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Annex 13 The geographical limits if any within which the specifications given in Annex 13 apply ? Quiz > LAPL

exemple question 137
Wherever they occurred. icao annex 13 aircraft accident incident investigation 2 1 unless otherwise stated specifications in this annex apply to activities following accidents incidents wherever they occurred it means anywhere in world including in territory of a non contracting state in an area of undetermined sovereignty or on high seas.

Annex 13 When the location of an accident or a serious incident cannot definitely be established as being in the territory of any State who initially shall institute and conduct any necessary ?

exemple question 138
Annex 13 when location of an accident or a serious incident cannot definitely be established as being in territory of any state who initially shall institute and conduct any necessary investigation The state of registry. icao annex 13 aircraft accident incident investigation accidents or incidents outside the territory of any state state of registry 5 3 when location of accident or serious incident cannot definitely be established as being in territory of any state state of registry shall institute conduct any necessary investigation of accident or serious incident however it may delegate whole or any part of investigation to another state mutual arrangement consent 5 3 1 states nearest scene of an accident in international waters shall provide such assistance as they are able shall likewise respond to requests the state of registry 5 3 2 recommendation if state of registry a non contracting state which does not intend to conduct an investigation in accordance with annex 13 state of operator or failing that state of design or state of manufacture should endeavour to institute conduct an investigation however such a state may delegate whole or any part of investigation to another state mutual arrangement consent.

A French registered aircraft piloted by a Dutchman citizen with a German FCL license is crashed in Spain The State in charge of the investigation will be ?

exemple question 139
A french registered aircraft piloted a dutchman citizen with a german fcl license crashed in spain the state in charge of investigation will be The state of registry. icao annex 13 aircraft accident incident investigation accidents or incidents in the territory of a non contracting state state of registry 5 2 recommendation when accident or serious incident has occurred in territory of a non contracting state which does not intend to conduct an investigation in accordance with this annex state of registry or failing that state of operator state of design or state of manufacture should endeavour to institute conduct an investigation in cooperation with state of occurrence but failing such cooperation should itself conduct an investigation with such information as available.

exemple question 140
The wing of an aircraft in flight powered engines located under wing subjected to a bending moment which causes its leading edge from wing root to wing tip to operate in Compression then tension. icao annex 13 aircraft accident incident investigation accidents or incidents in the territory of a non contracting state state of registry 5 2 recommendation when accident or serious incident has occurred in territory of a non contracting state which does not intend to conduct an investigation in accordance with this annex state of registry or failing that state of operator state of design or state of manufacture should endeavour to institute conduct an investigation in cooperation with state of occurrence but failing such cooperation should itself conduct an investigation with such information as available.

exemple question 141
Among different types of aircraft structures shell structures efficiently transmit 1 normal bending stresses2 tangent bending stresses3 torsional moment4 shear stressesthe combination regrouping all correct statements Compression then tension. Shell structure another name monocoque construction the monocoque design uses stressed skin to support almost all imposed loads this structure can be very strong but cannot tolerate dents or deformation of surface this characteristic easily demonstrated a thin aluminum beverage can you can exert considerable force to ends of can without causing any damage however if side of can dented only slightly can will collapse easily the true monocoque construction mainly consists of skin formers bulkheads the formers bulkheads provide shape the fuselage since no bracing members are present skin must be strong enough to keep fuselage rigid thus a significant problem involved in monocoque construction maintaining enough strength while keeping weight within allowable limits due to limitations of monocoque design a semi monocoque structure used on many of today's aircraft.

exemple question 142
On a non stressed skin type wing wing structure elements which take up vertical bending moments mx are Compression then tension. In a fixed wing aircraft spar often main structural member of wing multiple spars on a commercial aeroplane spar+stringers on a light aircraft the spars are able to carry upward (resulting from wing lift force that supports fuselage in flight) downward (whilst stationary on ground due to weight of structure fuel carried in wings wing mounted engines if used) bending moments.

exemple question 143
With regard to an aircraft structure 'fail safe' one In which load carried other components if a part of structure fails. In a 'fail safe' construction components were designed in a way that loads are shared among adjacent components if one component fails adjacent components take up load a limited period of time enough to allow detection at next periodic inspection the philosophy of 'fail safe' to anticipate a possible failure with a minimum of harm.

