood pressure a reduction of partial oxygen pressure in the brain

.hyperventilation reduces the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood to below its normal level because one is expiring more carbon dioxide than being produced in the body thereby raising the blood's ph value making it more alkaline this initiates constriction of the blood vessels which supply the brain and preventing the transport of oxygen and other molecules necessary for the function of the nervous system exemple 232 a normal compensatory physiological reaction to a drop in partial oxygen pressure (i.e. when climbing a high mountain).a normal compensatory physiological reaction to a drop in partial oxygen pressure (i.e. when climbing a high mountain).

How does an increase in altitude affect the haemoglobin oxygen saturation ?

Question 112-7 : As altitude increases the haemoglobin oxygen saturation decreases as altitude increases the haemoglobin oxygen saturation increases as altitude increases the haemoglobin oxygen saturation will remain constant at 57% from 24000 ft as altitude increases the haemoglobin oxygen saturation with remain constant at 97 5% from 10000 ft

exemple 236 as altitude increases, the haemoglobin oxygen saturation decreases.as altitude increases, the haemoglobin oxygen saturation decreases.

How can vertigo be prevented in conditions of good visibility ?

Question 112-8 : By looking at the horizon by closing the e momentarily by looking approximately 5° to one side of an object by avoiding blinking

exemple 240 by looking at the horizon.by looking at the horizon.

How are oxygen and carbon dioxide transported throughout the body ?

Question 112-9 : Circulation oxidisation diffusion metabolism

exemple 244 circulation.circulation.

State the conditions which cause the 'black hole effect' and the danger to ?

Question 112-10 : The 'black hole effect' can be caused by flying over water at night on the approach to an airfield which can create the illusion that the aircraft is at a higher altitude than it is leading to a low approach being flown the 'black hole effect' can be caused by flying over featureless terrain on the approach to an airfield which can create the illusion that the aircraft is at a higher altitude than it is leading to a high approach being flown the 'black hole effect' can be caused by flying over water at night on the approach to an airfield which can create the illusion that the aircraft is at a higher altitude than it is leading to a high approach being flown the 'black hole effect' can be caused by flying under instruments with poor cockpit lighting and can lead to disorientation

.a black hole approach illusion can happen during a final approach at night no stars or moonlight over water or unlit terrain to a lighted runway beyond which the horizon is not visible if the pilot has no peripheral visual cues to be oriented relative to the earth there may be the illusion of being upright and the runway itself to be tilted and sloping.a particularly hazardous black hole illusion involves approaching a runway under conditions with no lights before the runway and with city lights or rising terrain beyond the runway these conditions may produce the visual illusion of being too high on final approach resulting in pitching the aircraft nose down to decrease the perceived approach angle exemple 248 the 'black hole effect' can be caused by flying over water at night on the approach to an airfield which can create the illusion that the aircraft is at a higher altitude than it is, leading to a low approach being flown.the 'black hole effect' can be caused by flying over water at night on the approach to an airfield which can create the illusion that the aircraft is at a higher altitude than it is, leading to a low approach being flown.

Having a cold or an infection of the upper respiratory tract you ?

Question 112-11 : Should not fly because the congestion of the frontal sinuses may cause great pain which can seriously affect your ability to control yourself and the aircraft may accept to fly an ambulance flight because 'sinus squeeze' is rare and represents a minor danger to aviation must be careful when flying because the infection may cause hyperglycemia should not fly because the infection may cause hypoxia due to congestion in the nose

exemple 252 should not fly because the congestion of the frontal sinuses may cause great pain which can seriously affect your ability to control yourself and the aircraft.should not fly because the congestion of the frontal sinuses may cause great pain which can seriously affect your ability to control yourself and the aircraft.

Glaucoma is due to ?

Question 112-12 : Increase in pressure of the liquid within the eye drop in pressure of the liquid around the eye damage to the eyeball due to high altitude excess light on the eyeball

exemple 256 increase in pressure of the liquid within the eye.increase in pressure of the liquid within the eye.

