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Exam > pilot : The part s of the eye responsible for night vision ?

Question 105-1 : Are the rods are the cones are rods and cones is the cornea

exemple 205 are the rods.are the rods.

The fovea ?

Question 105-2 : Is an area in which cones predominate is sensitive to very low intensities of light is an area in which rods predominate is the area responsible for night vision

exemple 209 is an area in which cones predominate.is an area in which cones predominate.

When the optical image forms in front of the retina this results in ?

Question 105-3 : Myopia hypermetropia presbyopia astigmatism

exemple 213 myopia.myopia.

Noise induced hearing loss is influenced by ?

Question 105-4 : The duration and intensity of a noise the duration of a noise but not its intensity the suddenness of onset of a noise the intensity of the noise but not its duration

exemple 217 the duration and intensity of a noise.the duration and intensity of a noise.

In order to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease exercise should ?

Question 105-5 : Double the resting heart rate for at least 20 minutes three times a week double the resting heart rate for at least an hour five times a week triple the resting heart rate for 20 minutes once a week be avoided since raising the heart rate shortens the life of the heart

exemple 221 double the resting heart rate for at least 20 minutes, three times a week.double the resting heart rate for at least 20 minutes, three times a week.

The physiological rhythms of a pilot in a new time zone will resynchronise to ?

Question 105-6 : 1 1 5 hours a day 2 2 5 hours a day 3 3 5 hours a day 4 4 5 hours a day

.it takes about a day to shift one time zone .the internal circadian clock adapts slowly to abrupt changes of time cues the rate of adaptation has been reported to follow a number of models rates of one hour per day without countermeasures or quicker adaptation during the first days have all been quoted however since the adaptation is highly dependent on the individual to the direction of flight to the number of time zones crossed to exposure to environmental cues any simplistic formula is inappropriate .the direction of the time zone change is particularly important in general adaptation after eastbound travel is much slower than after westbound flight .example during summer after a flight from london to kuala lumpur malaysia the time change is 7h it will take 7 to 10 days to acclimate to the new time zone exemple 225 1 - 1.5 hours a day.1 - 1.5 hours a day.

The duration of a period of sleep is governed primarily by ?

Question 105-7 : The point within your circadian rhythm at which you try to sleep the duration of your previous sleep the amount of time you have been awake the number of points you have in your 'credit/deficit' system

.the timing of adult sleep is governed by circadian rhythms physiological changes that follow a 24 hour cycle many of these changes are influenced by your exposure to light.when you expose yourself to sunlight each morning you help maintain your internal clock even if you are sleep deprived morning light exposure helps ensure that you will be more alert during the day than you are at night as the day wears on and darkness falls your body begins to produce less cortisol a hormone that keeps you alert and more melatonin the hormone of drowsiness when you expose yourself to bright artificial lighting in the evening particularly to lights that include the blue part of the spectrum you delay these changes and may find it harder to fall asleep exemple 229 the point within your circadian rhythm at which you try to sleep.the point within your circadian rhythm at which you try to sleep.

Hyperventilation is due to an excessive rate of breathing and can produce the ?

Question 105-8 : Dizziness tingling sensation in the fingers and toes nausea and blurred vision reduced heart rate and increase in visual acuity a state of overconfidence and reduced heart rate blue finger nails and lips

exemple 233 dizziness, tingling sensation in the fingers and toes, nausea and blurred vision.dizziness, tingling sensation in the fingers and toes, nausea and blurred vision.

In order to get rid of excess nitrogen following scuba diving subsequent ?

Question 105-9 : 24 hours 3 hours after non decompression diving 36 hours after any scuba diving 48 hours after a continuous ascent in the water has been made

exemple 237 24 hours.24 hours.

During flight in imc instrument meteorological conditions the most reliable ?

Question 105-10 : Visual sense interpreting the attitude indicator 'seat of the pants sense' vestibular sense visual sense by looking outside

The chemical substance responsible for addiction to tobacco is ?

