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Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect 1 In structural design FAIL SAFE implies the structure will never fail 2 In structural design SAFE LIFE implies ? Balancesheet > OACI

exemple question 138
I incorrect ii incorrect. In a 'fail safe' construction components were designed in a way that loads are shared among adjacent components if one component fails adjacent components take up load a limited period of time enough to allow detection at next periodic inspection the philosophy of 'fail safe' to anticipate a possible failure with a minimum of harm in a 'safe life' construction components are given a time period and/or number of cycles (x landings x engine starts) must be removed from service when appropriate criteria are met the 'safe life' design technique employed in critical systems which are either very difficult to repair or may cause severe damage to life property statement ii incorrect because you can not guarantee that a part will definitely not (will never ) fail within its calculated number of cycles or its period.

Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect 1 The damage tolerance principle takes cracking of the structure into account 2 The safe life principle is ?

exemple question 139
Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect 1 the damage tolerance principle takes cracking of structure into account 2 the safe life principle based on replacement of parts after a given number of cycles or flight hours I correct ii correct. Damage tolerant components will not have a specfied life continued operation based on frequent inspections takes cracking of structure into account in a 'safe life' construction components are given a time period and/or number of cycles (x landings x engine starts) must be removed from service when appropriate criteria are met.

Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect 1 The DAMAGE TOLERANCE principle assumes cracks in the structure will never occur 2 The SAFE LIFE principle is ?

exemple question 140
Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect 1 the damage tolerance principle assumes cracks in structure will never occur 2 the safe life principle based on replacement of parts after a given number of cycles or time period I incorrect ii correct. Damage tolerant components will not have a specfied life continued operation based on frequent inspections takes cracking of structure into account in a 'safe life' construction components are given a time period and/or number of cycles (x landings x engine starts) must be removed from service when appropriate criteria are met.

exemple question 141
Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect 1 in structural design fail safe implies structure will never fail 2 a safe life structure based on a declared time period or number of cycles I incorrect ii correct. In a 'fail safe' construction components were designed in a way that loads are shared among adjacent components if one component fails adjacent components take up load a limited period of time enough to allow detection at next periodic inspection the philosophy of 'fail safe' to anticipate a possible failure with a minimum of harm in a 'safe life' construction components are given a time period and/or number of cycles (x landings x engine starts) must be removed from service when appropriate criteria are met the 'safe life' design technique employed in critical systems which are either very difficult to repair or may cause severe damage to life property statement i incorrect because you can not guarantee that a part will definitely not (will never ) fail.

exemple question 142
According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a minor failure on occupants of an aeroplane excluding flight crew could be I incorrect ii correct. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

exemple question 143
According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a major failure on occupants of an aeroplane excluding flight crew could be Physical distress possibly including injuries. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

exemple question 144
According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a catastrophic failure on aeroplane could be Physical distress possibly including injuries. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

According jar/cs 25 allowable quantitative average failure probability per flight hour a hazardous failure should be on order of ^ means to power of Between ^ 7 ^ 9 (extremely remote). certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a minor failure on flight crew could be A slight increase in workload. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a major failure on flight crew could be Physical discomfort or a significant increase in workload. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a minor failure on aeroplane could be Slight reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a catastrophic failure on flight crew could be Fatalities or incapacitation. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

The principle of damage tolerance in structural design of an aircraft based on Capability to withstand a certain amount of weakening of structure without catastrophic failure. Damage tolerant components will not have a specified life continued operation based on frequent inspections takes cracking of structure into account.

The principle of 'on condition maintenance' based on Monitoring of critical parameters the replacement of parts if a limit value exceeded. On condition maintenance a preventative process in which an item monitored either continuously or at specified periods the item's performance compared to an appropriate standard in order to determine if it can continue in service.

The principle of 'fail safe' design of an aircraft based on Redundancy of structure or equipment. In a 'fail safe' construction components were designed in a way that loads are shared among adjacent components if one component fails adjacent components take up load a limited period of time enough to allow detection at next periodic inspection the philosophy of 'fail safe' to anticipate a possible failure with a minimum of harm.

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a catastrophic failure on occupants of an aeroplane excluding flight crew could be Redundancy of structure or equipment. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

A safe life aircraft structural component May be used during a declared number of cycles or flight hours. In a 'safe life' construction components are given a time period and/or number of cycles (x landings x engine starts) must be removed from service when appropriate criteria are met the 'safe life' design technique employed in critical systems which are either very difficult to repair or may cause severe damage to life property.

Whilst stationary on ground in a hangar most important loads on a cantilever wing are Tension in upper surface compression in lower surface. Howarthson stationary on ground wings are drooping under gravity stretching top skin compressing bottom skin in flight lift pulling wings up stretching bottom compressing top.

In straight and level flight most important loads on a cantilever wing are Compression in upper surface tension in lower surface. The most important loads on a cantilever wing (in flight) are compression in upper surface tension in lower surface on ground it's opposite.

Define term 'fatigue' If a material continually loaded unloaded it will eventually break even though load remains same. The life of an airframe limited fatigue caused the load cycles imposed during takeoff landing pressurisation this life has been calculated over years using different design philosophies these being 'safe life' 'fail safe' 'damage tolerant'.

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