Galactic radiation is ?

Question 112-13 : Steady and reasonably predictable unsteady and reasonably predictable steady but unpredictable unsteady and unpredictable

exemple 260 steady and reasonably predictable.steady and reasonably predictable.

Free running circadian rhythms normally have a cycle of approximately ?

Question 112-14 : 24 hours 6 hours 8 hours 36 hours

Most totally blind people have circadian rhythms that are 'free running' i e that are not synchronized to environmental time cues and that oscillate on a cycle slightly longer than 24 hours.why the easa asks about free running circadian rhythms remains a mystery .for information this question belongs to the learning objective 040 02 03 02 'body rythm and sleep state the approximate duration of a 'free running' rhythm' exemple 264 24 hours.24 hours.

Flying immediately following a dive with scuba diving equipment to a depth ?

Question 112-15 : Can cause decompression sickness even when flying at pressure altitudes below 18 000 ft prevents any dangers caused by dcs decompression sickness when climbing to altitudes not exceeding 30 000 ft has no influence on altitude flights will always lead to hypoxia

exemple 268 can cause decompression sickness even when flying at pressure altitudes below 18 000 ft.can cause decompression sickness even when flying at pressure altitudes below 18 000 ft.

Hepatitis 'a' is transmitted through ?

Question 112-16 : Food or water which has been contaminated droplets in the air cause by the breath of an infected person insect bites bacteria in the form of spores via a puncture in the skin

exemple 272 food or water which has been contaminated.food or water which has been contaminated.

Alcohol degrades ?

Question 112-17 : Paradoxical sleep slow wave sleep stage 2 sleep stage 3 and 4 sleep

.alcohol has a significant effect on the sleep cycle and after more than two or so glasses of wine or beer alcohol can largely eliminate all of the rem sleep in the first half of the sleep period this can lead to subsequent alcohol withdrawal effects in the second half of the sleep period which will include sleep fragmentation ironically therefore although alcohol is often used to promote relaxation and sleep it has major disruptive effects on the subsequent rest.there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 and go through each stage until reaching rem sleep and then you begin the cycle again .each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of the stages your body may make movements but in others your arms and legs will be immobile.stage 1 sleep is light sleep you experience a drifting in and out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement and body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks.stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping is spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops and your brain waves a measure of the activity level of the brain become slower.stage 3 is the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes.stage 4 sleep is the second stage of deep sleep in this stage the brain is making the slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it is also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important for feeling refreshed in the morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying.stage 5 rem rapid eye movement sleep is the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular and shallow your e will move rapidly and your muscles become immobile heart rate and blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep is rem sleep for adults exemple 276 paradoxical sleep.paradoxical sleep.

Among the measures that a pilot should take when in an area where gastro ?

Question 112-18 : Avoidance of ice in cold drinks avoidance of cooked meats avoidance of cooked fruits avoidance of curries or gassy foods

.acute gastro intestinal upsets may be infective or reactive to certain foods and may pass with minor symptomatic treatment .ice produced from unknown water sources is.a common cause of gastro intestinal upsets .for meats and fruits cooking will indeed kill most of the bacteria curries or gassy foods may cause flatulence but that is better than the gastro intestinal upsets .flying should not be undertaken until the applicant has recovered exemple 280 avoidance of ice in cold drinks.avoidance of ice in cold drinks.

Among the factors which can cause illusions while taxiing are ?

Question 112-19 : Relative movement and cockpit height above the ground visibility and distance distance from the edge of the taxiway and taxi lighting distance from the edge of the taxiway and cockpit lighting

exemple 284 relative movement and cockpit height above the ground.relative movement and cockpit height above the ground.

Among the factors which affect visual acuity are ?

