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At which altitude is it necessary to breathe 100% oxygen under pressure after a rapid decompression ?

Training > professional

exemple reponse 222
Approximately 4 ft.

At rest the cardiac output the quantity of blood the heart pumps in one minute of an adult is approximately ?

exemple reponse 223
At rest cardiac output quantity of blood heart pumps in one minute of an adult approximately Approximately 4 ft.

Approximately how long will a blood/alcohol level of 60 mgm/100ml take to return to normal ?

exemple reponse 224
Approximately how long will a blood/alcohol level of 60 mgm/100ml take to return to normal Approximately 4 ft.

  • exemple reponse 225
    Any prolonged exposure to noise in excess of 90 db can result in Noise induced hearing loss.

  • exemple reponse 226
    At which altitude may a degradation of night vision occur From approximately 6 m. cones are sensitive to day rods are used at night the effect of altitudinal hypoxia on night vision primarily one of an elevation of rod cone threshold although decreased cone function clearly demonstrated the loss of color vision at hypoxic altitudes decrement in central va usually insignificant however scotopic night vision at altitude can be significantly reduced scotopic vision has been reported to decrease 5% at 3 500 feet 20% at 10 000 feet 35% at 13 000 feet if supplemental oxygen not provided thus use of oxygen even at low pressure altitudes can be very important at night.

  • exemple reponse 227
    If a stop over more than 24 hours correct action to Move to new time as soon as possible. if a stop over more than 24 hours your biological clock will be adapting to new time zone thus you must move to new time as soon as possible.

  • exemple reponse 228
    Cholera can be transmitted through Food or water which has been contaminated. if a stop over more than 24 hours your biological clock will be adapting to new time zone thus you must move to new time as soon as possible.

  • Question 111-8

    Hypoxia A physical condition caused a lack of oxygen to meet needs of body tissues leading to mental muscular disturbances causing impaired thinking poor judgement slow reactions. if a stop over more than 24 hours your biological clock will be adapting to new time zone thus you must move to new time as soon as possible.

  • Question 111-9

    A pilot may suffer from hypoxia After decompression at high altitude not using additional oxygen in time. if a stop over more than 24 hours your biological clock will be adapting to new time zone thus you must move to new time as soon as possible.

  • Question 111-10

    The sleep pattern closely associated with After decompression at high altitude not using additional oxygen in time. if a stop over more than 24 hours your biological clock will be adapting to new time zone thus you must move to new time as soon as possible.

  • Question 111-11

    The risk of spatial disorientation increases when There contradictory information between instruments the vestibular organs. spatial disorientation will be most likely to occur during flight if brain receives conflicting information the pilot does not believe instruments the procedure recommended to prevent or overcome spatial disorientation to rely entirely on indications of flight instruments.

  • Question 111-12

    Hypoxia can affect night vision At approximately 5 ft. hypoxia can affect night vision at 5000 feet the effect of altitudinal hypoxia on night vision primarily one of an elevation of rod cone threshold although decreased cone function clearly demonstrated the loss of color vision at hypoxic altitudes decrement in central visual acuity usually insignificant however scotopic night vision at altitude can be significantly reduced scotopic vision has been reported to decrease 5% at 3500 ft 20% at 10000 ft 35% at 13000 ft if supplemental oxygen not provided thus use of oxygen even at low pressure altitudes can be very important at night.

  • Question 111-13

    The primary symptom of decompression sickness/illness At approximately 5 ft. bends the primary symptom of decompression illness it consists of pain in joints.

  • Question 111-14

    The 'lean or somatogyral illusion can be caused Reducing bank following a prolonged turn. bends the primary symptom of decompression illness it consists of pain in joints.

  • Question 111-15

    A pilot may get illusion of low altitude on approach although aircraft on correct glidepath When runway wider than he used to. bends the primary symptom of decompression illness it consists of pain in joints.

  • Question 111-16

    A pilot can prevent hypoxia Using additional oxygen when flying above ft. bends the primary symptom of decompression illness it consists of pain in joints.

  • Question 111-17

    The somatogravic illusion gives pilot a false impression of Climbing or descending. bends the primary symptom of decompression illness it consists of pain in joints.

  • Question 111-18

    A 'graveyard spin' A spin in which pilot on recovery tends to re enter spin due to somatogyral illusion where vestibular system no longer senses radial acceleration. bends the primary symptom of decompression illness it consists of pain in joints.

  • Question 111-19

    Illusions that pilots experience in conditions of fog or mist are that Objects appear further away than they really are can lead to steep approaches. if object appears further away you would delay your descent until you are closer but now you are too close you have to make a steeper descent.

  • Question 111-20

    If warned of an imminent thunderstorm Cockpit lights should be turned up. during night flights in vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to bright flashes.

  • Question 111-21

    During a steady climb above flight level 100 if cabin pressurization fails The effects of hypoxia may be gradual difficult to recognise. during night flights in vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to bright flashes.

  • Question 111-22

    Heart attack myocardial infarction Is commonest cause of death in men over age of 4. during night flights in vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to bright flashes.

  • Question 111-23

    Which of following statements true concerning pulse rate It has a normal range of 6 beats per minute. during night flights in vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to bright flashes.

