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One of the most dangerous symptoms of hypoxia concerning flight safety is ?

Exam > pilot

exemple reponse 217

Which of the following symptoms can indicate hypoxia 1 Blue lips and finger nails 2 Euphoria 3 Flatulence 4 Unconsciousness ?

exemple reponse 218
Which of following symptoms can indicate hypoxia 1 blue lips and finger nails 2 euphoria 3 flatulence 4 unconsciousness

You are crossing the Alps in a non pressurised aircraft at an altitude of 15 000 feet You do not use the oxygen mask because you feel fine This is unsafe because ?

exemple reponse 219
You are crossing alps in a non pressurised aircraft at an altitude of 15 000 feet you do not use oxygen mask because you feel fine this unsafe because Your judgement could be impaired.

  • exemple reponse 220
    During a night flight at 10 000 feet you notice that your visual acuity has decreased in this case you can increase your acuity Breathing extra oxygen through oxygen mask.

  • exemple reponse 221
    During flight all crew members have one or more of following symptoms 1 blue lips2 mental disturbances3 tingling sensations in arms and/or legs4 reduction of peripheral visionwhich the possible cause Breathing extra oxygen through oxygen mask.

  • exemple reponse 222
    Which measure s will help to compensate hypoxia 1 descend below 10 000 ft 2 breathe 100% oxygen 3 climb to or above 10 000 ft 4 reduce physical activities Breathing extra oxygen through oxygen mask.

  • exemple reponse 223
    Oxygen combined with haemoglobin in blood transported Breathing extra oxygen through oxygen mask.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 8

    Haemoglobin Breathing extra oxygen through oxygen mask.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 9

    The following course of action should be taken if gastrointestinal complaints in flight crew occur before to take off 1 take standard medicines and advise doctor on returning from flight2 assess your own ability to fly if necessary with help of a doctor3 if in doubt about fitness to fly do not fly 4 reduce cabin temperature and drink before you are thirsty so as to avoid dehydration Breathing extra oxygen through oxygen mask.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 10

    Which of following systems are involved in motion sickness 1 hearing2 the vestibular system3 vision 4 the proprioceptive senses 'seat of pants sense'5 the gastrointestinal system Breathing extra oxygen through oxygen mask. motion sickness an inexpedient seemingly meaningless reaction to a balance system stimulation the currently most widely accepted theory of aetiology of motion sickness has been suggested reason semantically it contradictory that motion sickness under certain circumstances can be caused the absence of motion if a person has been adapted to a motion environment (like a ship) returns to a normal non moving environment he may become sick (mal débarquement) an experienced pilot flying a simulator easily feels sick due to lack of the customary vestibular stimuli in simulator may feel embarrassed when he realises that a much less experienced pilot not habituated to intimate correlation between certain visual inertial stimuli of flying does not experience any simulator sickness symptoms at all motion sickness symptomatology can be described as an avalanche of symptoms developing at various speeds culminating in nausea vomiting the important initial symptoms are drowsiness (the first to yawn the first to throw up) headache then hyper salivation bodily warmth cold sweat paleness various degrees of mental depression or apathy develop this is accompanied the development of an awareness of stomach into epigastrial discomfort retching at same time a feeling of nausea (located to throat) develops culminating in vomiting followed a return to an earlier step of symptomatology very often just to realise that a new development of symptoms on its way.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 11

    In absence of external reference points sensation that vehicle in which you sitting moving when it in fact vehicle directly alongside which moving called Illusion of relative movement. motion sickness an inexpedient seemingly meaningless reaction to a balance system stimulation the currently most widely accepted theory of aetiology of motion sickness has been suggested reason semantically it contradictory that motion sickness under certain circumstances can be caused the absence of motion if a person has been adapted to a motion environment (like a ship) returns to a normal non moving environment he may become sick (mal débarquement) an experienced pilot flying a simulator easily feels sick due to lack of the customary vestibular stimuli in simulator may feel embarrassed when he realises that a much less experienced pilot not habituated to intimate correlation between certain visual inertial stimuli of flying does not experience any simulator sickness symptoms at all motion sickness symptomatology can be described as an avalanche of symptoms developing at various speeds culminating in nausea vomiting the important initial symptoms are drowsiness (the first to yawn the first to throw up) headache then hyper salivation bodily warmth cold sweat paleness various degrees of mental depression or apathy develop this is accompanied the development of an awareness of stomach into epigastrial discomfort retching at same time a feeling of nausea (located to throat) develops culminating in vomiting followed a return to an earlier step of symptomatology very often just to realise that a new development of symptoms on its way.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 12

    Which of following illusions are brought about conflicts between visual system and vestibular system 1 illusions concerning attitude of aircraft2 autokinetic illusion fixed point viewed as moving 3 illusions when estimating size and distance of objects4 illusions of rotation Illusion of relative movement. conflicts between visual system the vestibular system can occur when there visual stimulation in absence of vestibular stimulation there a delay between vestibular sensations of motion corresponding movements of a visual scene motions of a visual scene are distorted compared with motions of head.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 13