Question 105-11 : Nicotine carbon monoxide tar the combination of nicotine tar and carbon monoxide

exemple 245 nicotine.nicotine.

It is inadvisable to fly when suffering from a cold the reason for this is ?

Question 105-12 : The tissue around the nasal end of the eustachian tube is likely to be swollen thus causing difficulty in equalising the pressure within the middle ear and the nasal/throat area pain and damage to the eardrum can result particularly during fast descents although the change in air pressure during a climb at lower altitudes is very small it increases rapidly at high altitudes if the tissue in the eustachian tube of the ear is swollen gentle descents at high altitude would result in damage to the ear drum swollen tissue in the inner ear will increase the rate of metabolic production resulting in hyperventilation because it will seriously affect peripheral vision

Incapacitation is most dangerous when it is ?

Question 105-13 : Insidious intense obvious sudden

.insidious incapacitation is considered to be the most dangerous form of incapacitation as it 'sneaks up on you' if you had an explosive decompression the onset of hypoxia and accompanying incapacitation would be very obvious and therefore hopefully something would be done about it .however if there was a slow decompression it is possible that things could go unnoticed with a resulting insidious onset of hypoxia/incapacitation and no action would be taken exemple 253 insidious.insidious.

Concerning circadian rhythm disruption jet lag adjustment to destination time ?

Question 105-14 : 2 4 1 4 2 3 1 3

exemple 257 2, 4.2, 4.

What seems to be the main role of orthodox sleep ?

Question 105-15 : It essentially allows for physical recovery it includes physical and mental recuperation associate with fatigue its main role is associated with activities of memory activities and restoration of attention capabilities via physical recovery it is characterised by an alternation of dream phases and paradoxical phases

.non rapid eye movement or 'nrem' is also called orthosleep or orthodoxsleep or slow wave sleep it is characterized by a slow alpha rhythm and the absence of rem it is involved in physical recovery .whereas rem sleep is called the paradoxical sleep mixture of alpha and beta rhythms which is involved in mental recuperation exemple 261 it essentially allows for physical recovery.it essentially allows for physical recovery.

What are the main effects of a lack of sleep on performance ?

Question 105-16 : It increases fatigue reduces concentration and increases the risk of sensory illusions it increases fatigue and concentration difficulties but facilitates stress management by muscular relaxation it causes muscular spasms it reduces concentration and fatigue only with sleep loss greater than 48 hours

exemple 265 it increases fatigue, reduces concentration and increases the risk of sensory illusions.it increases fatigue, reduces concentration and increases the risk of sensory illusions.

What is the effect of tiredness on attention ?

Question 105-17 : It reduces the ability to manage multiple matters it increases the ability to manage multiple matters it leads to one's attention being shared between different centres of interest it has no specific effects on attention

exemple 269 it reduces the ability to manage multiple matters.it reduces the ability to manage multiple matters.

Which of the following statements are correct .1 modern aircraft allow for 50 ?

Question 105-18 : 2 3 1 4 2 3 4 1 2 4

exemple 273 2, 3.2, 3.

With regard to central vision which of the following statements are correct .1 ?

Question 105-19 : 2 4 1 2 4 2 3 4 1 3

.options '1' and '3' are non runners as rods aren't in the central vision area cones are poor at night so choose the answer without them there's only one exemple 277 2, 4.2, 4.

What is the procedure above 10000 ft altitude when faced with explosive ?

Question 105-20 : Don an oxygen mask and descend to below 10000 ft first inform atc descend to below 10000 ft and signal an emergency check the cabin altitude don an oxygen mask and maintain level flight

exemple 281 don an oxygen mask and descend to below 10000 ft.don an oxygen mask and descend to below 10000 ft.

What is the approximate time of useful consciousness for a seated pilot ?

Question 105-21 : 45 seconds 12 seconds 5 minutes 3 seconds

/com en/com070 169 jpg. exemple 285 45 seconds.45 seconds.

Which is the procedure to be followed when symptoms of decompression sickness ?

