Correction > orientation : When an aircraft is experiencing difficulties triggering of the alert phase is ?
Question 11-1 : Air traffic control and flight information centres search and rescue coordination centres the pilot in command the aircraft operator

When an aircraft will pass through the level of another aircraft on the same ?
Question 11-2 : 15 minutes at the time the level is crossed 10 minutes at the time the level is crossed 5 minutes at the time the level is crossed 20 minutes at the time the level is crossed

When independent parallel approaches are being conducted to parallel runways ?
Question 11-3 : At least 2 0 nm prior to intercepting the ils glide path or specified mls elevation angle at least 3 0 nm prior to intercepting the ils glide path or specified mls elevation angle at least 1 5 nm prior to intercepting the ils glide path or specified mls elevation angle at least 2 5 nm prior to intercepting the ils glide path or specified mls elevation angle

When radar identification of aircraft has been achieved the radar controller ?
Question 11-4 : Inform the pilot prior to issuing instructions based on the use of radar request the pilot to squak ident for identification only communicate with the pilot when work load permits inform the aircraft only when identification had been achieved by using primary radar

When 'secondary radar' is used an aircraft may be identified by one of the ?
Question 11-5 : Observation of compliance with an instruction to operate transponder from 'on' to 'stby' and back to 'on' to request pilot to switch from 'on' to 'stby' to request pilot to set transponder on position 'off' to request pilot to set transponder on position 'on'

When surveillance radar approaches are to be continued to the threshold of the ?
Question 11-6 : 4 nm from the touchdown 1 5 nm from the touchdown 3 nm from the touchdown 2 nm from the touchdown

When vectoring an aircraft to intercept the localizer course the final vector ?
Question 11-7 : 30 degrees 20 degrees 25 degrees 15 degrees

Whenever atis is provided the preparation and dissemination of the atis message ?
Question 11-8 : The air traffic services the meteorological office serving the aerodrome s both air traffic services and the meteorological office the unit as prescribed the states

Where a 'secondary surveillance radar' ssr is not available radar ?
Question 11-9 : To instruct the pilot to execute one or more changes of 30° or more to instruct the pilot to execute one or more changes of 45° to instruct the pilot to execute one or more changes of 10° to instruct the pilot to execute one or more changes of 20° or more

Which action shall be taken by an aircraft in the traffic pattern of an ?
Question 11-10 : The repeated switching on and off of the landing lights switching on and off three times the landing lights switching on and off four times the landing lights switching on and off four times the navigation lights

Which condition is requested so that an aerodrome may be considered controlled ?
Question 11-11 : The aerodrome shall be provided with a control tower the aerodrome shall be located within a controlled airspace the aerodrome shall be located within a control zone the aerodrome shall be located within a control zone ctr and provided with a control tower

Which does atc term 'radar contact' signify ?
Question 11-12 : Your aircraft has been identified on the radar display and radar flight instructions will be provided until radar identification is terminated you will be given traffic advisories until advised that the service has been terminated or that radar contact has been lost atc is receiving your transponder and will furnish vectors and traffic advisories until you are advised that contact has been lost your aircraft has been identified and you will receive separation from all aircraft while in contact with this radar facility

Which of the following statements regarding alerting service is correct ?
Question 11-13 : Alerting service and flight information service may be provided by the same ats unit the distress phase is established when an aircraft is known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference aircraft in the vicinity of an aircraft known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference shall be informed about this the alert phase is established when no communication has been received from an aircraft within a period of thirty minutes after the time a communication should have been received

Which provisions on a vfr flight in class e airspace are correct ?
Question 11-14 : Service provided traffic information as far as practical atc clearance not required service provided air traffic control service atc clearance required service provided traffic information as far as practical atc clearance required service provided air traffic control service atc clearance not required

Which statement is correct ?
Question 11-15 : The lower limit of a tma shall be established at a height of at least 700 ft agl the lower limit of a cta shall be established at a height of at least 1500 ft agl the upper limit of a ctr shall be established at a height of at least 3000 ft amsl the lower limit of an uir may coincide with an ifr cruising level

