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Exam > pilot : The proprioceptive senses seat of the pants sense are important for motor ?

Question 103-1 : Are completely unreliable for orientation when flying in imc instrument meteorological conditions indicate the difference between gravity and g forces allow the pilot to determine the absolute vertical at flight condition are important senses for flight training in imc instrument meteorological conditions

exemple 203 are completely unreliable for orientation when flying in imc (instrument meteorological conditions).are completely unreliable for orientation when flying in imc (instrument meteorological conditions).

Sensory input to the 'seat of the pants' sense is given by ?

Question 103-2 : Subcutaneous pressure receptors and muscle activity sensors blood rushing into legs acceleration of the stomach nausea pressure of the heart on the diaphragm

exemple 207 subcutaneous pressure receptors and muscle activity sensors.subcutaneous pressure receptors and muscle activity sensors.

Flying from frankfurt to moscow you will have a lay over of 4 days what time ?

Question 103-3 : Lt local time mez middle european time zt zonal time utc universal time coordinated

.resynchronization of circadian rhythm occurs at a speed of approximately 1 5 hours a day after westward flights and approximately 1 hour a day after eastward flights irrespective of whether their travel occurs during daytime or night .it's an eastward flight and local time at moscow is frankfurt time +3h exemple 211 lt (local time).lt (local time).

Orientation in flight is accomplished by .1 e .2 utriculus and sacculus.3 ?

Question 103-4 : 1 2 3 and 4 are correct only 1 and 4 are correct 2 3 and 4 are correct 1 is false 2 3 and 4 are false only 1 is correct

exemple 215 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.

What should a pilot do to optimise his/her night vision scotopic vision ?

Question 103-5 : Not smoke before start and during flight and avoid flash blindness avoid food containing high amounts of vitamin a wait at least 60 minutes to night adapt before he takes off select meals with high contents of vitamin b and c

exemple 219 not smoke before start and during flight and avoid flash-blindness.not smoke before start and during flight and avoid flash-blindness.

During poor weather conditions a pilot should fly with reference to instruments ?

Question 103-6 : Perception of distance and speed is difficult in an environment of low contrast his attention will be distracted automatically under these conditions the danger of a 'greying out' will make it impossible to determine the height above the terrain pressure differences can cause the altimeter to give wrong information

exemple 223 perception of distance and speed is difficult in an environment of low contrast.perception of distance and speed is difficult in an environment of low contrast.

The 'seat of the pants sense' ?

Question 103-7 : Can give false inputs to body orientation when visual reference is lost is a natural human instinct which will always indicate the correct body position in space can be used if trained to avoid disorientation in space can be used as a reference for determining attitude when operating in visual and instrument meteorological conditions

exemple 227 can give false inputs to body orientation when visual reference is lost.can give false inputs to body orientation when visual reference is lost.

Illuminated anti collision lights in imc ?

Question 103-8 : Can cause disorientation can cause colour illusions will improve the pilots depth perception will effect the pilots binocular vision

exemple 231 can cause disorientation.can cause disorientation.

A shining light is fading out i e when flying into fog dust or haze what kind ?

Question 103-9 : The source of light moves away from him the source of light stands still the source of light is approaching him with increasing speed the light source will make the pilot believe that he is climbing

exemple 235 the source of light moves away from him.the source of light moves away from him.

Autokinesis is ?

Question 103-10 : The apparent movement of a static single light when stared at for a relatively long period of time in the dark the phenomenon of spinning lights after the abuse of alcohol the change in diameter of the pupil when looking in the dark the automatic adjustment of the crystalline lens to objects situated at different distances

exemple 239 the apparent movement of a static single light when stared at for a relatively long period of time in the dark.the apparent movement of a static single light when stared at for a relatively long period of time in the dark.

A pilot is used to land on small and narrow runways only approaching a larger ?

Question 103-11 : An early or high 'round out' a steeper than normal approach dropping low a flatter than normal approach with the risk of 'ducking under' the risk to land short of the overrun

. /com en/com040 114 jpg.the width of the runway may cause incorrect height judgements on the final approach .a pilot accustomed to landing on small and narrow runways may when approaching a larger and wider runway judge he is too low and therefore can lead to an early or high 'round out'. /com en/com040 74 jpg.

Generally the time required for dark adaptation is ?

Question 103-12 : 30 min 10 sec 1/10 sec 10 min

exemple 247 30 min.30 min.

Which problem may occur when flying in an environment of low contrast fog snow ?

