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Exam > pilot : Which of the following statements is/are correct .1 a person experiencing sleep ?

Question 109-1 : 1 and 2 are both correct 1 is correct 2 is false 1 is false 2 is correct 1 and 2 are both false

.the biggest danger of sleep deprivation is that it's difficult to recognise the signs until it's too late like falling asleep when driving exemple 209 1 and 2 are both correct.1 and 2 are both correct.

The sleep cycles repeat during the course of a night's sleep .1 each ?

Question 109-2 : 1 and 2 are both correct 1 is correct 2 is false 1 is false 2 is correct 1 and 2 are both false

.both statements are correct each succeeding cycle contains a greater amount of rem sleep and rem sleep is more important for the regeneration of mental functions than all the other sleep stages are frequent interruption of the rem sleep may be harmful rem sleep is involved in mental recuperation exemple 213 1 and 2 are both correct.1 and 2 are both correct.

If someone hyperventilates due to stress his/her blood will become ?

Question 109-3 : More alkaline less saturated with oxygen more saturated with carbon dioxide more acid

exemple 217 more alkaline.more alkaline.

What can be said concerning the following two statements .1 euphoria can be a ?

Question 109-4 : 1 and 2 are both correct 1 is correct 2 is false 1 is false 2 is correct 1 and 2 are both false

exemple 221 1 and 2 are both correct.1 and 2 are both correct.

On experiencing a vestibular illusion in straight and level flight it is ?

Question 109-5 : You avoid head movements and rely on your instruments you tilt your head to the side opposite to the turn to nullify the stimulus causing the illusion you close your e for a moment so that the oculo vestibular conflict disappears you rely on your sensations only as humans are much more reliable than flight instruments

exemple 225 you avoid head movements and rely on your instruments.you avoid head movements and rely on your instruments.

Among the symptoms of hypoglycaemia are ?

Question 109-6 : Headache and lack of concentration double vision and puffiness around the e severe eye and head aches difficulty in focussing on near by objects

exemple 229 headache and lack of concentration.headache and lack of concentration.

To prevent gastro intestinal problems in tropical climates you should .1 not ?

Question 109-7 : 1 2 3 and 4 1 and 2 1 2 and 3 2 and 4

.food and beverage hygiene act as a exposure prophylaxis against travel diarrhoea and other intestinal infections . only use fresh boiled tea coffee or originally bottled and sealed beverages. in the field use water filters iodine etc for water treatment. no ice into drinks no ice cream. no raw milk or dairy products. only well done or well boiled meat or fish. avoid raw fish and raw seafood. no raw salad only fruits that can be peeled by oneself or under ones own supervision. no dishes with cold dressings e g ketchup mayonnaise or products of raw eggs. no sandwiches with salad or mayonnaise. avoid dishes that have been kept warm for long periods of time the fresh and thorough preparation of food is essential . thorough hand and body hygiene. use mineral water for brushing teeth. avoid tableware and cutlery that may have cleaned in dirty water if applicable drinking from bottle or can. peel it boil it or forget it exemple 233 1, 2, 3 and 4.1, 2, 3 and 4.

To resynchronize a circadian rhythm it takes more time after ?

Question 109-8 : Eastbound flights westbound flights north south flights south north flights

exemple 237 eastbound flights.eastbound flights.

Caffeine may cause an increase in cardiac rate restlessness/nervousness ?

Question 109-9 : 250 mg/day 3 mg/day 40 65 mg/day 150 mg/day

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be treated by ?

Question 109-10 : Increasing the amount of oxygen being physically dissolved in the blood decreasing the amount of oxygen being combined with the haemoglobin in the blood increasing the amount of nitrogen being physically dissolved in the blood breathing into a paper bag

exemple 245 increasing the amount of oxygen being physically dissolved in the blood.increasing the amount of oxygen being physically dissolved in the blood.

Hypoxic hypoxia may be caused by .1 climbing to a high altitude without using ?

Question 109-11 : 1 2 and 3 1 and 3 2 and 3 1 and 2

In order to avoid hypoglycaemia ?

