Exam > pilot : Define the term 'performance class 2' ?
Question 101-1 : Performance class 2 operations are those operations such that in the event of critical power unit failure performance is available to enable the helicopter to safely continue the flight except when the failure occurs early during the take off manoeuvre or late in the landing manoeuvre in which cases a forced landing may be required performance class 2 operations are those with performance such that in the event of failure of the critical power unit the helicopter is able to land within the rejected take off distance available or safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area depending on when the failure occurs performance class 2 helicopters means multi engine helicopters based on a critical engine failure concept which assures performance capability for continued safe flight in the event of an engine failure performance class 2 operations are those operations such that in the event of a power unit failure at any time during the flight a forced landing may be required in a multi engine helicopter but will be required in a single engine helicopter

In class 2 performance with one engine failed and the others operating a ?
Question 101-2 : 150 ft/min at 1000 ft above the destination and the alternate heliports 150 ft/min at 1000 ft above the destination heliport 150 ft/min at 200 ft above the destination heliport 150 ft/min at 200 ft above the destination and the alternate heliports

Performance class 2 helicopters shall have a maximum approved seating ?
Question 101-3 : 19 or less but more than 9 19 or more 29 or more more than 19

In class 1 performance with one engine failed and the others operating a ?
Question 101-4 : 150 ft/min at 1000ft and 100 ft/min at 200 ft above the destination and the alternate heliports 150 ft/min at 1000 ft above the destination and the alternate heliports 100 ft/min at 200 ft above the destination and the alternate heliports 150 ft/min at 1000 ft and 100 ft/min at 200ft above the destination heliport

Define the term 'performance class 1' ?
Question 101-5 : Performance class 1 operations are those with performance such that in the event of failure of the critical power unit the helicopter is able to land within the rejected take off distance available or safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area depending on when the failure occurs performance class 1 operations are those operations such that in the event of critical power unit failure performance is available to enable the helicopter to safely continue the flight except when the failure occurs early during the take off manoeuvre or late in the landing manoeuvre in which cases a forced landing may be required performance class 1 operations are those operations such that in the event of a power unit failure at any time during the flight a forced landing may be required in a multi engine helicopter but will be required in a single engine helicopter performance class 1 helicopters means multi engine helicopters based on a critical engine failure concept which assures performance capability for continued safe flight in the event of an engine failure

A helicopter of performance class 1 must achieve on take off a rate of climb of ?
Question 101-6 : 100 ft/min at 200 ft 150 ft/min at 60 m 1000 ft/min at 1000 ft 100 ft/min at 300 m

As a cause of accidents the human factor ?
Question 101-7 : Is cited in approximately 70 80 % of aviation accidents has increased considerably since 1980 the percentage of accident in which this factor has been involved has more than tripled since this date which is cited in current statistics applies to the flight crew and atc only plays a negligible role in commercial aviation accidents it is much more important in general aviation

Analysis of accidents involving the human factor in aviation shows that ?
Question 101-8 : There is hardly ever a single cause responsible only front line operators are involved failure of the human factor is always connected with technical breakdowns only pilot training will make it possible to improve the situation

To avoid wrong decisions by the pilot an aircraft system should at least be ?
Question 101-9 : Report its malfunction report the deviation correct the deviation tolerate the deviation

When can a system be said to be tolerant to error when ?
Question 101-10 : The consequences of an error will not seriously jeopardise safety its safety system is too permeable to error its safety system has taken account of all statistically probable errors latent errors do not entail serious consequences for safety

Why must flight safety considerations consider the human error mechanism.1 it ?
Question 101-11 : 2 and 3 1 and 4 2 and 4 3 and 4
The trend in aeroplane hull loss rate over the last three decades seems to be ?
Question 101-12 : The crew the manufacturer the number of engines the year of manufacture

One negative aspect of the highly automated cockpit results in ?
Question 101-13 : Complacency among the crewmembers pilots disregarding the automatic equipment constantly high crew overload with regard to the monitoring tasks less experienced crews because of more transparent system details
Between which components with reference to the shell concept covers pilot ?
Question 101-14 : Liveware hardware liveware software liveware environment liveware liveware

The errors resulting from an illogical indexing system in an operations manual ?
Question 101-15 : Liveware software liveware hardware liveware environment liveware liveware