    The vestibular system composed of 1 two ventricles2 a saccule3 a utricle4 three semicircular channels Illusion of relative movement. conflicts between visual system the vestibular system can occur when there visual stimulation in absence of vestibular stimulation there a delay between vestibular sensations of motion corresponding movements of a visual scene motions of a visual scene are distorted compared with motions of head.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 14

    Which of following statement s is/are correct 1 the retina has rods on its peripheral zone and cones on its central zone2 the retina has cones and crystalline lens has rods3 the rods allow night vision4 the cones are located on peripheral zone of retina Illusion of relative movement. img /com_en/com040 388a jpg img /com_en/com040 388b jpg the numbers of rods cones vary over surface of retina the percentage of cones not equal but as follows blue (4%) green (32%) red (64%) in addition cones are differentially distributed in retina the center of retina has a dense concentration of cones but no rods while periphery has many rods but few cones cones are active at high light levels allow us to see color fine detail directly in front of us the rods allow night vision.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 15

    In order to perceive colour vision it necessary 1 there to be a sufficient amount of light ambient luminosity 2 at night to look at point to be observed at an angle of 15° 3 to allow eye a period of time to get used to light 4 to avoid white light Illusion of relative movement. img /com_en/com040 388a jpg img /com_en/com040 388b jpg the numbers of rods cones vary over surface of retina the percentage of cones not equal but as follows blue (4%) green (32%) red (64%) in addition cones are differentially distributed in retina the center of retina has a dense concentration of cones but no rods while periphery has many rods but few cones cones are active at high light levels allow us to see color fine detail directly in front of us the rods allow night vision.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 16

    The retina allows colour perception as a result of Cones located in its central part. img /com_en/com040 388a jpg img /com_en/com040 388b jpg the numbers of rods cones vary over surface of retina the percentage of cones not equal but as follows blue (4%) green (32%) red (64%) in addition cones are differentially distributed in retina the center of retina has a dense concentration of cones but no rods while periphery has many rods but few cones cones are active at high light levels allow us to see color fine detail directly in front of us the rods allow night vision.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 17

    Accommodation which enables a clear image to be obtained accomplished which of following The crystalline lens. img /com_en/com040 388a jpg img /com_en/com040 388b jpg the numbers of rods cones vary over surface of retina the percentage of cones not equal but as follows blue (4%) green (32%) red (64%) in addition cones are differentially distributed in retina the center of retina has a dense concentration of cones but no rods while periphery has many rods but few cones cones are active at high light levels allow us to see color fine detail directly in front of us the rods allow night vision.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 18

    In civil air transport linear accelerations gx 1 do not exist2 have slight physiological consequences3 may in case of pull out lead to loss of consciousness4 may cause sensory illusions on pitch axis The crystalline lens. Please download faa publication concerning acceleration in aviation  PDF 040_acceleration.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 19

    Which of following mechanisms regulate body temperature when exposed to extreme high environmental temperatures 1 shivering2 vaso constriction of peripheral blood vessels3 sweating4 vaso dilation of peripheral blood vessels The crystalline lens. sweating vaso dilation are reactions to high temperatures shivering vaso constriction are reactions to low temperatures.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 20

    The following can be observed when internal body temperature falls below 35°c Shivering will tend to cease be followed the onset of apathy. sweating vaso dilation are reactions to high temperatures shivering vaso constriction are reactions to low temperatures.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 21

    We can observe following in relation to a state of hypothermia Reasoning problems as soon as body temperature falls below 37°c. ocense95 37ºc considered to be a high body temperature 36ºc a normal temperature so i think there must be an error on temperature the body adapts to heat better than it does to cold our cooling mechanisms are more effective the body can tolerate higher temperatures the human body temperature must be maintained between 35°c 38°c but 'norma temperature 37°c when internal body temperature falls there can be a number of adverse reactions including a loss of reasoning logic note that other answers are simply not true you can only select one of four answers offered this is without a doubt best answer.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 22

    With regard to decompression sickness associated with flight we know that Age obesity scuba diving are risk factors. ocense95 37ºc considered to be a high body temperature 36ºc a normal temperature so i think there must be an error on temperature the body adapts to heat better than it does to cold our cooling mechanisms are more effective the body can tolerate higher temperatures the human body temperature must be maintained between 35°c 38°c but 'norma temperature 37°c when internal body temperature falls there can be a number of adverse reactions including a loss of reasoning logic note that other answers are simply not true you can only select one of four answers offered this is without a doubt best answer.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 23