Question 109-12 : A pilot should eat regularly and ensure he/she has a balanced diet a pilot should never eat sugar or sweets peanuts are recommended because of their high energy value a pilot should not take snacks between meals

exemple 253 a pilot should eat regularly and ensure he/she has a balanced diet.a pilot should eat regularly and ensure he/she has a balanced diet.

In the case of changes to circadian rhythms the readjustment to a new time zone ?

Question 109-13 : Is most rapid when flying westbound is most rapid when flying eastbound is the same in both westbound and eastbound flights occurs immediately as circadian rhythms do not change depending on direction of flying

exemple 257 is most rapid when flying westbound.is most rapid when flying westbound.

In tropical zones it is recommended that ?

Question 109-14 : Cold drinks be taken from sealed containers one uses ice cubes in cold drinks one eats raw vegetables one eats fruit without peeling them to ensure a supply of vitamins

exemple 261 cold drinks be taken from sealed containers.cold drinks be taken from sealed containers.

Night vision ?

Question 109-15 : Requires up to 30 minutes to reach its best performance requires 5 minutes to reach its best performance is insensitive to short duration light sources is insensitive to lightning flashes in storms

Dark adaptation...dark adaptation is an independent process during which each eye adjusts from a high luminance setting to a low luminance setting the exact mechanisms are unclear but they are known to include biochemical physical and neural...both rods and cones contain light sensitive chemicals called photopigments the photopigment in the rods is called rhodopsin there are three different types of cone photopigments that are composed of opsins only slightly different from rhodopsin upon exposure to light photopigments undergo a chemical reaction that converts light energy to electrical activity initiating visual impulses in the retina that are conducted by nerve fibers from the eye to the brain the initial chemical reaction is called light adaptation and in this process the photopigments are decomposed intense light will decompose the photoreceptor pigments rapidly and completely thus reducing retinal sensitivity to dim light regeneration of the photopigments occurs during dark adaptation...the fully dark adapted eye in which photopigment regeneration is complete restores retinal sensitivity to its maximal level rods and cones differ markedly however in their rate of dark adaptation cones attain maximum sensitivity in 5 7 minutes while rods require 30 45 minutes or longer of absolute darkness to attain maximum sensitivity after exposure to bright light...the cones have a faster rate of photochemical regeneration because they function in greater light than the rods the cones however do not achieve the same level of sensitivity as the rods the rods slowly adapt to dim illumination but eventually achieve a much greater sensitivity than the cones depending on the preadaptation to light dark adaptation is about 80% complete within 30 minutes but it may take hours or even days to acquire total dark adaptation exemple 265 requires up to 30 minutes to reach its best performance.requires up to 30 minutes to reach its best performance.

On approach by day in snowy conditions without reference to glideslope ?

Question 109-16 : Judgement of height is extremely difficult there is a risk of you underestimating your speed estimation of height and distance is not a problem for a well trained pilot there is a risk of you entering a spin

exemple 269 judgement of height is extremely difficult.judgement of height is extremely difficult.

The circulation of blood .1 transports oxygen to the body cells.2 withdraws ?

Question 109-17 : 1 2 and 3 2 and 3 1 and 3 1 and 2

exemple 273 1, 2 and 3.1, 2 and 3.

The dry atmosphere of the flight deck may cause dehydration which may lead to a ?

Question 109-18 : Drink sufficient non carbonated liquids drink plenty of coffee drink cool cola drinks drink tea

exemple 277 drink sufficient non-carbonated liquids.drink sufficient non-carbonated liquids.

The exchange of gases between the alveoli and the blood is due to ?

Question 109-19 : Diffusion changes in atmospheric pressure inspiration physical exercise

.fick's law gas diffusion law gas will diffuse from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration exemple 281 diffusion.diffusion.

The total gas volume of the lung is the sum of .1 tidal volume.2 inspiratory ?

Question 109-20 : 1 2 3 and 4 1 and 2 2 and 3 1 2 and 3

exemple 285 1, 2, 3 and 4.1, 2, 3 and 4.

To avoid incapacity due to gastro intestinal problems it is recommended that a ?

Question 109-21 : Non carbonated water wine or beer carbonated water no drinks as fluids are not important

exemple 289 non-carbonated water.non-carbonated water.