For fail safe designed structural components 1 there more than one load carrying component 2 one load carrying component sufficient provided it strong enough3 component removed at end of calculated life time or number of cycles4 design based on principle of redundancy of componentsthe combination that regroups all of correct statements In which load carried other components if a part of structure fails. in a 'fail safe' construction components were designed in a way that loads are shared among adjacent components if one component fails adjacent components take up load a limited period of time enough to allow detection at next periodic inspection the philosophy of 'fail safe' to anticipate a possible failure with a minimum of harm jbriol two identical questions two different answers! 1/4 or 2/3 which one do u consider valide! 1/4 please read questions carefully this one talking about fail safe other one talking about safe life.

Loads on cylindrical part of fuselage during pressurisation are carried the In which load carried other components if a part of structure fails. in a 'fail safe' construction components were designed in a way that loads are shared among adjacent components if one component fails adjacent components take up load a limited period of time enough to allow detection at next periodic inspection the philosophy of 'fail safe' to anticipate a possible failure with a minimum of harm jbriol two identical questions two different answers! 1/4 or 2/3 which one do u consider valide! 1/4 please read questions carefully this one talking about fail safe other one talking about safe life.

The bending loads on a cantilever wing due to lift are carried the 1 upper skin surface 2 lower skin surface 3 wing root fairing 4 spar or spars the combination that regroups all of correct statements In which load carried other components if a part of structure fails. A good example a cantilever wing airplane the cessna 177 whilst stationary on ground in a hangar most important loads on a cantilever wing are tension in upper surface compression in lower surface (stationary on ground wings are drooping under gravity stretching top skin compressing bottom skin) in flight lift pulling wings up stretching bottom compressing top the wing structure elements which take up vertical bending moments mx are spars.

Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect i in structural design fail safe implies redundant load paths ii a safe life structure based on a declared number of cycles or time period I correct ii correct. in a 'fail safe' construction components were designed in a way that loads are shared among adjacent components if one component fails adjacent components take up load a limited period of time enough to allow detection at next periodic inspection the philosophy of 'fail safe' to anticipate a possible failure with a minimum of harm in a 'safe life' construction components are given a time period and/or number of cycles (x landings x engine starts) must be removed from service when appropriate criteria are met the 'safe life' design technique employed in critical systems which are either very difficult to repair or may cause severe damage to life property.

Which of these statements about sandwich structural parts are correct or incorrect i a sandwich structural part consists of two thin sheets enclosing a light core material ii a sandwich structural part not suitable absorbing concentrated loads I correct ii correct. A sandwich structural part composed of two thin sheets a light core material the mechanical properties of a sandwich structural part are not suitable bending the honeycomb structure will break or undergo a permanent deformation .

Which of these statements concerning a sandwich structural part are correct or incorrect i the main function of core material to stabilise covering sheets ii a sandwich structural part unsuitable absorbing concentrated loads I correct ii correct. A sandwich structural part composed of two thin sheets a light core material the mechanical properties of a sandwich structural part are not suitable bending the honeycomb structure will break or undergo a permanent deformation .

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a hazardous failure on occupants of an aeroplane excluding flight crew could be Serious or fatal injury to a small number of passengers or cabin crew. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

For safe life designed structural components 1 there more than one load carrying component 2 one load carrying component sufficient a given load provided it strong enough 3 component removed at end of calculated life time or number of cycles 4 design based on principle of redundancy of components the combination that regroups all of correct statements Serious or fatal injury to a small number of passengers or cabin crew. the safe life principle based on replacement of parts after a given number of cycles or time period in structural design safe life implies structure will shouldn't fail during a declared time period or number of cycles the safe life design technique employed in critical systems which are either very difficult to repair or may cause severe damage to life property safe life structures are employed when cost or infeasibility of inspections outweighs weight penalty development costs associated with safe life structures an example of a safe life component the helicopter rotor blade due to extremely large numbers of cycles endured the rotating component an undetectable crack may grow to a critical length in a single flight before aircraft lands result in a catastrophic failure that regular maintenance could not have prevented.

According jar/cs 25 allowable average failure probability per flight hour probability a major failure should be on order of ^ means to power of Between ^ 5 ^ 7 (remote). certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

According jar/cs 25 allowable average failure probability per flight hour a 'minor' failure should be on order of means to power of Between ^ 3 ^ 5 (probable). certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

According jar/cs 25 allowable quantitative average failure probability per flight hour a catastrophic failure should be on order of ^ means to power of Less than ^ 9 (extremely improbable). certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6 .

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a hazardous failure on flight crew could be Physical distress or excessive workload impairs ability to perform tasks. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6 .

According jar/cs 25 worst effect of a hazardous failure on aeroplane could be Large reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins. certification specifications large aeroplanes cs 25 (book 2 acceptable means of compliance) click here (see table on last page)  PDF 021_CS25_Amendment_6.

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