Which statement regarding approach control service is correct ?
Question 11-16 : If it is anticipated that an aircraft has to hold for 30 minutes or more an expected approach time will be transmitted by the most expeditious means to the aircraft during a visual approach an aircraft is maintaining its own separation approach control have to advise the aircraft operators about substantial delays in departure in any event when they are expected to exceed 45 minutes an approach sequence shall be established according to the sequence of initial radio contact between aircraft and approach control

While on ifr flight a pilot has an emergency which causes a deviation from an ?
Question 11-17 : The appropriate atc unit shall be notified of the action taken as soon as circumstances permit request an amended clearance or cancel the ifr flight plan submit a detailed report to atc within 24 hours squawk 7700

Communications failure flight are on a flight in accordance ?
Question 11-18 : You have to return to your current flight plan route you continue on heading 050 for 15 minutes you continue on heading 050 you continue on heading 050 for 30 minutes

You receive an ifr enroute clearance stating 'clearance expires at 0920' .what ?
Question 11-19 : If not airborne until 0920 a new clearance has to be issued do not take off before 0920 the take off clearance is expected at 0920 after 0920 return to the ramp and file a new flight plan

Air traffic controle service..air traffic control units issue clearances for ?
Question 11-20 : Preventing collision between aircraft under its control expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of traffic providing flight information service expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of traffic providing advisory service expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of traffic giving direct tracks expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of traffic

The purpose of the ntz is to ?
Question 11-21 : Protect aircraft that are carrying out independent parallel approaches provide simultaneous operations on parallel runways in which one runway is used exclusively for approaches and the other runway is used exclusively for departures protect aircraft for vertical separation on parallel approaches protect aircraft that are carrying out a missed approach procedure

When datalink communication are used accuracy of clock should be ?
Question 11-22 : 1 second of utc 30 seconds of utc 15 seconds of utc 1 minute of utc

When in air space where vfr is permitted the pilot in command of an ifr flight ?
Question 11-23 : 1 and 4 2 and 4 1 and 3 2 and 3

An ats route designator ?
Question 11-24 : Has a maximum of six characters always starts with two alphabetical characters has a maximum of five characters begins with at least two numbers followed by an alphabetical character

Define the term 'psr' ?
Question 11-25 : Primary surveillance radar primary system radar parallel separation radar proximity surveillance radar

'traffic to which the provision of atc is applicable but which in relation to a ?
Question 11-26 : Essential traffic local traffic uncontrolled traffic unidentified traffic

In class f airspace advisory service may be provided to ?
Question 11-27 : Ifr flights only vfr flights only all flights controlled flights only

Transition altitude 3000ft qnh 990 hpa calculate the transition level ?
Question 11-28 : Fl40 fl20 fl25 fl35

Clearance limit is a point ?
Question 11-29 : To which a specific clearance is valid to which a specific clearance is valid and this point is determined by the pic from which a specific clearance is valid where an airway clearance is amended

A special air report shall be made ?
Question 11-30 : When experiencing severe icing or severe turbulence when experiencing light icing with an airprox if eat is delayed by at least 30 minutes

A checklist of aip supplements currently in force shall be issued at intervals ?
Question 11-31 : Not more than one month not more than three months not more than 28 days not more than 2 months

A checklist of notam currently in force shall be issued at the aftn at ?
Question 11-32 : Not more than one month no more than 15 days not more than 28 days not more than 10 days

A notice containing information concerning flight safety air navigation ?
Question 11-33 : Aeronautical information circular aic airac notam aeronautical information publication aip

A notice providing information on rules of the air air traffic services and air ?
Question 11-34 : An airac an ats notam an advisory notam a notam rac
Aeronautical information the accronym signifying the system aimed ?
Question 11-35 : Airac advisory notam ats notam notam rac

Aip supplements.temporary changes of 'long duration' and information of 'short ?
Question 11-36 : Three months or longer six months or longer one year or longer two months or longer

Aip.which part contains a brief description of areas and/or routes for which ?
Question 11-37 : Gen enr meteo ad

Aip.which part of the aip contains a brief description of the service s ?
Question 11-38 : Gen enr ad sar

Aip.which part of the aip contains a list with 'location indicators' ?
Question 11-39 : Gen enr ad loc

Aip.which part of the aip contains information relating to existing prohibited ?
Question 11-40 : Enr gen ad the aip does not contain this information

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