Organisational factors which affect or may have some influence on human error ?
Question 101-16 : 2 and 3 1 and 4 1 and 2 3 and 4

The causes of human error can be abundant and complex which of the following ?
Question 101-17 : 1 2 3 and 4 1 2 and 3 2 and 3 2 3 and 4

The errors of a motor programme are ?
Question 101-18 : Action slip and environmental capture habituation habituation and error of commission action slip and confirmation bias confirmation error and error of commission

With reference to the shell model s represents ?
Question 101-19 : Software which includes check lists security which includes safety self awareness which includes safety symbology which includes safety

Who in the aviation industry is responsible for flight safety ?
Question 101-20 : Everyone involved aircrew aircrew and groundcrew management aircrew groundcrew and atc

Ergonomics are associated with ?
Question 101-21 : The human/workplace interface cognition communications information processing

Which of the following human error rates can be described and pretty good ?
Question 101-22 : 1 in 1000 times 1 in 100 times 1 in 10000 times 1 in 100000 times

Which of the following concepts relating to human reliability is true ?
Question 101-23 : If equipment is designed in such a way that it can be operated wrongly then sooner or later it will be response to a particular stressful influence does not vary from one person to another expectation has no influence on perception performance is totally independent of motivation

What is the current approach to human error ?
Question 101-24 : Realisation that humans are fallible and that systems and procedures should be designed to minimise human error realisation that humans are infallible and that systems and procedures should be brought into line to prevent system/procedural errors realisation that humans are infallible and that systems/procedures should be designed to minimise human error realisation that humans are fallible and that systems and procedures should be brought into line to prevent system latent and procedural errors

Human error rates during the performance of a simple and repetitive task can ?
Question 101-25 : 1 in 100 1 in 500 1 in 1000 1 in 2000

If one error is allowed to effect a whole system the system is described as ?
Question 101-26 : Vulnerable error prone error tolerant corrupted

In 1972 a psychologist named edwards presented a concept of the interface ?
Question 101-27 : The shell concept software hardware environment and liveware the shell concept software hardware economy and liveware the shell concept software harmony environment and location the shell concept software hardware environment and location

What are the main advantages of the human over the machine ?
Question 101-28 : Creativity innovation and aptitude to deal with novel situations ability to recognize system failures and rectify them quicker than a machine ability to recognize limits on systems being exceeded quicker than a machine and resolve the situation logic and the use of human senses

What role should automation play with respect to flight safety ?
Question 101-29 : Automation should be used as an aid to the pilot and not as an end in itself automation should be used as much as possible to replace the pilot who will inevitably make mistakes automation should be used where pilots have to make decisions and manual flying should be compulsory in good weather conditions automation should only be used on flights when weather conditions are poor to enhance flight safety

The most significant item of technical equipment introduced in the 1980s and ?
Question 101-30 : Gpws ssr tcas dme

Which of the following list are factors necessary for the promotion of good ?
Question 101-31 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 3 5 1 4

In an organisation where good safety culture is predominant the accountability ?
Question 101-32 : Management board person individual shareholder

Civil aviation is generally recognized for being ?
Question 101-33 : An open culture activity a closed culture activity both an open and closed culture a culture neither open nor closed

Fill in the missing words in the following statements .safety culture is of ?
Question 101-34 : A sub set not a sub set independent not a product

Without visual reference what illusion could the pilot get when he is stopping ?
Question 101-35 : Spinning into the opposite direction climbing and turning into the original direction of the spin spinning into the same direction straight and level flight

A pilot accelerating or decelerating in level flight may get ?
Question 101-36 : The illusion of climbing or descending the feeling of rotation the illusion to turn the impression of stationary objects moving to the right or left

Which of the following symptoms may a pilot experience when subjected to ?
Question 101-37 : 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 and 5 only are correct 1 2 3 and 4 are correct only 5 is incorrect

The consumption of medicines or other substances may have consequences on ?
Question 101-38 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4

Vitamin a and possibly vitamins b and c are chemical factors and essential to ?
Question 101-39 : 1 and 3 are correct 2 and 4 are false 1 2 3 and 4 are correct only 4 is false 1 and 3 are false 2 and 4 are correct

Breathing 100% oxygen at 40000 ft is equivalent to breathing ambient air at ?
Question 101-40 : 10 000 ft 8 000 ft 14 000 ft 18 000 ft

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