Exam > pilot : One of the most dangerous symptoms of hypoxia concerning flight safety is ?
Question 106-1 : Impaired judgement reduced coordination of limb movements causing the pilot to spin cyanosis reducing then pilots ability to hear hyperventilation causing emotional stress

Which of the following symptoms can indicate hypoxia .1 blue lips and finger ?
Question 106-2 : 1 2 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 3 and 4 are correct

You are crossing the alps in a non pressurised aircraft at an altitude of 15 ?
Question 106-3 : Your judgement could be impaired the blood pressure can get too high the blood pressure can get too low you will get the bends

During a night flight at 10 000 feet you notice that your visual acuity has ?
Question 106-4 : Breathing extra oxygen through the oxygen mask closing one eye scanning sectors of the field of vision dim the instrument lights

During flight all crew members have one or more of the following symptoms .1 ?
Question 106-5 : Hypoxia glaucoma hypothermia hypoglycaemia

Which measure s will help to compensate for hypoxia .1 descend below 10 000 ft ?
Question 106-6 : 1 2 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct only 1 is correct 1 and 2 are correct 3 and 4 are false

Oxygen combined with haemoglobin in blood is transported by ?
Question 106-7 : Red blood cells platelets blood plasma white blood cells

Haemoglobin is ?
Question 106-8 : In the red blood cells in the platelets dissolved in the plasma in the white blood cells

The following course of action should be taken if gastrointestinal complaints ?
Question 106-9 : 2 3 1 2 4 1 4 1 3

Which of the following systems are involved in motion sickness .1 hearing.2 ?
Question 106-10 : 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 5
In the absence of external reference points the sensation that the vehicle in ?
Question 106-11 : Illusion of relative movement autokinetic illusion cognitive illusion somato gravic illusion

Which of the following illusions are brought about by conflicts between the ?
Question 106-12 : 1 4 2 3 4 2 3 4

The vestibular system is composed of .1 two ventricles.2 a saccule.3 a ?
Question 106-13 : 2 3 4 1 4 2 3 1 3 4

Which of the following statement s is/are correct .1 the retina has rods on ?
Question 106-14 : 1 3 4 1 2 3

In order to perceive colour vision it is necessary .1 for there to be a ?
Question 106-15 : 1 1 2 3 2 4 3

The retina allows for colour perception as a result of the ?
Question 106-16 : Cones located in its central part rods located in its central part crystalline lens rods located in its peripheral zone

Accommodation which enables a clear image to be obtained is accomplished by ?
Question 106-17 : The crystalline lens the rods the cones the retina

In civil air transport linear accelerations gx .1 do not exist.2 have slight ?
Question 106-18 : 2 4 1 3 4 3

Which of the following mechanisms regulate body temperature when exposed to ?
Question 106-19 : 3 4 1 3 4 2 3 1

The following can be observed when the internal body temperature falls below ?
Question 106-20 : Shivering will tend to cease and be followed by the onset of apathy the appearance of intense shivering mental disorders and even coma profuse sweating

We can observe the following in relation to a state of hypothermia ?
Question 106-21 : Reasoning problems as soon as body temperature falls below 37°c a substantial increase in internal body temperature whereas peripheral temperature at the skin is stable widespread pain in the joints greater capacity for adaptation than in a hot atmosphere

With regard to decompression sickness associated with flight we know that ?
Question 106-22 : Age obesity and scuba diving are risk factors scuba diving does not pose any problem for a subsequent flight gender is the prime risk factor with two out of every three women being sensitive to it physical activity after decompression reduces the risks of decompression sickness symptoms

The procedure to be followed in the event of decompression when flying above ?
Question 106-23 : Allow for the rapid supply of oxygen in order to prevent hypoxia allow for a rapid descent independent from sufficient supply of oxygen in order to prevent disorders due to hypoxia make it possible to prevent hyperventilation owing to the inhalation of 100% oxygen make it possible to eliminate the risk of fogging due to the sudden pressure changes

What is the 'time of useful consciousness' for a rapid decompression at 25 000 ?
Question 106-24 : Between 3 and 5 minutes depending on the physical activities of the subjected pilot about 18 seconds between 25 seconds and 1 minute 30 seconds about 30 seconds

The time of useful consciousness may vary according to .1 physical activity of ?
Question 106-25 : 1 3 1 2 3 4 4

What is the main problem caused by positive +gz accelerations ?
Question 106-26 : A pooling of blood in the lower portions of the body and hence less blood available an improvement of peripheral vision an increase in blood pressure in the upper part of the body above heart level hyper oxygenation of the blood which may lead to sensory disorders

Which of the following statements are correct .1 hypothermia affects physical ?
Question 106-27 : 1 3 4 1 2 3 2 4 2 3 4

Rods scotopic visual cells allow for ?
Question 106-28 : Good night vision after adaptation to darkness 30 min good virtually instantaneous night vision scotopic vision precise vision of contours and colours red vision both during the day and at night

Of the following alternatives which effects are due to positive acceleration + ?
Question 106-29 : 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 3 1

To optimise one's night vision performance it is necessary . 1 to spend some ?
Question 106-30 : 1 3 4 2 2 3 4 1 2 4

Visual perception of depth at close to medium distance is primarily due to ?
Question 106-31 : Binocular vision interactions between cones and rods peripheral vision the high sensitivity of the retina

What could be symptoms of hypoxia when flying without oxygen above 12000 ft ?
Question 106-32 : Headache fatigue dizziness lack of coordination headache thirst somnolence collapse euphoria headache improvement in judgement loss of consciousness trembling increase in body temperature convulsions slowing of the rate of breathing

Autokinetic illusion is ?
Question 106-33 : An illusion in which a stationary point of light if stared at for several seconds in the dark may without a frame of reference appear to move the sensation during a radial acceleration of seeing a fixed reference point moving into the opposite direction of the acceleration a conflict between the visual system and bodily sensations poor interpretation of the surrounding world

Which of the following statements are correct .1 scuba diving may be practiced ?
Question 106-34 : 2 and 3 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 3 and 4 are correct

The atmospheric pressure at 18000 feet altitude is half the atmospheric ?
Question 106-35 : The partial oxygen pressure at that altitude will also drop to 1/2 of the pressure of oxygen at sea level the oxygen saturation of the blood at that altitude will drop by 50% too the oxygen percentage of the air at that altitude will drop by one half also the partial oxygen pressure at that altitude will be doubled

You climb from 0 to 50000 feet and measure the decrease of the pressure per ?
Question 106-36 : 0 and 5000 feet 5000 and 10000 feet 10000 and 15000 feet 45000 and 50000 feet

The volume percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere at 30 000 feet remains at 21% ?
Question 106-37 : Decreases with decreasing barometric pressure remains constant independent from altitude increases by expansion decreases significantly with lower temperatures

Air at an altitude of 18000 feet contains approximately ?
Question 106-38 : 21% oxygen 5% oxygen 15% oxygen 10% oxygen

Dry air is a mixture of gases their volume percentage is about ?
Question 106-39 : 21% oxygen 78% nitrogen 1% other gases 18% oxygen 80% nitrogen 2% other gases 19% oxygen 80% nitrogen 1% other gases 25% oxygen 74% nitrogen 1% other gases

Boyle's law is directly applicable in case of ?
Question 106-40 : The expansion of trapped gasses in the human body with increasing altitude the occurrence of decompression sickness at high altitude the occurrence of hypoxia with increasing altitude hyperventilation with increasing altitude

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