Question 112-20 : Hypoxia age and angular distance from the fovea smoking colour blindness and angular distance from the fovea colour blindness alcohol and amount of light available colour blindness visibility and angular distance from the fovea

exemple 288 hypoxia, age and angular distance from the fovea.hypoxia, age and angular distance from the fovea.

Among the factors which affect night vision are ?

Question 112-21 : Age cabin altitudes above 5000 ft smoking and alcohol age cabin altitudes above 5000 ft smoking and lack of vitamin c age cabin altitudes above 5000 ft smoking and lack of vitamin e age cabin altitudes above 5000 ft smoking and lack of vitamin b

exemple 292 age, cabin altitudes above 5000 ft, smoking and alcohol.age, cabin altitudes above 5000 ft, smoking and alcohol.

A pilot should not fly immediately after donating blood because ?

Question 112-22 : You have an increased susceptibility to fainting the chance you get the bends is higher after blood donation your blood pressure is too low after blood donation your heart rate is too low after blood donation

.the reason a pilot cannot fly straight after donating blood is due to loss of haemoglobin which will cause a decrease tolerance to hypoxia and with the loss of blood volume also risk of fainting .aircrew are advised that in order to prevent the very slight risk of post transfusion faintness or syncope they should refrain from donating blood or plasma if they are required to fly within twenty four hours exemple 296 you have an increased susceptibility to fainting.you have an increased susceptibility to fainting.

An illusion of obtaining greater height above ground can occur when ?

Question 112-23 : Suddenly flying over small trees after prolonged flying over tall trees accelerating at low altitude decelerating at low altitude flying over high terrain in low visibility

exemple 300 suddenly flying over small trees after prolonged flying over tall trees.suddenly flying over small trees after prolonged flying over tall trees.

After a cabin pressure loss at approximately 35000 ft the tuc time of useful ?

Question 112-24 : 30 40 seconds 10 15 seconds 3 4 minutes 5 minutes or more

/com en/com070 169 jpg. exemple 304 30-40 seconds.30-40 seconds.

Smoking cigarettes reduces the capability of the blood to carry oxygen because ?

Question 112-25 : Haemoglobin has a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than it has for oxygen carbon monoxide in the smoke of cigarettes assists diffusion of oxygen in the alveoli carbon monoxide increases the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli the smoke of one cigarette can cause an obstruction in the respiratory tract

exemple 308 haemoglobin has a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than it has for oxygen.haemoglobin has a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than it has for oxygen.

A pilot climbing in a non pressurised aircraft and without using supplemental ?

Question 112-26 : 20 000 ft 16 000 ft 12 000 ft 38 000 ft

.a pressure altitude of 20000 ft seems to be the critical threshold where the incidence of decompression sickness increases rapidly and the chance to experience decompression sickness symptoms is greater than 50% .with the normal cockpit pressurization schedule the critical cockpit pressure altitude of 21500 ft will be reached at 48000 ft flight altitude exemple 312 20 000 ft.20 000 ft.

Tetanus is transmitted through ?

Question 112-27 : Bacteria in the form of spores via a puncture in the skin droplets in the air cause by the breath of an infected person insect bites food or water which has been contaminated

exemple 316 bacteria in the form of spores via a puncture in the skin.bacteria in the form of spores via a puncture in the skin.

Among the factors that increase tolerance to long duration g forces are ?

Question 112-28 : Bending forward or supine body position and tensing of the abdominal muscles correct use of pilot's harness and tensing of the abdominal muscles anti g suits and correct use of pilot's harness tensing the leg muscles and correct use of pilot's harness

.'harness' does not help exemple 320 bending forward or supine body position and tensing of the abdominal muscles.bending forward or supine body position and tensing of the abdominal muscles.

Astigmatism is caused by ?

Question 112-29 : A mis shapened cornea a lack of vitamin a a lack of empty field a lack of accommodation

exemple 324 a mis-shapened cornea.a mis-shapened cornea.

By 'long duration acceleration' we mean that it lasts more than ?