  • Question 111-24

    Carbon dioxide Is a normal product of internal respiration. during night flights in vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to bright flashes.

  • Question 111-25

    Glaucoma Is a condition detected pressure testing eye ball. during night flights in vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to bright flashes.

  • Question 111-26

    The noise induced damage to a pilot depends on 1 the intensity of noise 2 the frequency of noise 3 the duration of noise 4 proper usage of headset Is a condition detected pressure testing eye ball. during night flights in vicinity of lightning flight deck lights should be turned up to help prevent loss of night vision due to bright flashes.

  • Question 111-27

    How many stages of sleep are there including rem sleep Is a condition detected pressure testing eye ball. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-28

    The main purpose of lumbar support to Produce an even pressure of discs allowing lower spine to curve naturally. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-29

    How yellow fever contracted A virus transmitted an infected mosquito. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-30

    Otic barotrauma worse during descent than climb because The air in middle ear at a lower pressure than cabin this closes eustation tube so that pressure cannot be equalised. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-31

    Flying with a 'common col May lead to incapacitation due to severe sinus or ear pain. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-32

    Hearing tests are carried out during pilot medicals to Detect early signs of deafness. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-33

    Noise induced hearing loss nihl Is a condition resulting in permanent hearing loss of selected frequencies. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-34

    Presbyopia Is common over age of 5. there are five phases of sleep usually when you are sleeping you begin at stage 1 go through each stage until reaching rem sleep then you begin cycle again each complete sleep cycle takes from 90 to 110 minutes your brain acts differently in each stage of sleep in some of stages your body may make movements but in others your arms legs will be immobile stage 1 sleep light sleep you experience a drifting in out of sleep you can be easily woken up your eye movement body movements slow down you may experience sudden jerky movement of your legs or other muscles these are known as hypnic myoclonia or myoclonic jerks stage 2 around 50 percent of your time sleeping spent in stage 2 sleep during this stage eye movement stops your brain waves (a measure of activity level of brain) become slower stage 3 the first stage of deep sleep the brain waves are a combination of slow waves known as delta waves combined with faster waves during stage 3 sleep it can be very difficult to wake someone up if you are woken up during this stage you may feel groggy disoriented several minutes stage 4 sleep the second stage of deep sleep in this stage brain making slow delta waves almost exclusively in this stage it also very difficult to wake someone up both stages of deep sleep are important feeling refreshed in morning if these stages are too short sleep will not feel satisfying stage 5 rem (rapid eye movement) sleep the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs when you enter into rem sleep your breathing becomes fast irregular shallow your eyes will move rapidly your muscles become immobile heart rate blood pressure increase men may develop erections about 20 percent of sleep rem sleep adults.

  • Question 111-35

    Colour blindness May be subtle only detected using specialised tests. color blindness (color vision deficiency) the inability or decreased ability to see color or perceive color differences under normal lighting conditions it does not affects acuity there no known treatment colour blindness.

  • Question 111-36

    Concerning light sensitive cells of eye The cones detect colour vision are highly sensitive to hypoxia. the cones detect colour vision the fovea therefore gives us great resolution colour vision at normal every day light levels things we are looking directly at of all body organs brain the eyes are most sensitive to hypoxia.

  • Question 111-37

    Pilots should not fly immediately following giving a donation of blood Because there a small increased risk of low blood pressure due to loss of blood volume. the danger the risk of fainting the cause of that the low blood pressure see aic 97/2004 blood plasma and bone marrow donation flying and air traffic control 1 many aircrew controllers have expressed wish to donate blood in support of national blood transfusion service blood donation invariably a safe painless uneventful procedure the blood volume restored within a few hours redistribution of body fluids intake of soft drinks beverages a few individuals feel faint afterwards but this effect minimised resting supine a short time (15 20 minutes) 2 blood plasma donation 2 1 aircrew 2 1 1 aircrew are advised that in order to prevent very slight risk of post transfusion faintness or syncope they should refrain from donating blood or plasma if they are required to fly within twenty four hours 2 2 air traffic controllers 2 2 1 air traffic controllers are advised to avoid donating blood if they are going on operational duties within a minimum of twelve hours they can however give blood when coming off shift 3 bone marrow donation 3 1 after bone marrow donation which involves a general anaesthetic minimum interval recommended before duty both aircrew controllers forty eight hours however individual response to this procedure varies specialist medical opinion should thus be sought.

  • Question 111-38

    Which of following statements true concerning regular physical exercise 1 it increases pulse rate and stroke volume in short term2 it reduces blood pressure and heart rate in long term3 it increases human tolerance to hypoxia Because there a small increased risk of low blood pressure due to loss of blood volume. Exercise increases body's demand oxygen but regular physical exercise increases human tolerance to hypoxia.

  • Question 111-39

    Heart attack myocardial infarction Is a total blockage of a coronary artery leading to death of a piece of heart muscle. Exercise increases body's demand oxygen but regular physical exercise increases human tolerance to hypoxia.

  • Question 111-40

    Hypertension Increases risk of a heart attack stroke. Exercise increases body's demand oxygen but regular physical exercise increases human tolerance to hypoxia.

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