Question 103-13 : Difficult to estimate the correct speed and size of approaching objects unlikely that visual illusions occur impossible to detect objects no problem to estimate the correct speed and size of approaching objects

exemple 251 difficult to estimate the correct speed and size of approaching objects.difficult to estimate the correct speed and size of approaching objects.

Which of the following symptoms can mark the onset of hyperventilation ?

Question 103-14 : Dizzy feeling slow heart beat slow rate of breathing cyanosis blueing of lips and finger nails

exemple 255 dizzy feeling.dizzy feeling.

Out of the list of possible measures to counteract hyperventilation the most ?

Question 103-15 : Breathe into a plastic or paper bag hold breath avoid strenuous flight manoeuvres speak soothingly and get the person to breathe slowly

exemple 259 breathe into a plastic or paper bag.breathe into a plastic or paper bag.

What event can cause a hyperventilation not required by physical need .1 ?

Question 103-16 : 1 2 3 and 4 are correct 5 is false only 2 and 3 are correct 1 2 3 4 and 5 are correct 1 and 5 are both false

.the things that cause hyperventilation can be categorised loosely into. environment.. thoughts and emotions.. physical illness pain or some other type of physical stress..jogging is often described as the light version of running jogging will raise your heart rate make you breathe harder but will not lead to hyperventilation as the previous causes do exemple 263 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct, 5 is false.1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct, 5 is false.

Which of the following could a pilot experience when he is hyperventilating .1 ?

Question 103-17 : 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 is false 1 2 and 4 are correct 3 is false 1 is false all others are correct 2 and 4 are false

exemple 267 1,2 and 3 are correct, 4 is false.1,2 and 3 are correct, 4 is false.

What could cause hyperventilation ?

Question 103-18 : Fear anxiety and distress abuse of alcohol extreme low rate of breathing fatigue

exemple 271 fear, anxiety and distress.fear, anxiety and distress.

A pilot who is hyperventilating for a prolonged period of time may even become ?

Question 103-19 : The pilot is emotionally aroused there is a low co pressure in the blood he/she is flying a tight turn there is an increased blood flow to the brain

.one of the main causes of hyperventilation is anxiety which is brought on by stress exemple 275 the pilot is emotionally aroused.the pilot is emotionally aroused.

Breathing pure oxygen without pressure will be sufficient up to an altitude of ?

Question 103-20 : 40000 ft 45000 ft 60000 ft 80000 ft

exemple 279 40000 ft.40000 ft.

The 'effective performance time' or 'time of useful consciousness' after a ?

Question 103-21 : Between 30 and 60 seconds approximately 3 minutes approximately 5 minutes less than 20 seconds

/com en/com070 169 jpg. exemple 283 between 30 and 60 seconds.between 30 and 60 seconds.

The time between inadequate oxygen supply and incapacitation is called tuc time ?

Question 103-22 : Varies individually and depends on cabin pressure altitude is the same amount of time for every person is not dependent on physical or psychological pressure varies individually and does not depend on altitude

exemple 287 varies individually and depends on cabin pressure altitude.varies individually and depends on cabin pressure altitude.

After a decompression to 43 000 ft the tuc time of useful consciousness will be ?

Question 103-23 : 5 15 seconds 30 45 seconds 45 60 seconds 60 90 seconds

/com en/com070 169 jpg. exemple 291 5-15 seconds.5-15 seconds.

Pain in the joints 'bends' is a symptom of ?

Question 103-24 : Decompression sickness barotrauma air sickness hypoxia

exemple 295 decompression sickness.decompression sickness.

Decompression sickness symptoms may develop due to ?

Question 103-25 : Cabin pressure loss when flying at higher altitudes above 18000 ft sudden pressure surges in the cabin at altitudes below 18000 ft emergency descents without cabin pressure loss fast flights from a high pressure zone into a low pressure area when flying an unpressurised aeroplane

exemple 299 cabin pressure loss when flying at higher altitudes (above 18000 ft).cabin pressure loss when flying at higher altitudes (above 18000 ft).

Disruptions of pressure equalization in air filled cavities of the head nose ?

Question 103-26 : Barotrauma embolism hypoxia hyperventilation

exemple 303 barotrauma.barotrauma.

Barotrauma caused by gas accumulation in the stomach and intestines can lead to ?

Question 103-27 : Pressure pain or flatulence barotitis decompression sickness barosinusitis

exemple 307 pressure pain or flatulence.pressure pain or flatulence.

What counter measure can be used against barotrauma of the middle ear ?