    The procedure to be followed in event of decompression when flying above 10000 ft must Allow the rapid supply of oxygen in order to prevent hypoxia. ocense95 37ºc considered to be a high body temperature 36ºc a normal temperature so i think there must be an error on temperature the body adapts to heat better than it does to cold our cooling mechanisms are more effective the body can tolerate higher temperatures the human body temperature must be maintained between 35°c 38°c but 'norma temperature 37°c when internal body temperature falls there can be a number of adverse reactions including a loss of reasoning logic note that other answers are simply not true you can only select one of four answers offered this is without a doubt best answer.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 24

    What the 'time of useful consciousnes a rapid decompression at 25 000 ft Between 3 5 minutes depending on physical activities of subjected pilot. Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 25

    The time of useful consciousness may vary according to 1 physical activity of subjected crew2 experience of pilot on type of aircraft in question3 strength and time of decompression4 time of day Between 3 5 minutes depending on physical activities of subjected pilot. Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 26

    What the main problem caused positive +gz accelerations A pooling of blood in lower portions of body hence less blood available. Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 27

    Which of following statements are correct 1 hypothermia affects physical and mental abilities 2 man has effective natural protection against intense cold 3 shivering makes it possible to combat cold to a certain extent but uses up a lot of energy4 disorders associated with hypothermia appear at a body temperature of less than 35°c A pooling of blood in lower portions of body hence less blood available. Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 28

    Rods scotopic visual cells allow Good night vision after adaptation to darkness (3 min). Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 29

    Of following alternatives which effects are due to positive acceleration + gz 1 decrease in heart rate2 pooling of blood into lower parts of body3 drop in blood pressure above heart level4 downward displacement or deformation of soft or mobile organs Good night vision after adaptation to darkness (3 min). Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 30

    To optimise one's night vision performance it necessary 1 to spend some time getting adapted to low levels of illumination 2 to increase instrument panel lighting reducing cockpit lighting 3 not to focus on point to be observed 4 to avoid blinding sources of light Good night vision after adaptation to darkness (3 min). Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 31

    Visual perception of depth at close to medium distance primarily due to Good night vision after adaptation to darkness (3 min). Img /com_en/com070 169 jpg .

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 32

    What could be symptoms of hypoxia when flying without oxygen above 12000 ft Headache fatigue dizziness lack of coordination. in compensatory zone between 10000 ft to 15000 ft physiological automatic responses provide some protection against hypoxia trying to maintain homeostasis these include increases in respiratory volume increase in cardiac output blood pressure however after a short time effects of hypoxia are perceptible causing headache fatigue dizziness lack of coordination.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 33

    Autokinetic illusion An illusion in which a stationary point of light if stared at several seconds in dark may (without a frame of reference) appear to move. in compensatory zone between 10000 ft to 15000 ft physiological automatic responses provide some protection against hypoxia trying to maintain homeostasis these include increases in respiratory volume increase in cardiac output blood pressure however after a short time effects of hypoxia are perceptible causing headache fatigue dizziness lack of coordination.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 34

    Which of following statements are correct 1 scuba diving may be practiced without restriction2 many medicines have effects which are incompatible with flight safety3 an adequate amount of fluid should be drunk when flying4 alcohol has no effect on inner ear An illusion in which a stationary point of light if stared at several seconds in dark may (without a frame of reference) appear to move. there are recommended restrictions of time before flying depending on what altitude you are flying statements 2 3 are correct statements 1 4 are incorrect.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 35

    The atmospheric pressure at 18000 feet altitude half atmospheric pressure at sea level in accordance with this statement The partial oxygen pressure at that altitude will also drop to /2 of pressure of oxygen at sea level. there are recommended restrictions of time before flying depending on what altitude you are flying statements 2 3 are correct statements 1 4 are incorrect.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 36

    You climb from 0 to 50000 feet and measure decrease of pressure per 5000 feet the absolute difference in barometric pressure greatest between The partial oxygen pressure at that altitude will also drop to /2 of pressure of oxygen at sea level. there are recommended restrictions of time before flying depending on what altitude you are flying statements 2 3 are correct statements 1 4 are incorrect.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 37

    The volume percentage of oxygen in atmosphere at 30 000 feet remains at 21% but partial pressure of oxygen Decreases with decreasing barometric pressure. there are recommended restrictions of time before flying depending on what altitude you are flying statements 2 3 are correct statements 1 4 are incorrect.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 38

    Air at an altitude of 18000 feet contains approximately Decreases with decreasing barometric pressure. there are recommended restrictions of time before flying depending on what altitude you are flying statements 2 3 are correct statements 1 4 are incorrect.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 39

    Dry air a mixture of gases their volume percentage about 2 % oxygen 78% nitrogen % other gases. there are recommended restrictions of time before flying depending on what altitude you are flying statements 2 3 are correct statements 1 4 are incorrect.

  • Question Basics of Flight Physiology 106 Answer 40

    Boyle's law directly applicable in case of The expansion of trapped gasses in human body with increasing altitude. there are recommended restrictions of time before flying depending on what altitude you are flying statements 2 3 are correct statements 1 4 are incorrect.

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