Question 112-30 : 1 second 20 seconds 1 minute 5 minutes

.long duration acceleration which can be experienced in various aircraft manoeuvres imposes forces which last more than 1 second and have a duration of perhaps minutes .the human tolerance to sustained acceleration depends principally on the plateau level of the acceleration imposed on the body as the response to long duration acceleration is due to the effects of physiological changes arising from distortion of the tissues and organs of the body and from alterations in the flow and distribution of blood and body fluids.acceleration describes the change of velocity of an object and is also a vector quantity with both magnitude and direction .an applied acceleration is often referred to in terms of 'g' the ratio of the applied acceleration to the gravitational constant g 9 81 m/s² exemple 328 1 second.1 second.

Below 70000 ft what gas makes up the major part of the atmosphere ?

Question 112-31 : Nitrogen oxygen carbon dioxide ozone

exemple 332 nitrogen.nitrogen.

Barotrauma of the sinuses of the nose ?

Question 112-32 : Is caused by differences in pressure between the sinus cavities and the outside air pressure only arises in flying and not in diving is an irritation of the sinuses caused by the over use of nasal sprays is only caused by colds and their effects

exemple 336 is caused by differences in pressure between the sinus cavities and the outside air pressure.is caused by differences in pressure between the sinus cavities and the outside air pressure.

Barotrauma is caused by an increase or decrease in the volume of the gases ?

Question 112-33 : Facial sinuses middle ear and dental cavities inner ear facial sinuses and stomach facial sinuses outer ear and stomach dental cavities outer ear and e

exemple 340 facial sinuses, middle ear and dental cavities.facial sinuses, middle ear and dental cavities.

Autokinesis can give the pilot the impression that ?

Question 112-34 : A star is another aircraft the aircraft is climbing lights from ships are stars lights are further away than in fact they are

exemple 344 a star is another aircraft.a star is another aircraft.

At which altitude is it necessary to breathe 100% oxygen under pressure after a ?

Question 112-35 : Approximately 40 000 ft approximately 14 000 ft approximately 20 000 ft approximately 50 000 ft

exemple 348 approximately 40 000 ft.approximately 40 000 ft.

At rest the cardiac output the quantity of blood the heart pumps in one minute ?

Question 112-36 : 5 litres/min 450 ml/min 45 litres/min 75 litres/min

exemple 352 5 litres/min.5 litres/min.

Approximately how long will a blood/alcohol level of 60 mgm/100ml take to ?

Question 112-37 : 4 hours 20 hours 12 hours 1 hour

exemple 356 4 hours.4 hours.

Any prolonged exposure to noise in excess of 90 db can result in ?

Question 112-38 : Noise induced hearing loss conductive hearing loss presbycusis effects of aging a ruptured ear drum

exemple 360 noise induced hearing loss.noise induced hearing loss.

At which altitude may a degradation of night vision occur ?

Question 112-39 : From approximately 1600 m 3000 m 5000 m 5000 m 7000 m up to 5000 m

.cones are sensitive to day and rods are used at night .the effect of altitudinal hypoxia on night vision is primarily one of an elevation of the rod and cone threshold although decreased cone function is clearly demonstrated by the loss of color vision at hypoxic altitudes the decrement in central va is usually insignificant however scotopic night vision at altitude can be significantly reduced scotopic vision has been reported to decrease by 5% at 3 500 feet 20% at 10 000 feet and 35% at 13 000 feet if supplemental oxygen is not provided thus the use of oxygen even at low pressure altitudes can be very important at night exemple 364 from approximately 1600 m.from approximately 1600 m.

If a stop over is more than 24 hours the correct action is to ?

Question 112-40 : Move to the new time as soon as possible stay on home time and on arrival move to the new time stay on home time no adjustment is necessary

.if a stop over is more than 24 hours your biological clock will be adapting to the new time zone thus you must move to the new time as soon as possible exemple 368 move to the new time as soon as possible.move to the new time as soon as possible.


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