Question 105-22 : Descend to the lowest possible level and land as soon as possible descend to the lowest possible level and wait for the symptoms to disappear before climbing again only medical treatment is of use only the prompt supply of oxygen is necessary

exemple 289 descend to the lowest possible level and land as soon as possible.descend to the lowest possible level and land as soon as possible.

What is decompression sickness ?

Question 105-23 : A condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in bodily tissues and fluids after a cabin pressure loss at high altitude a frequent disorder in commercial aviation due to the pressurisation curve of modern aircraft a disorder which is solely encountered below 18000 ft the formation of air bubbles in bodily tissues with no consequences for people's capabilities

exemple 293 a condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in bodily tissues and fluids after a cabin pressure loss at high altitude.a condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in bodily tissues and fluids after a cabin pressure loss at high altitude.

Noise induced hearing loss nihl is caused by ?

Question 105-24 : Damage to the sensitive membrane in the cochlea due to overexposure to noise a blocked eustachian tube pressure differences on both sides of the eardrum reduced mobility of the ossicles

exemple 297 damage to the sensitive membrane in the cochlea due to overexposure to noise.damage to the sensitive membrane in the cochlea due to overexposure to noise.

Excessive exposure to noise can damage ?

Question 105-25 : The sensitive membrane in the cochlea the semi circular canals the ossicles the eardrum

exemple 301 the sensitive membrane in the cochlea.the sensitive membrane in the cochlea.

The inner ear is able to perceive .1 angular acceleration .2 linear ?

Question 105-26 : 1 and 2 and 3 are correct 2 and 3 are correct 1 is false 1 and 2 are correct 3 is false 2 is correct 1 and 3 are both false

. /com en/com040 324 jpg.the inner ear can be thought of as two organs the semicircular canals which serve as the body's balance organ the inner ear is able to detect acceleration deceleration posture and rotation and the cochlea which serves as the body's microphone converting sound pressure impulses from the outer ear into electrical impulses which are passed on to the brain via the auditory nerve exemple 305 1 and 2 and 3 are correct.1 and 2 and 3 are correct.

Visual disturbances can be caused by .1 hyperventilation.2 hypoxia.3 ?

Question 105-27 : 1 2 and 4 are correct 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct

.symptoms of hyperventilation blurred tunnelling and clouding vision .hypoxic hypoxia symptoms vision is affected early colour perception is reduced and peripheral vision is gradually lost the light sensitive cells of the eye are particularly oxygen 'hungry' and a deterioration of night vision can occur at altitudes as low as 5000 ft tunnel vision develops making it necessary to make larger head movements to scan the instruments and the external environment .fatigue symptoms diminished vision reduced scan exemple 309 1, 2 and 4 are correct.1, 2 and 4 are correct.

Disorientation is more likely to occur when the pilot is .1 flying in imc.2 ?

Question 105-28 : 1 2 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 3 and 4 are correct

.visual references help to rectify disorientation exemple 313 1, 2 and 4 are correct.1, 2 and 4 are correct.

Positive linear acceleration when flying in imc instrument meteorological ?

Question 105-29 : Pitching up pitching down apparent sideward movement of objects in the field of vision vertigo

exemple 317 pitching up.pitching up.

Linear acceleration when flying straight and level in imc instrumental ?

Question 105-30 : Climbing descending yawing spinning

exemple 321 climbing.climbing.

Which of the following are the most favourable solutions to manage phases of ?

Question 105-31 : 1 4 1 2 1 3 3 4

exemple 325 1, 4.1, 4.

During gas exchange the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveoli is ?

Question 105-32 : Lower than in the blood the same as in the atmospheric air higher than the pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood lower than the pressure of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric air

exemple 329 lower than in the blood.lower than in the blood.

The rate and depth of breathing is primarily regulated by the concentration of ?

Question 105-33 : Carbon dioxide in the blood nitrogen in the air water vapour in the alveoli oxygen in the cells

exemple 333 carbon dioxide in the blood.carbon dioxide in the blood.

A pressurized cabin helps to prevent .1 decompression sickness .2 the problem ?

