Exam > pilot : Dalton's law explains the occurrence of ?
Question 107-1 : Altitude hypoxia bends decompression sickness creeps

Henry's law explains the occurrence of ?
Question 107-2 : Decompression sickness diffusion hyperventilation hypoxia

Our body takes its energy from .1 minerals.2 protein.3 carbonhydrates.4 vitamins ?
Question 107-3 : 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 4 1 3

What is meant by metabolism ?
Question 107-4 : The generation and utilisation of energy by the body's cells and tissues information exchange transfer of chemical messages exchange of substances between the lung and the blood

One of the waste products of the metabolic process in the cell is ?
Question 107-5 : Carbon dioxide protein sugar fat

The body loses water via .1 the skin and the lungs.2 the kidneys.which of the ?
Question 107-6 : 1 and 2 are correct 1 is correct and 2 is not correct 1 is not correct and 2 is correct both are false

Under normal circumstances which gas will diffuse from the blood to the alveoli ?
Question 107-7 : Carbon dioxide carbon monoxide nitrogen oxygen

The thin walls of capillaries are permeable for ?
Question 107-8 : Gases platelets protein red blood cells

The circulatory system amongst other things allows for .1 transportation of ?
Question 107-9 : 1 and 2 are correct 1 is correct and 2 is false 1 is false and 2 is correct both are false

Someone who has anaemia has ?
Question 107-10 : Not enough functional haemoglobin not enough platelets not enough plasma not enough white blood cells
The heart muscle is supplied with blood by ?
Question 107-11 : The coronary arteries the auricles ventricles the pulmonary veins

The normal arterial blood pressure of a healthy adult at rest is ?
Question 107-12 : 120/80 mm hg 80/20 mm hg 180/120 mm hg 220/180 mm hg

Which of the following statements is correct .the blood pressure which is ?
Question 107-13 : In the artery of the upper arm representing the pressure at heart level in the muscles of the upper arm in the veins of the upper arm in all the blood vessels of the body representing the pressure in the whole body

Blood pressure depends on .1 the cardiac output.2 the resistance of the ?
Question 107-14 : 1 and 2 are correct 1 is correct 2 is false 1 is false 2 is correct 1 and 2 are both false

The blood pressure depends on .1 the work of the heart.2 the peripheral ?
Question 107-15 : 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 is false 1 3 and 4 are correct 2 is false 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 is false

Changes in blood pressure are measured by ?
Question 107-16 : Pressoreceptors arteriols adrenal glands pacemakers

The pressoreceptors are located in ?
Question 107-17 : The carotid and aortic arterial vessels the intestines the heart the lungs

When the pressoreceptors detect a lowering of the blood pressure there are ?
Question 107-18 : 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 is false 1 3 and 4 are correct 2 is false 1 2 and 4 are correct 3 is false 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 is false

The physiological effects of accelerations to the human body depend on .1 the ?
Question 107-19 : 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 3 are correct 4 is false 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 is false 1 and 4 are correct 3 is false

Positive g will cause the blood flow to the brain to ?
Question 107-20 : Decrease remain constant increase first increase then decrease

During sustained positive g forces the order of symptoms you can expect is ?
Question 107-21 : Grey out tunnel vision black out and unconsciousness unconsciousness black out tunnel vision and grey out black out grey out tunnel vision and unconsciousness grey out unconsciousness black out and tunnel vision

The normal rate of breathing of an adult at rest is about ?
Question 107-22 : 16 cycles per minute 4 cycles per minute 32 cycles per minute 72 cycles per minute

The volume of air exchanged during a normal breathing cycle tidal volume is ?
Question 107-23 : 500 ml of air 350 ml of air 150 ml of air 75 ml of air

When exhaling the expired air contains ?
Question 107-24 : More carbon dioxide than the inspired air more nitrogen than the inhaled air less water vapour than the inhaled air more oxygen than the inhaled air

The transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood to the alveoli can be described by ?
Question 107-25 : The law of diffusion boyle's law dalton's law henry's law

Hyperventilation is ?
Question 107-26 : An increased lung ventilation a too high percentage of nitrogen in the blood a decreased lung ventilation a too high percentage of oxygen in the blood

If somebody starts breathing faster and deeper without physiological need ?
Question 107-27 : The blood turns more alkaline the blood pressure in the brain will rise significantly the blood turns more acid the acid base balance of the blood will not change

When hyperventilating you should ?
Question 107-28 : Control your rate and depth of breathing descend apply the valsalva method use the oxygen mask

A pilot can overcome hyperventilation by ?
Question 107-29 : Controlling the rate and depth of breathing and/or breathing into a bag depending on instruments increasing the rate and depth of breathing to eliminate harmful carbon dioxide the use of drugs stabilizing blood pressure

You can overcome hyperventilation by breathing into a plastic or paper bag the ?
Question 107-30 : To raise the level of co2 in the blood as fast as possible to prevent you from exhaling too much oxygen to increase the amount of nitrogen in the lungs to reduce blood pressure

Raising the sensory threshold of a sensory organ means ?
Question 107-31 : A lesser sensitivity a greater sensitivity a greater selectivity a lesser selectivity

Subcutaneous pressure receptors are stimulated by ?
Question 107-32 : The pressure created on the corresponding body parts when sitting standing or lying down a touch on the skin indicating the true vertical environmental stressors the condition of the body itself

The proprioceptors do not orient an individual to his/her surroundings but ?
Question 107-33 : The relative motion and relative position of his body parts a touch on the skin our surroundings the condition in the body itself

A stereotype and involuntary reaction of the organism on stimulation of ?
Question 107-34 : Reflex data processing control system change of stimulation level

The amount of light which strikes the retina is controlled by ?
Question 107-35 : The pupil the ciliary body the cornea the lens

When focussing on near objects ?
Question 107-36 : The shape of lens gets more spherical the shape of lens gets flatter the cornea gets smaller the pupil gets larger

The ability of the lens to change its shape is called ?
Question 107-37 : Accommodation binocular vision depth perception adaptation

The mechanism of accommodation is controlled by ?
Question 107-38 : The functioning of the ciliary muscle around the lens the elasticity of the optic nerves the functioning of the muscles of the eye the diameter of the pupil

Presbyopia is ?
Question 107-39 : Long sightedness linked with age short sightedness myopia high intra ocular pressure

Visual acuity during flight at high altitudes can be affected by .1 anaemia.2 ?
Question 107-40 : 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 3 and 4 are correct

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