Question 103-28 : Close the mouth pinch the nose tight and blow out thereby increasing the pressure in the mouth and throat at the same time try to swallow or move lower jaw increase rate of descent stop climbing start descent pilots should apply anti cold remedies prior every flight to prevent barotrauma in the middle ear

exemple 311 close the mouth, pinch the nose tight and blow out thereby increasing the pressure in the mouth and throat. at the same time try to swallow or move lower jaw.close the mouth, pinch the nose tight and blow out thereby increasing the pressure in the mouth and throat. at the same time try to swallow or move lower jaw.

Trapped intestinal gases can cause severe pain when is this the case ?

Question 103-29 : More frequent when flying above 18000 ft in a non pressurized aircraft at lower altitudes only in pressurized aircraft when flying at higher flight levels during descent as well as during climb when the cabin pressure altitude is exceeding 2000 ft

exemple 315 more frequent when flying above 18000 ft in a non-pressurized aircraft.more frequent when flying above 18000 ft in a non-pressurized aircraft.

Barotrauma of the middle ear most likely will occur ?

Question 103-30 : When descending rapidly during a long high altitude flight when climbing in sudden steep turns

exemple 319 when descending rapidly.when descending rapidly.

Barotrauma of the middle ear is usually accompanied by ?

Question 103-31 : A reduction in hearing ability and the feeling of increasing pressure dizziness noises in the ear pain in the joints

exemple 323 a reduction in hearing ability and the feeling of increasing pressure.a reduction in hearing ability and the feeling of increasing pressure.

The risk of barotrauma of the middle ear is more likely to occur ?

Question 103-32 : With colds and rapid descents with colds and fast climbs with colds and slow ascents when subjected to the somatogravic effect

exemple 327 with colds and rapid descents.with colds and rapid descents.

The seat of the pants sense involves receptors in the ?

Question 103-33 : Muscles tendons and joints sensitive to the position and movement of body parts semicircular canals utriculus and sacculus skin only

exemple 331 muscles, tendons and joints sensitive to the position and movement of body parts.muscles, tendons and joints sensitive to the position and movement of body parts.

Equalization of pressure is limited between the middle ear and the ambient when ?

Question 103-34 : The eustachian tube is blocked the nose is pinched you breath through the mouth barotrauma exists in the sinuses

exemple 335 the eustachian tube is blocked.the eustachian tube is blocked.

A barotrauma of the middle ear is ?

Question 103-35 : An acute or chronic trauma to the middle ear caused by a difference of pressure on either side of the eardrum a bacterial infection of the middle ear a dilatation of the eustachian tube an infection of the middle ear caused by rapid decompression

exemple 339 an acute or chronic trauma to the middle ear caused by a difference of pressure on either side of the eardrum.an acute or chronic trauma to the middle ear caused by a difference of pressure on either side of the eardrum.

A pilot approaching an upsloping runway ?

Question 103-36 : May feel that he is higher than actual this illusion may cause him to land short is performing a steeper than normal approach landing long establishes a higher than normal approach speed establishes a slower than normal approach speed with the risk of stalling out

. /com en/com040 74 jpg. exemple 343 may feel that he is higher than actual. this illusion may cause him to land short.may feel that he is higher than actual. this illusion may cause him to land short.

What illusion may occur if an aircraft is flying into fog snow or haze ?

Question 103-37 : Objects seem to be farther away than in reality objects will appear closer than they really are objects will appear bigger in size than in reality objects seem to move slower than in reality

exemple 347 objects seem to be farther away than in reality.objects seem to be farther away than in reality.

Adaptation is ?

Question 103-38 : The adjustment of the e to high or low levels of illumination the change of the diameter of the pupil the reflection of the light at the cornea the adjustment of the crystalline lens to focus light on the retina

exemple 351 the adjustment of the eyes to high or low levels of illumination.the adjustment of the eyes to high or low levels of illumination.

The requirement of good sunglasses is to ?

Question 103-39 : Absorb enough visible light to eliminate glare without decreasing visual acuity fit to the pilots individual taste eliminate distortion in aircraft windshields increase the time for dark adaptation

exemple 355 absorb enough visible light to eliminate glare without decreasing visual acuity.absorb enough visible light to eliminate glare without decreasing visual acuity.

Scanning at night should be performed by ?

Question 103-40 : Slight eye movements to the side of the object scanning with one eye open concentrated fixation on an object image must fall on the fovea avoiding food containing vitamin a

exemple 359 slight eye movements to the side of the object.slight eye movements to the side of the object.


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