To prevent empty field myopia at higher altitudes ?

Question 109-22 : It is recommended that a pilot uses short sharp scans or periodically focuses on a distant object such as a wing tip or cloud edge it is recommended that a pilot focuses on an object known to be approximately one metre away one should concentrate only on instruments one should book an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible

exemple 293 it is recommended that a pilot uses short sharp scans, or periodically focuses on a distant object such as a wing-tip or cloud edge.it is recommended that a pilot uses short sharp scans, or periodically focuses on a distant object such as a wing-tip or cloud edge.

What human function is most sensitive to lack of oxygen ?

Question 109-23 : Night vision motor co ordination hearing touch

exemple 297 night vision.night vision.

Which of the following gases is fundamentally responsible for decompression ?

Question 109-24 : Nitrogen oxygen carbon dioxide sodium

.decompression sickness results from bubbles formed as dissolved gases come out of solution in tissues due to a drop in ambient pressure the principal gas involved is nitrogen .as nitrogen in air is inhaled it dissolves in the body and reaches equilibrium with the liquid phase tissue and blood .the concentration of nitrogen dissolved is proportional to the partial pressure of nitrogen in the inhaled gas henry's law as one descends below the surface these partial pressures increase with depth as one ascends from depth or climbs in altitude the partial pressures of the gases in the breathing mixture decrease if the nitrogen partial pressure in the breathing gas is reduced or eliminated a gradient is established across the alveoli nitrogen is off gassed from the various tissue compartments and may require 12 hours or more to reach equilibrium exemple 301 nitrogen.nitrogen.

You suffered a rapid decompression without the appearance of any decompression ?

Question 109-25 : Seek prompt aeromedical advice nothing you may fly immediately delay your next flight for 6 hours seek aeromedical advice only if the symptoms become apparent

exemple 305 seek prompt aeromedical advice.seek prompt aeromedical advice.

Perceptional illusions are ?

Question 109-26 : Normal and can be prevented by trusting instrument read out usually not serious except in bad weather abnormal and indicate weakness in one or more of the senses never caused by the brain's ability to distort normal sense inputs

exemple 309 normal and can be prevented by trusting instrument read-out.normal and can be prevented by trusting instrument read-out.

Ozone in the air of a pressurized cabin can be eliminated by ?

Question 109-27 : Ozone converters avoiding flights along the equator climbing to altitudes above 45000 ft spraying detergents

exemple 313 ozone-converters.ozone-converters.

One of the earliest and most significant features of hypothermia extreme cold is ?

Question 109-28 : Apathy aggression anxiety aggression and anxiety

exemple 317 apathy.apathy.

Night vision is significantly reduced i e a loss of more than 25% at 15000 ft ?

Question 109-29 : Compensatory indifferent clinical manifestation phase anaemic phase

.the effects of hypoxia can be categorized into four stages according to altitude it should be borne in mind that there is not exactitude in these stages and there is individual variability.1 indifferent stage sea level to 10000 ft .in this stage compensatory mechanisms are activated with an increased heart rate respiratory rate and tidal volume there is a decrease in night vision dark adaptation and performance decrement in accomplishing novel tasks the latter of consequence in the event of an emergency requiring initiative and quick action.2 compensatory stage 10000 to 15000 ft.the compensatory mechanisms become more active and some signs and symptoms may appear according to individual variability drowsiness increased reaction time and slowing of mental processes could affect ability to perform in the cockpit.3 disturbance stage 15000 to 20000 ft.overt signs and symptoms of hypoxia are manifest with inadequate response of physiological compensatory mechanisms to overcome this physiological stress performance decrement becomes inevitable endangering flight.4 critical stage over 20000 ft.the central nervous system cns and the cardiovascular system cvs are severely compromised with eventual loss of consciousness and possibly death exemple 321 compensatory.compensatory.

One of the dangers of extreme cold is that ?

Question 109-30 : Sleepiness occurs associated with a feeling of contentment or apathy sleepiness occurs very slowly with a feeling of alertness sleepiness occurs very quickly with a feeling of agitation it degrades the fatty tissues of the body

exemple 325 sleepiness occurs associated with a feeling of contentment or apathy.sleepiness occurs associated with a feeling of contentment or apathy.