Question 105-34 : 1 2 and 3 are correct 1 2 and 4 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 3 and 4 are correct

exemple 337 1, 2 and 3 are correct.1, 2 and 3 are correct.

Healthy people are usually capable of compensating for a lack of oxygen up to ?

Question 105-35 : 10 000 12 000 feet 15 000 feet 20 000 feet 25 000 feet

exemple 341 10 000 - 12 000 feet.10 000 - 12 000 feet.

When flying above 10000 feet hypoxia arises because ?

Question 105-36 : The partial oxygen pressure is lower than at sea level the composition of the blood changes the composition of the air is different from sea level the percentage of oxygen is lower than at sea level

.we are about 75% water therefore the air in our lungs is always fully saturated with water vapour this means the air in our lungs is different to the air outside because it contains a much higher proportion of water vapour this water vapour exerts a partial pressure too and this competes with the other gases in our lungs the partial pressure exerted by water vapour in our lungs is 47 mmhg it is always 47 mmhg at any altitude whatever you are breathing in because it is always fully saturated with water vapour.. .the partial pressure of oxygen in our lungs at sea level is 103 mmhg 150 mmhg from the atmosphere but take away the constant 47 mmhg from the water vapour and this leaves 103 mmhg so in our lungs.. . sea level partial pressure of oxygen is about 103 mmhg. at 10000 ft this pressure drops to 55 mmhg but this is enough for normal fit people to get by on. above 10000 ft the oxygen concentration breathed in has to be increased to maintain the oxygen partial pressure at 103 mmhg ie more oxygen is added to the air mix in the mask. at 33700 ft breathing 100% oxygen still provides a partial pressure of 103 mmhg just like being at sea level as far as our bodies are concerned. between 33700 ft and 40000 ft the partial pressure of oxygen in your lungs decreases to 55 mmhg so although you are now breathing 100% oxygen through a mask the pressure this oxygen exerts in your lungs is only 55 mmhg a normal fit person is still ok as he is at the equivalent altitude of about 10000 ft but people with heart or lungs problems may start to feel the strain and many do. above 40000 ft even the 100% oxygen in your mask cannot provide enough pressure to push the molecules into the blood stream you need positive pressure added to your 100% oxygen to force it across the lung wall.. .we are ok up to 10000 ft because haemoglobin has cleverly adapted its behaviour with respect to the absorption and release of oxygen it is still able to gobble up oxygen from the lungs and almost fully saturate the blood even at the lower partial pressures experienced at 10000 ft this allows humans to live at these altitudes above 10000 ft though the haemoglobin struggles to absorb sufficient oxygen humans living above these altitudes peru etc have other adaptations but note there are almost no humans who live above about 12000 ft exemple 345 the partial oxygen pressure is lower than at sea level.the partial oxygen pressure is lower than at sea level.

Saturation of oxygen in the blood at sea level is approximately 98% this ?

Question 105-37 : 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 is false 1 2 and 4 are correct 3 is false 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 is false 1 3 and 4 are correct 2 is false

exemple 349 1, 2 and 3 are correct, 4 is false.1, 2 and 3 are correct, 4 is false.

The severity of hypoxia depends on the .1 rate of decompression.2 physical ?

Question 105-38 : 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 is false 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 is false 1 and 3 are correct 2 and 4 are false

exemple 353 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.

Which of the following statements concerning hypoxia is correct ?

Question 105-39 : It is a potential threat to safety it is never a problem at altitudes below 25 000 ft it activates the senses and makes them function better it has little effect on the body because the body can always compensate for it

exemple 357 it is a potential threat to safety.it is a potential threat to safety.

Early symptoms of hypoxia could be .1 euphoria.2 decreased rate and depth of ?

Question 105-40 : 1 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 2 and 3 are correct 1 2 and 4 are correct

.the symptoms of hypoxia include fatigue visual disturbances lack of concentration euphoria exemple 361 1, 3 and 4 are correct.1, 3 and 4 are correct.


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