The cornea and the crystalline lens of the eye ?

Question 109-31 : Cause the convergence of light rays onto the retina keep the retina clean and healthy allow for the regulation of the amount of light admitted into the eye permit the reception and conversion of visual stimuli to images interpreted by the brain

exemple 329 cause the convergence of light rays onto the retina.cause the convergence of light rays onto the retina.

The following three conditions will decrease your g tolerance ?

Question 109-32 : Obesity alcohol sleep deprivation cold 30 degrees backward tilted sitting position short body short stature loss of body fluids full stomach 20 degrees backward tilted sitting position old age short body short stature an empty stomach

exemple 333 obesity, alcohol, sleep deprivation.obesity, alcohol, sleep deprivation.

The eye can fully adjust to ?

Question 109-33 : High levels of illumination in 10 seconds and darkness in 30 minutes high levels of illumination in 10 minutes and darkness in 30 minutes high levels of illumination in 30 minutes and darkness in 10 minutes high levels of illumination in 30 minutes and darkness in 10 seconds

exemple 337 high levels of illumination in 10 seconds and darkness in 30 minutes.high levels of illumination in 10 seconds and darkness in 30 minutes.

The eustachian tube is the passage way between the ?

Question 109-34 : Throat and the middle ear nose throat and inner ear nose throat and the external auditory canal sinuses and the throat

exemple 341 throat and the middle ear.throat and the middle ear.

Carbon monoxide co poisoning in flight ?

Question 109-35 : Presents an extremely dangerous situation as the blood may not be able carry sufficient amounts of oxygen to vital cells and tissues of the body can be cured by breathing into a plastic bag to retain the carbon monoxide is usually harmless because oxygen is more easily attached to haemoglobin than carbon monoxide to a magnitude of 200 times is a complication when hyperventilating and requires its own special and individual treatment

exemple 345 presents an extremely dangerous situation as the blood may not be able carry sufficient amounts of oxygen to vital cells and tissues of the body.presents an extremely dangerous situation as the blood may not be able carry sufficient amounts of oxygen to vital cells and tissues of the body.

The damaging effects of noise on the pilot depends on .1 the intensity of the ?

Question 109-36 : 1 2 3 and 4 2 3 and 4 1 and 4 3 only

exemple 349 1, 2, 3 and 4.1, 2, 3 and 4.

The human circadian rhythm is based on a cycle of about ?

Question 109-37 : 24 hours 1 5 hours 12 hours 48 hours

.circadian rhythm is derived from the latin words circa dies meaning approximately a day it may be defined as the changes in human behavior and physiology that occur within a 24 hour period .without external stimuli human circadian rhythm has an average period of 24 2 hours .there may be some modification of the circadian cycle with food and temperature the most powerful external stimulus for synchronizing circadian rhythm to a 24 hour cyclic is exposure to the light of day and darkness at night exemple 353 24 hours.24 hours.

The cabin pressure in airline operation is ?

Question 109-38 : Normally between 6000 to 8000 feet normally between 2000 to 3000 feet normally between 4000 to 5000 feet always equivalent to sea level

exemple 357 normally between 6000 to 8000 feet.normally between 6000 to 8000 feet.

With hyperventilation caused by high levels of arousal or overstress ?

Question 109-39 : An increased amount of carbon dioxide is exhaled causing muscular spasms and even unconsciousness finger nails and lips will turn blue 'cyanosis' more oxygen will reach the brain peripheral and scotopic vision will be improved

exemple 361 an increased amount of carbon dioxide is exhaled causing muscular spasms and even unconsciousness.an increased amount of carbon dioxide is exhaled causing muscular spasms and even unconsciousness.

With a heart rate of 72 beats per minute and a stroke volume of 70 ml the ?

Question 109-40 : 5 litres/min 6 litres/min 7 litres/min 8 litres/min

.cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate.cardiac output = 70 ml x 72 beats per minute.cardiac output = 5040 ml/minutes 5 litres/min exemple 365 5 litres/min.5 litres/min.


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